Ghetto Wrestling Association
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Blue Collar Beatdown

Sucker Punches & Pussies
March 23, 2006

The bell rings and The Oz gets to his feet while official Bob Lang holds Mikey's hand up in victory and Kiki is right by his side. Oz grabs a mic and leans on the table "You wanna sucker punch and bring your girlfriend into this? you pussy! That's it, at the Rumble, you want a shot at he title? you got it, no interferance!" he yells and spits blood out onto the mats. Mikey smiles and gives him the thumbs us before heading to the back with Kiki.

April 6, 2006
A big red pick up truck with girl silloette mudflaps, a rebel flag on the bed covering and a gun rack in the back window pulls up with none other then Mikey Rowboat behind the wheel with Kiki sitting shotgun. As the car pulls to a stop Dixie plays as a horn and then we hear Lynynrd Skynyrd playing before the engine dies down and Mikey & Kiki get out of the car and are greeted by Jen Robinson: Roving Reporter. "Mikey, how do you feel being such a late entry in the Rumble yet losing to a man who hasn't won a match on his own since arriving, in that of Greg First?" Mikey, looking a little nervous as what to say holds up the NYHC title, chuckles and says "It's alright, I got this, I'm not greedy". Jen then looks a little awkward "So then you havent been informed that tonight Greg is facing Kiki with the stipulation that if he wins he gets a shot at you for your title next week?" She says then holds the mic to mike who makes a face and looks at Kiki then Jen and let's out his signature chuckle and says "Let him come, I'll get'r done." and he and Kiki walk to the locker room.

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