World Links Curriculum and Technology Integration E-Learning Project Lessons

CHEMICALS (Paints) used in the Sign Post writing around Asokwa area - Kumasi

Introduction :
Asokwa area was known to be residential area. But of late, small scale industries have sprung up  all over the place. This has resorted in the erection of sign posts all over the place. This causes inconveniences, for instant, signposts have been erected at wrong places, blocking road signs and disrupting easy movement of pedestrians.This project will address the following.
1.are these sign post helping the industries ?
2.are the sign posts correctly done ?
3. what can be done to eradicate the problems they posse

Project goals.

1.Science Students will find out the type of chemicals (paints) used in the writing
2.graphic students will look at the writing.
3.math students will look at the positions and angles of the posts 
4.English students will look at the grammer and the language used.

Subject : Science    Grade level   17  -  18yrs

Lesson goals
At the end of the lesson , students should be able to know about 
a. the following chemicals.
1. water base paints  2.oil based paints 3. acrylic paints
b. use the computer to compute data.

Lesson content objectives:
water base paints - uses water for mixing or dissolving the paint 
      oil based paints -  uses organic solvent in dissolving the paint 
     acrylic paints   - uses neither of the above 
 computer -  use the computer to find percentages

Performance objectives
observe and record the type of paint
use excel to find percentages

Technology objectives:
Application of excel in computing

Instructional activity (teacher component)
Coordinate the formulation of the questionnaire to be used by the students

Type of paint used
water base   oil based  acrylic

paint colour background contrast 
white         black   green   red    yellow   others

paint colour foregrounds contrast 
white         black   green   red    yellow   others

are some paints faded ?     yes            no

are some paints scraped off ? yes        no

are some paints washed away? yes      no

are the colours used                        deem                   reflective 

what type of materials are used for making the sign post

wood          clay       metal       cement 

Learning Activity (student component )
Students, after going round the locality with the questionnaire,  go to computer laboratory and use excel to compute their data.

                                                           Frequency              Percentage             Average
Type of paint
water base
oil based
paint colour background contrast
paint colour foregrounds contrast
are some paints faded ? 
are some paints scraped off ?
are some paints washed away?
are the colours used 
what type of materials are used for making the sign post

Instructional strategies:
In computer room students were put into groups of ten and made to discuss their findings.
Mathematics teacher called in, to help student learn to find averages and percentages using Ms Excel.
Students were given some paint colours to identify in the laboratory 

Project Assessment - Science

Type of paint used
water base    0 
oil based    95%
acrylic    5%

paint colour background contrast 
white           66% 
black     24%
green     2.5%
red      2.5%
yellow     2.5%
others    2.5%

paint colour foreground contrast 
white           24%
black     65%
green     2.5%
red      2.5% 
yellow     2.5%
others    3.5%

are some paints faded ? 
yes                69%
no     31%

are some paints scraped off ? 
yes            56%
no     44%

are some paints washed away? 
yes          0.2%
no     90%

are the colours used? 
deem               40%
reflective      56%

what type of materials are used for making the sign post
wood             80%
clay           2.5%
metal           15%
cement      2.5%%

From the observations made by the students, they made the following suggestions in the form of a conclusion:
Most of the artisans use oil base paint which happened to be suitable under the situation .
The background and foreground contrast which is very important in signposting needs attention and improvement.
Most of the paints that had been faded could be attributed to the position (direction) of the post. Some were erected to  face the Sun rays directly and others were almost at right angle to the rays.
Most of the paints that were scraped  away was attributed to their height- either too short to be tempered  by pedestrians or too long, close to an object.
In all, Signposts in the area help the industries to achieve their ultimate goals; with a little alterations, the post can be more beneficial.
A few of the posts were causing nuisance and was due to the crowded posts around these areas.

Materials and handouts -Science

Type of paint used
water base   oil based  acrylic

paint colour background contrast 
white         black   green   red    yellow   others

paint colour foregrounds contrast 
white         black   green   red    yellow   others

are some paints faded ?     yes            no

are some paints scraped off ? yes        no

are some paints washed away? yes      no

are the colours used                          dim                   reflective 

what type of materials are used for making the sign post

wood          clay       metal       cement 

Lesson Resources -Science



Last Updated: 7TH JUNE 2003
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