
Real Name: Josh Joskow
Date of Birth: Unknown
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Height & Weight: 6'0", 195 lbs
Tag Partner: None
Current Stable: J.C. DiCapra
Current Affiliation:
Current Feuds:
Bobby Idol
Current Allies:
Previous Gimmicks:
Previous Affiliations: None
Theme Music: "War Ensemble" by Slayer
Finishing Move: The Howdy Do (Dark Dragon DDT)
Favorite Saying: Grumble


Wrestler Description

When the G.W.A. reopened its doors this summer and the letters were sent out one such letter ended up in the mailbox of former G.W.A. Star Ragin' Ro who did not intend to reply, never the less rejoining the roster. One day while picking her up for a date, Josh happened to knock the letter off the desk. When he went to pick it up, he could not help but notice the header and, without Rosie knowing decided to "accidentally" read the letter. Amazed at this opportunity Josh slide the letter into his jacket and went on his date. The next day he replied to it, signing his name instead of Rosie’s name. Soon he received an Email telling him when and where to be. Josh arrived at the G.W.A. head office and it is safe to say confused The Management with his presence. Finally, after a few try out matches he convinced the head office to give him a contract.

Scouting Report
Strength:  5.5 Submission:  4
Endurance:  4.5 Technique:  4
Speed:  3
Style: Balanced
Howdy's moveset is quite possibly the most devastating mix in the entire GWA.  It is also required in Howdy's contract that he must perform push-ups in the ring if his match lasts more than three minutes.


Singles: Pins Mr. Rabies (11/30/05)
Tag Team: The Norseman & Howdy Defeat Mr. Hardcore & Rudland (11/24/05)
Singles: Pins Mr. Hardcore (11/17/05)
Singles: Pins Aramis of Doom (11/10/05)
Singles: Pins Legacy (10/31/05)
Fatal 4 Way Elimination: Howdy Defeats Legacy, Bobby Idol, and The Savior (10/27/05)
Singles: Pinned by The Norseman (10/13/05)
Singles Submission: Howdy makes Mr. Rabies submit (9/30/05)
Singles: Pins Mr. Rabies (9/29/05)
Singles: Pins Mr. Rabies (9/22/05)
Singles: Pinned by Mr. Rabies (9/15/05)
Singles: Pins Mr. Rabies (9/6/05)
NYHC Invitational: Loses to Jimmy Violence (8/30/05)
Singles: Pins Aramis of Doom (8/23/05)
Singles: Legacy Makes Howdy Submit (8/16/05)
A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place (11/24/05)
A Tarnished Idol (11/3/05)
You're Getting Too Big for Your Britches (9/30/05)
It Don't Get No Bigger Than Me (9/29/05)
I'm Even More Bigger Than You (9/22/05)
I'm More Bigger Than You (9/15/05)
Bigger Than You (9/6/05)

Title Shots, Stables, Past Feuds, Notes, etc.
Title Reign Interboro Champion: 10/31/05- Present
GWA Streak Six Match WInning Streak: 10/27/05-Present
Past Feud
Feud with Mr. Rabies: 8/30/05-9/30/05
Title Shot
NY Hardcore Title Shot vs. El Golpe Mortal, Rudland, Jimmy Violence, Mr. Rabies, and Homeless John (Loss): 8/31/05
Stable Change
Product of J.C. DiCapra: 8/9/05

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