World Links Curriculum and Technology Integration E-Learning Project Lessons

ENGLISH Grammar used in the Sign Post writing around Asokwa area - Kumasi

Introduction :
Asokwa area was known to be residential area. But of late, small scale industries have sprung up  all over the place. This has resulted to the erection of sign posts all over the place. This causes inconveniences, for instance, signposts have been erected at wrong places ,blocking road signs and disrupting easy movement of pedestrians .This project will address the following.
1.are these sign posts helping the industries ?
2.are the sign posts correctly done ?
3. what can be done to eradicate the problems they pose

Project goals.
1. science students will find out the type of chemical (paints) used in the writing
2. graphic students will look at the writing.
3. maths students will look at the positions and angles of the posts 
4. English students will look at the grammar and the language used.

Subject :ENGLISH LANGUAGE   Grade level  17  -  18yrs

Project goals.
English students will identify wrong use of grammar and incorrect  spelling of words and  correct them where necessary.

Lesson goals
At the end of the lesson , students should be able to identify 
a. wrong spelling of words and correct them 
b. grammatical errors and correct them where necessary. 
c. use the computer to check grammatical errors and spelling of words. 

Lesson content objectives:
Spelling of words -look out for wrong spellings. 
Grammar -read and check sentence constructions. 
Computer -  use the computer to form correct sentences.

Performance objectives
Students will identify wrong spelling of words .
Students will use MS word to construct good sentences

Technology objectives:
Application of MS word in computing
Application of Excel to calculate percentages.

Instructional activity (teacher component)
Coordinate the formulation of the questionnaire to be used by the students

Learning activity (Student component)
 1. Students are to go round and write some wrongly spelt words on signposts in the area
 2. . Students are to go round and write some wrongly constructed sentences on signposts in the area

Instructional strategies:
In computer room students were put into groups of ten.
Students were asked to discuss and type the data they collected in a report form using MSword . 
Sample of what the students brought: 
Wrongly spelt words
1.  modren photos Modern photos
2.  holesale store Wholesale store
3.  door & window flames Door & window frames
4.  feeling station Filling station
5.  chicken cabinet Kitchen cabinet
Grammatical mistakes
1.  chicken cabinet Kitchen cabinet
2.  open soon Opening soon
3.  wheel barrow for renting Wheel barrow for hiring
4.  door & window flames Door& window frames
5. Angles on guard Angels on guard
6.  Germany house German house
7.  together is one Together as one
8.Come and cut your head here Come and cut your hair here 
9. Chop bar Restaurant


Excel Calculations:
wrong 40%
right 60%

wrong 35%
right 65%
wrong 45%
right 55%
Assessment:  The students were assessed orally to give an insight into what they have learnt from this project. This conclusion was compiled from the answers provided by the students

Conclusion :
At the end of the survey, it was revealed that about forty (40_ percent of the signposts in the Asokwa area had either their spellings wrong or had their sentences constructed wrongly. It is very important to take these things into consideration, because they give impressions of how those who made the signposts are, so also are the owners and industries that owns them. They do not give proper account of the owners and the said industries. 

In short some of the sign posts are not done correctly. Because, some of them are not correctly done, they do not serve or help the industries as much as they ought to be. In as much as some are doing well ,others are just misleading and misrepresented.

These notwithstanding, signposts in the Asokwa area are good and really helping a lot in all areas of advertising. However, the few that are misleading, mis-spelt and are grammatically wrong should be properly done by their owners and industrialists to serve the purpose at which they were done.

To eradicate these, the roadside sign writers should be given some tuition on English grammar, so that they would stop drawing letters and words. Meanwhile industrialists and those who need signposts for which ever reason, are advised to let a learned person write whatever they need for them before giving them to the sign writers.

Lesson Resources - English Language


Ahmed Agyemang
Ghana3 - Studygrp3

Last Updated: 7TH JUNE 2003
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