Ghetto Wrestling Association
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The Rise and Fall of Greg First

April 6, 2006
A big red pick up truck with girl silloette mudflaps, a rebel flag on the bed covering and a gun rack in the back window pulls up with none other then Mikey Rowboat behind the wheel with Kiki sitting shotgun. As the car pulls to a stop Dixie plays as a horn and then we hear Lynynrd Skynyrd playing before the engine dies down and Mikey & Kiki get out of the car and are greeted by Jen Robinson: Roving Reporter. "Mikey, how do you feel being such a late entry in the Rumble yet losing to a man who hasn't won a match on his own since arriving, in that of Greg First?" Mikey, looking a little nervous as what to say holds up the NYHC title, chuckles and says "It's alright, I got this, I'm not greedy". Jen then looks a little awkward "So then you havent been informed that tonight Greg is facing Kiki with the stipulation that if he wins he gets a shot at you for your title next week?" She says then holds the mic to mike who makes a face and looks at Kiki then Jen and let's out his signature chuckle and says "Let him come, I'll get'r done." and he and Kiki walk to the locker room.

April 6, 2006
Roach tried to make it back into the ring but caught a Gooch punch and the bell rang. Just then, instead of Firecracker or Double X's music Greg's music played and out he walks onto the stage clapping and whistling. "Congradulations on your cheap DQ win, You wont be so lucky at the Free-Per-View. When I become the next G.W.A. Champion, it's true, I will beat you. I mean come on you lost to a homeless man and then, looking back further... did you ever win a match?" Greg taunts Double X while the crowd boos. Double X gets a mic of his own and asks Greg "Have you?" Greg laughs and says "yeah, I've won" Double X then says "No, Jimmy won, you rode coat tails, just like you're trying to do now, well bad news, it's not gonna happen." Greg get's annoyed a little and keeps pushing it "What's wrong Matt? afraid of what I might do? Or is it you're too afraid to put someone else over?" Double X and Fire Cracker were walking to the back when Greg said this. Double X stopped and looked back at him "you're not worth it, I'll fight you, but I wont like it. I've faced people like you before, you're gonna fall and you're gonna fall hard when you do and I don't want any part of it." Double x says before leaving Greg standing embarassed in front of the crowd who're now mocking and taunting him.

April 13, 2006
In the ring we see Greg First with a microphone. "Tonight I'm going to continue my number one contendership collection and take the interboro title next week before the Free Per View and make it a title vs. title match against Double X, thus humiliating him more when I take his title" Greg says awaiting applause and recieving boos. "I don't need any of you, Howdy, let's do this and get this out of the way." Howdy's music starts and out he comes.

April 13, 2006
Right after the match before Team Havoc's music can even begin Greg First's music plays and out walks Greg onto the stage. "Wow.. Congradulations Matt, you've managed to bring your girlfriend into this and get her hurt" Greg says mock applauding as EMTs run down to the ring with a stretcher trying to assist Firecracker. "If she were MY girlfriend she'd have never been in this situation to begin with, you're not only a joke of a champion but a bad boyfriend too. What's next for the mighty Double X? A sex tape maybe? A gambling scandal? I know that's next, You, losing your championship and if Michelle's smart she'd leave too," Greg said taunting him.

Double X keeping his composure just walks to the back with the EMTs and stretcher ignoring Greg's taunts and get's into the Ambulance with Michelle as it speeds off.

April 20, 2006
"Week after week I come out here and point out your flaws and yet these people boo me and cheer you, and yet Michelle stays by your side! I'm sick of it!" Greg screams into the microphone. "You have it all and I want it! And come the free per view I'm going to take it from you, all of it!" Greg continues breathing heavy into the microphone. Double X stands in the ring with Firecracker celebrating her win over the man who knocked her out a week ago.

Double X just looks up the ramp at Greg and shakes his head and asks Firecracker for a mic. "You know, you're all talk, week after week you come out here and rag on me for all I've worked for yet you have done nothing to prove that you deserve to be where you are. You're jealous, just admit it Greg," Double X says and Greg gets pissed and retorts "Done nothing to deserve where I am?!? Are you insane? Did you not see me win the Rumble?"

Double X sighs and says "Greg, Anyone can win the Rumble, you came in near the end and then tossed Corporate Stiff over the ropes to be where you are. Anyone can toss a man over the ropes who only wrestles at free per views"

Greg fumes and throws the mic down and storms to the back. Double X shrugs and  escorts Firecracker to the back.

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