Ghetto Wrestling Association
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War On the Homeless

A War Against the Homeless
March 2, 2006
"Luis, it's a travesty! A Homeless man as our champion? I for one feel the title is being tarnished and if something isn't done now it might be too late soon and this once prestigious title will mean about as much as a tin can" Corporate Stiff said slamming his fist down on Mr. Perez' desk for effect. "In my hand I have a petition, demanding that Homeless John be stripped of the G.W.A. title before any irreparable damage happens, this could be the downfall of the entire company here Luis!" Stiff continued. Luis just stared and listened to Stiff's rant, then, when he felt he heard enough he finally shot back. "I's not gonna happen James, ratings are up, the fans love John as champion, they feel it shows equality and that even the little guy can have a shot in this company, the younger guys are now reinvigorated and have that fire back in them, I feel that John as a champion shows that anyone on the roster can become the champion." Luis said and Corporate Stiff stopped and stared at him. "Oh my God you're serious!" is all he could say with a shocked look on his face. "Of course you know this means war. I will make it my personal goal to get that title a proper champion!" Stiff exclaimed. Luis just smirked then asked "And how will you do that Mr. I-only-wrestle-at-free-per-views?"

Stiff thought about this then he remembered the petition in his hand, "This is how, You allow me to book a match and the man I put in this match will cripple your champion and then you'll be forced to crown a new one!" Stiff finished content with his words. Luis thought about it then agreed, "Ok, you can book a match, who do you have in mind?" Stiff got an devilish grin on his face and said "Rabies, in a parking lot brawl" Luis mulled this over in his head as well and then said "That's a great Idea, have the champion showcase his talents in the match he's made famous! it'll be like a celebration of Homeless John! I love it!" Stiff then started fuming and stormed out of the room while Luis grabbed the phone and made a call.

The War Rages On
March 9, 2006
"That was fantastic, You know, keep booking matches like that and I might hire you on as a consultant James" Luis says as Corporate Stiff walks through the door into Mr. Perez' office. "Last week when Homeless John took out Rabies was the highest ratings the G.W.A. has ever had! Please, please James, tell me you have something else in mind?" Stiff contained his anger and said "As a matter of fact I do, it has come to my attention that someone in the company has been stepped over and I think he deserves a chance to prove himself" Stiff said and Luis nodded then asked "Who?" Stiff opened the door and in walked Jimmy Violence, the crowd cheered when they saw him. Luis raised an eyebrow and thought to himself, this should be good. Jimmy walked up and shook Stiff's hand then looked at Luis and got angry. "I demand a shot at Homeless John, personally, I could care less who the champion is because it's not ME!" he shouted. "I was the longest reigning Hardcore champion in G.W.A. history and I drop the belt before the break and haven't gotten a chance to move up the ladder since." He continued, Luis stood and said "well if that's all I'll write you up a rematch tonight for the Hardcore title." Jimmy clenched his fist and said in a stern voice "NO! I'm done with that piece of crap! I want something else and if I have to go through Homeless John to get my shot then I'm sorry John but it's me or you and you already got yours." Luis was taken back by this but nodded and looked at Stiff "What do you have in mind?" he asked and Stiff replied "Tonight, we have a match between Homeless John and Jimmy Violence" Luis made a face. "What?" Stiff asked. "There's a problem, John has the night off, I sent him down to D.O.D.'s to relax after last weeks match" Luis finished. "That gives me a better Idea, Tonight, the main event will be a Bar Room Brawl between Jimmy Violence & Homeless John! what do you think?" Stiff asked. Luis thought about it and then he said "It's.. different, I'll give you that and I'm sure I don't have to ask John, he'll wrestle anyone anytime.. Ok, you got it, get ready Jimmy you're in the main event." Luis said and Jimmy Violence shook Corporate Stiff's hand and thanked him and nodded to Mr. Perez and Jimmy & Stiff left the office.

Dawn of the Assassins
March 23, 2006
Corporate Stiff walks into Mr. Perezs' office, petition in hand and demands a moment of Luis' time. "Ok James, what's up this week?" Luis says folding his hands on the desk with a smile on his face always pleased by what Corporate Stiff usually offers him. "Tonight I want that new tag team of Rabies & Idol to take out Homeless John." Stiff says. "Hmm Rabies & Idol, who've started calling themselves The Assassins vs. Homless John & Aramis Of Doom... Ok, I like it, let's try it out" Luis says and Stiff lowers his voice and says "No, I want them against him, no Aramis, just John. He has to get hurt so it's a sure victory for whoever wins tonight's contendership." Luis rubs his chin and then decides "I can't make it a handicapped match but I can make it a Tornado Tag Team match and it'll happen tonight!" Corporate Stiff "Accidently" knocks Luis' cup of coffee into his lap making Luis shreak. Stiff then turns around and walks out of the office.

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