World Links Curriculum and Technology Integration E-Learning Project Lessons



 Traditional medicine in Ghana has been positively practiced for curative, preventive and negatively for vengeful or mischievous purposes. It is called  “traditional” because unlike Western medicinal science, its methods have been characterized by practices of “trial science” and rituals, which have been handed down in certain families from generation to generation. In Ghana, traditional medicine accept that we become physically ill when any part of the body, be   it the head, nose, finger becomes hurt or its state of being disrupted. 
Diagnosis for the application of traditional medicine acknowledges psychic illness that is when a person’s psychological balance is disturbed. Our traditional medical system accepts that spiritual illness can result in injuries to parts or the whole of our physical body. It acknowledges the existence of forces no seen but which can have impact on us.
This aspect of diagnosis and therapy in traditional medicine present perhaps the greatest challenge to most medical science and practitioners in this country. 
This project therefore seeks to focus on sensitizing students on the need to familiar with traditional medicine, its diagnosis, practices and rituals associated with its therapy.
This project again seeks to create awareness among the citizens especially students on the necessarily to study aspects of traditional medicine and the need to determine its obnoxious rituals or otherwise in tradition medicine.
 The topic will be a newsletter written by students.
 Art students will contribute to short essay and model body parts in plaster to be used by resource persons to teach practitioners of traditional medicine. Just as skeletons and human models are used by orthodox science for studies. 
 The lesson will therefore focus on empirical use of traditional medicine in our societies in Ghana instead of the ”trial science” method.

Subject and Grade level: SSS1-3

Lesson Goals

  • For students to use the Internet to acquire more knowledge about art and traditional medicine.
  • For students to present their knowledge on art and traditional medicine in power point form.
  • For students to use CD-Rom to acquire more information on traditional medicine and orthodox medicine.
  • For students to analyze the socio-cultural implications of these traditional Medical issues on national health delivery.
Content Objectives
  • Students will be sensitized on how important medicine is to life.
  • Students will be able to learn about the vengeful and mischievous purposes and effects of “trial science” on man’s health and body.
  • Students will become more conscious of the misuses of art objects and traditional medicine.
  • Students will be able to learn empirical ways of analyzing traditional medicine.
  • Students will be better equipped to deal with problems associated with art and traditional medicine.
  • Performance Objectives
  • Students will present their short essays on traditional medicine to power point form.



    Technology Objectives

      •  Students will be able to find relevant information from the web on alternative and traditional medicine.
      • Students will be able to interpret information on the web.
      • Students will be able to use power point to present their acquired ideas on art and traditional medicine.
      • Students will be able to use CD-Rom to find information on how traditional or alternative medicine is also practiced in other parts of Africa and Europe.
      • To illustrate data on pie chart using graphics.
    Instructional Activities (teacher component) 
    • Teachers will give lessons to students on the positive and negative aspects of traditional medicine.
    • Students will take lesson in jotters; type in MS word and save their work on diskettes.
    • Teachers will demonstrate to students how to use CD-Rom for information.
    • Teachers will assist students to use search engines to find more information on websites on art and traditional medicine.
    • Teachers will help students on how to use power point to present work by the use of a computer and a projector.

    Learning Activities (student component) 

    •  Students will use websites to find information on the topic.
    • Students will practice their typing skills and knowledge of word by typing and saving information in word and copy onto diskettes.
    • Students will also learn how to use power point to make presentation.

    Instructional Strategies

    •  Teachers will instruct the class on the importance of medicine and health and therefore the need to conserve water especially in the home.
    • Teacher will give clear instructions to students on how to use search engines to find information on the Internet.
    • Teacher will demonstrate the use of CD-Rom to find information to students.
    • Teachers will give concise instructions to students on how to use power point for their presentations. The teacher will do this using the computer and the projector.
    • Students will then be given the chance to practice all that the teacher has taught in class while the teacher supervises them

    Project Assessment

    • Students will be asked to present their assignment to the class by using power point presentation.
    • The teacher will provide suggestions for students.
    • Students will be assessed by their own classmates (peers). The students with the help of the teacher will have developed criteria and tools for assessment (rubics) both teachers and students can use to assess their work.
    • The students will be assessed through oral questions, quizzes, class assignments and project work. Students will be asked to submit a written report from their undertakings. This will help students apply their knowledge to issues and develop solutions to problems.

    Project Materials and Handouts
    1. Power Point 
    2. MS Word
    3. Project
    4. Computer
    5. Printer
    6. CD Rom
    7. Search Engines

    Lesson Resources
     1. Microsoft Power Point
    2. Microsoft Word
    3. Websites-Goggle, Yahoo
    4. World links Curriculum and Technology Integration (Activity Task)
    5. CD Rom 

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    Last Updated: 7TH JUNE,2003
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