Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

April 13th
from Homefield Bowling in Yonkers, NY
Match Type
Match Notes
Double X & Firecracker vs. El Golpe Mortal & Roach
Hardcore Tag Team
Mr. Hardcore & Rudland vs. The Solution & The Savior
Tag Team
#1 Contenders Match; 1:12 match;
The Solution Counted Out
The Norseman vs. Jimmy Violence
Singles No DQ
Jimmy Violence makes The Norseman bleed
Bri-2-K vs. Mr. Rabies
Interference: Bobby Idol; Hardware
Aramis of Doom vs. Legacy
Legacy: submits to half crab;
Legacy: 2 ropebreaks
Howdy vs. Greg First
Finishers: Howdy; Greg First; Gluttony


April 13, 2006
In the ring we see Greg First with a microphone. "Tonight I'm going to continue my number one contendership collection and take the interboro title next week before the Free Per View and make it a title vs. title match against Double X, thus humiliating him more when I take his title" Greg says awaiting applause and recieving boos. "I don't need any of you, Howdy, let's do this and get this out of the way." Howdy's music starts and out he comes.

April 13, 2006
Right after the match before Team Havoc's music can even begin Greg First's music plays and out walks Greg onto the stage. "Wow.. Congradulations Matt, you've managed to bring your girlfriend into this and get her hurt" Greg says mock applauding as EMTs run down to the ring with a stretcher trying to assist Firecracker. "If she were MY girlfriend she'd have never been in this situation to begin with, you're not only a joke of a champion but a bad boyfriend too. What's next for the mighty Double X? A sex tape maybe? A gambling scandal? I know that's next, You, losing your championship and if Michelle's smart she'd leave too," Greg said taunting him.

Double X keeping his composure just walks to the back with the EMTs and stretcher ignoring Greg's taunts and get's into the Ambulance with Michelle as it speeds off.

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