Ghetto Wrestling Association
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The Breakup

Greg's First Promo
March 2, 2006
"Ladies and gentlemen... I am the first person you're to see in this season of the G.W.A. and I will be the only person worth seeing this season of the G.W.A." A lanky thin man stands in the ring with baggy pants and a mic in his hand " I am Greg First and everything else comes after and I am issuing an open challenge tonight for my first match" the crowd boos and Greg leans on the ropes and looks towards the ramp "what's the matter? no takers?" he says and music hits and out walks Delilah. "A girl? you send a girl, and a little one at that, to face me? the men in this place must be weak to send her to do their job, I guess no one has any balls in here..." Greg goes on until Delilah get's into the ring and tackles him and the match begins.

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
March 16, 2006
"God dammit Kris, I've told you a million times that I can handle things myself, you didn't need to get involved in my match with Greg!" Danny screamed at Delilah in the locker room, other wrestlers heard this and left to give them privacy. "Stop yelling at me!" Delilah screamed back as her voice cracked "Dammit, Kris, why? why'd you do it?I thought things were better? I thought we were over this?" Danny pleaded with her. "Danny, I don't know why, I.. I wanted to help you. I miss us, I miss when we used to do this together, we used to be more then a couple, we used to be a team." Delilah says looking up at him, holding his hands, tears in her eyes. "Yeah... we used to be more then a couple, now... now I'm not so sure we're even a couple anymore." Danny says and Delilahs face drops. "What? No, Danny, please" Danny lets go of her hands and walks over to his gym bag and wont look back at her. "Tonight, I've asked Mr. Perez to have you banned from ringside. Could you please leave, I have to prepare for my match, I'm sorry." Danny says not looking back at her but with a heavy heart. Delilah starts crying and gets angry then just storms out of the room as Danny puts his face into his hands.

Love... Hurts
March 23, 2006

How could you do this to me? To us?" Danny yells in the locker room after the match ended. "What us Danny? What us? YOU dumped Me last week, remember? I just found someone who appreciated my services as a manager!" Delilah screamed back at him. "I'm sick of this, it has to end, this can't keep happening, I don't want to work against you but I can't work with you. This has to stop Kris." Danny says and Delilah hands him a contract "You want it to stop? here, I'll see you at the Rumble" and she walks out. Danny reads it and then looks up confused "You're challenging me to a match?!" he says and follows after her.

A Friend in Need...
March 23, 2006

"Hey, you ok?" Jimmy Violence says walking past Delilah who's now sitting in the hallways with her head in her hands sniffling. "Yeah, thanks Jimmy, I'm fine." Is all she says. He walks to the buffet table and brings back some tissue to offer her. "Here, in case you need it." He says and walks down the hall then stops and makes a face of concern and walks back. "Hey, if you need anything, you know my number. I'm always around." He says as he rubs her shoulder and she nods and he walks away with a sad smile on his face.

Defying the Odds
April 20, 2006
"I told you I deserved this shot!" a bloody Jimmy Violence exclaimed as he was falling up the rampway to the back grabbing a microphone from Jen Robinson who was about to interview him. He had just knocked Howdy out in a Triple Threat match that included The Norseman.  "Keep it comin' Luis, I can handle whatever you toss at me, the Inter-boro title will be mine!" Jimmy says out of breath now the new number one contender for Howdy's title at the next Free Per View.

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