Vampire Princess Miyu Narratives

Anime Episode Two

Vampire Princess Miyu: Story Dailogue

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Kyuuketsuki Hime Miyu: Part II
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Narrator's Introduction

At one time, gods and demons were as one. They were sealed away in the abyss of distant memory. The hearts of humans who feared the Dark brought this about. For the present, let us call these beings "Shinma" [ Japanese for gods and demons ]. Now they have awakendf from their slumber and gathered in the Dark. On the final night of that gathering, when Shinma and humans met again, a young girls strayed into their midst. This is her story. Her name is... Kyuuketsuki Hime Miyu [ Vampire Princess Miyu ].


[ * A pale, thin girl lays down a strange doll among a pile of others in an old chapel. * ]

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Episode II: Ayatsuri No Utage
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A Banquet of Marionettes

- Oh, how cute!

- Don't you think that Japanese dolls are kinda spooky?

- Huh? Why?

- Folks say the dolls' hair grows out. You know, that sort of thing.

- Oh, come on!


- You are suspended in time, too.


- She ain't here!

- Really? Where could she be?

- What a pain!

- Maybe she's in the club room.

- Yeah, let's go see!

- Yeah!


- Missing...?

- Not again! This is creepy!

- They left her for just a moment, and she disappeared!

- This makes... six boys and girls now, right? I'm kinda scared!

- Hey! She's watching him again!

- Yeah, and she just transferred here!

- Don't worry... There's no way Kei's gonna fall for her!


- You always seem so... bored.

- I've been waiting... for you.

- What about classes?

- What about them?


- There thaey go again!

- Say, who's that girl?

- Oh, she's an upperclassman. I see her and Kei together a lot.

- Hmm...!

- I'm jealous!


- I want to become one with you. Make me like someone from your world, soon.

- Kei... don't be impatient. Do you want me to break my promise?

- Promise?

- To make your beauty last forever...

- You can...? This body, which will rot and decay into muck not many years from now... can you really?

- I told you... I have that power. So don't rush me.


- Can you believe this, Larva? This woman who steals my prey? On top of which, she's a Shinma! I know... Shinma must be banished, right? But I also need the blood of beautiful people.


- Kei?

- Oh, hello, Kayo.

- How are your studies going? Your mother is worried that maybe you need a tutor, or someone to take care of you...


- Kei? Hello?


- Kei! How do you explain these grades? Try being more like your borther and sister!


- You upset Mom again.

- I can't be like you.

- No matter. We already know that we'll go to work at Dad's company.

- The company will do fine with just you there. I just wanna get away from this house.

- You've been spoiled because you're the youngest.


- Where's Mother?

- She's out again today. Do you need something? I'll do it for you...


- Give some thought to your future.


- Kei! Your future is all set! Why are you fighting it?


- In other words, you want me to find someone?

- No, actually... how do I put it... a doll.

- A doll?

- I told you that my daughter disappeared while at summer school... but the next day, I couldn't sit still and visited the school, hoping there might be a clue. A girl from the Art Club said she saw something strange just after my daughter disappeared. She said there was a strange doll lying where my daughter should have been. The police wouldn't take it seriously, nor would anyone else. But I got the feeling that, somehow, that doll was my daughter. The doll disappeared all of a sudden... What do you think? I know this isn't much of a clue. But I'm desperate enough to try even spiritualism.

- Your daughter... might have been turned into a doll, you think?

- Yes.

- Please tell me where the school is!

- Certainly!

- I'm not sure whther this is a job for me, but... A girl changed into a doll... A strange case... But the monster called Shinma might be behind this incident. And where ther's Shinma, there's sure to be that vampire girl I'm searching for.


- No longer will you age or grow decrepit. You can live forever looking like you do now.

- "And thus will the life energy that you emit become my sustenance..."

- Who's there?!

- I am Miyu.

- The vampire girl who's hunting us down...

- I'm only returning stray Shinma to the Dark. Don't worry. I'm not looking to fight you just now. I came to ask you something. Why don't you turn Yuzuki Kei into a doll? You, who turn young people into dolls, and bask in the lives sealed therein... why not him?

- Heh-heh...!

- Stop that!

- I see. You have your eye on him, too! You've got the wrong ipression. I'm not interested in him. Kei approached me. He must've discovered somehow that I have powers which people don't. He asked me if there was a way to preserve his beauty. I wonder if he wants to look like this, though!

- Larva! ... Shinma! When next we meet, I will ask you once more. Be reaady with an answer to my question!


- Tell me, please, Kei... There's someone else, isn't there?

- Yes.

- What kind of person is she?

- I'm not even sure... if it is a person.


- Excuse me! Sorry about that. Thank you.

- Intriguing sketch.

- Wow... what a cutie!


- Mind if I sit here? - Not at all.

- I wouldn't go near that woman if I were you. If it's eternal life you want, I'll give it to you. If you want to live forever, as you are now, I know a way.

- I don't care about that.

- She knows nothing about eternal beauty!

- I don't know how you know... but the promise I gave is just an excuse to see her. I... care about her... I love her. She's the only woman I desire. Even if she's not a being of this world, that's fine with me.

- Love? ... A human "loving" a Shinma?


- Excuse me, is that the faculty office over there?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Pardon me. I need information about one of your students as quickly as spossible.


- I told you to leave me alone, Himiko. Are you after me? Or maybe a Shinma?

- I'm after you... to keep you from victimizing anyone else. I suppose your next target is that boy? As always, a good-looking victim...

- You're right. I like beautiful people.

- So why are you just watching him?

- Because I like him especially.

- I've got a present for you.

- Hmm... Holy water... How nice.

- What... in the world... are you? Bright sunlight has no effect on you... and you sneer at crosses and holy water. Vampires like that...

- Do exist! You're looking at one... My name is Miyu. As the last vampire, I hunt the Shinma, those beings who were once feared as gods, or sometimes monsters. Living and drinking human blood mean one and the same thing to me. He is Larva, a Shinma bound to me, having received my blood. Any more questions, Himiko?

- You and the Shinma are essentially the same species, right? So why do you hunt them? Don't tell me you're a protector of humans... That can't be...!


- There's a strange underclassman nosing around. I don't care about eternal beauty. Take me to a world where you and I can be together forever. Even if it means transforming my body, it wouldn't matter.

- Stop it! I'm... I'm...

- I know... and it's okay... I... love you...


- A protector of humans? Hmph! After I became aware of my vampire heritage, everything changed. In accordance with my duty, I send them back to their proper world. You see, my people have been doing it for generations.

- Your "duty"?

- It's none of your concern.


No, Kei...


- Miyu... are you after that boy? Or a new Shinma? Why have you come to this school?

- It's both. I'm both hunter and vampire...


- Hello, Miyu.

- First, give him to me. Then I will return you to the Dark. Shinma... Ranka...

- Larva!

- I have no use for a man like this... though I wouldn't give him to a greedy, grasping girl either.

- Kei? Kei! Larva! Take a good look. The man who loved you will now receive my blood and gain ternal life.

- You asked me why I didn't turn Kei into a doll. Here's the answer! I loved a human being even though I'm a Shinma. I fell in live with Kei. So I couldn't transform him into a doll, existing but not living. Shinma and humans are diferrent. I tried to forget about love... but I was wrong to do so.

- Kei...

- Well, Miyu... Can you love this beautiful man, now that he looks like this? Can you drink his blood? I can love him... in this form... He's mine... all mine...

- Return the Shinma to the Dark!

... - You lost, Miyu.

- I returned the Shinma, Ranka, to the Dark which is its home... I didn't lose.

- I don't mean as the hunter... I'm talking about the woman within you.

- Larva...

[ end ]

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