Vampire Princess Miyu Narratives

Anime Episode Number

Vampire Princess Miyu: Story Dailogue

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Kyuuketsuki Hime Miyu: Part IV
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Narrator's Introduction

At one time, gods and demons were as one. They were sealed away in the abyss of distant memory. The hearts of humans who feared the Dark brought this about. For the present, let us call these beings "Shinma" [ Japanese for gods and demons ]. Now they have awakendf from theur slumber and gathered in the Dark. On the final night of that gathering, when Shinma and humans met again, a young girls strayed into their midst. This is her story. Her name is... Kyuuketsuki Hime Miyu [ Vampire Princess Miyu ].


- If Kyoto is the old capital of the Kansai area... then this, Kamakura, might be said to be the old capital of the Kanto area. On a whim, I visited this town, where I had spent a few months as a girl. ... This hill... there's no mistake. It was this hill. It clings to the back of my mind and won't let go. A certain memory had drawn me back to this slope. ... When I came to, I was in my own bed. I'd always thought it just a dream... but if the memory is true... there was a house atop this hill.


[ * Miyu visits her old childhood home in Kamakura. * ]

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Episode IV: Kogoeru Toki
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Frozen Time

- Miyu! ... What is that?

- As I thought... You can see them.

- Ice? Glass? Is the room filled with glass? When I was little, I saw something terrifying, probably here... It was Shinma, wasn't it?! I thought I might find you if I came here...

- Why do you chase me?

- I can't let you get away with stealing living human blood!

- Blood is necessary for me, as breathing and eating food is for you... and I grant eternity. Don't you want eternal life, too? - Don't make fun of me!

- You... Himiko... Now I see... So that's it... [ laughing ]

- Cut that out!

- You know? There are people who are unaffected... at the time their blood is drunk... They grow up like that, and then, at some point... the blood in them awakens, the same blood as mine. There are those of my kind among humans as well.

- A kind that wouldn't be if not for you!

- Poor thing. You can only comprehend the world by your own measure... almost desperately insisting that you're human...

- Well then, what are yo?

- Well, you'll forget anyway... so I guess it's okay... Those are my parents you see there. This used to be my home.


- Ouch! Why, you...

- Miyu! Dinner's ready!

- Okay! ... Today, the teacher asked us to write an essay about our families... I was embarassed, because Daddy always stays at home, not like other daddies.

- That's okay. Your father received this house from your grandfather... and taking care of it is his job.

- I suppose...

- Did something happen to your finger, Miyu?

- Pipi pecked me... it's not bleeding.

- Okay then... never mind.

- Say, Mom?

- Yes, dear?

- Do you think Daddy likes me?

- Why... your father and I both think the world of you!

- Okay!


- Daddy? Emi and Ai told me thy want to be artists when they grow up! And Akiko want's to be a teacher! Daddy, you like pictures, right? I want to be an artist, too!

- You can't.

- Why?

- Even when you grow up, you can't be anything. It's... already been decided.

- Why? Tell me...


- Daddy... Where's Mommy?

- I don't know.

- Did you buy another painting?

- Yes. Pictures are wonderful. They can entrap beauty forever. - That's true... but I think the ocean is beautiful because it's always moving... beautiful because it changes from moment to moment. ... Mother!

- You were late coming home today.

- Yeah... I was watching the ocean. The ocean at night is kind of... scary... almost as if I'd get swept away...

- Miyu?

- I'm sorry! I'll come straight home from now on.

- Dear?

- This is what I hoped for. How old is Miyu now?

- Thirteen.

- I see...


- That was a dream... just a dream... Miyu... Forget it... I must forget it! Let me forget it!


- What happened?

- What is it?

- What...! Are you alright?

- Someone's fainted!

- Somebody get her teacher!

- I'm scared!

- It was so sudden... What could have happened?

- Who's her teacher? Which class is she in?

- I don't know.

- Hey, what do you think happened? Hm... do you know something?

- I don't know... I don't know anything.


- Larva! Larva... Where are you, Larva? Why? Why is this happening? I don't want blood... I don't want any of this... I just thought she looked cute... and then my body acted on its own... What have I become? I don't want to become a vampire... But... I thirst...


- That was good!

- Miyu, are you finished?

- Uh-huh.

- I heard something terrible happened at school today.

- They said it was anemia... She fainted and was taken away in an ambulance...

- I heard she passed away.

- Really?

- Did you know her?

- No.

- I see...


- I wonder if Mother knows? Or maybe... No one must ever find out... I have a reflection... I'm not afraid. But there are times when I want blood so badly... No! I won't suck blood again... I've made up my mind... I've made up my mind!


- Hasn't she realized yet? Surely she must have realized by now.

- No.

- The time of change is approaching.

- Not yet... She's not ready yet...

- Mother... What's wrong? You must be scared, too... Ouch! Blood... My blood... the same as human blood... It's the same, isn't it?


- Are they gone?

- yes... Dear, I want to talk about Miyu...

- Can it wait until later?

- Later?

- I have time... forever...


- Wow! What a gorgeous garden. Must be hard work taking care of it. What's the matter?

- Huh?

- Maybe I shouldn't have come over today... unannounced...

- No... I'm gald you're here!

- Great!

- So, you want to come in for some tea?

- Well, to tell the truth, I came here today to ask a favor.

- What is it?

- Have you ever thought about death? These days, I have... a lot. You know, watching the news about wars and stuff? I don't want to die yet... There are so many things I want to do. But you know, you never know when you night die. Nobody knows... I saw it... That day... Vampires can give ternal life to those from whom they suck blood, right? A body that never ages...

- Come on! What are you talking about?

- Vampires are a touch romantic, don't you think?

- Stop it!

- It's okay. Come one... drink my blood and give me what I want!

- I said stop it! Because I'm not a vampire. I'm human.

- But you drank her blood, didn't you? She's dead, that girl.

- Please... stop it... Akiko...

- Mi... Miyu... you're not serious, are you? Wait... wait a second!


- You knew, Mother... You knew it all... Are you a vampire? Is that why I...

- You are human!

- No, I'm not! This thirst... How can I quench this thirst? I don't want any more blood... Mother?!

- Drink this, Miyu... but this is the last time, because you are human...

- No, I won't drink it!

- If you don't, tomorrow at school, someone will die.

- No. Mother! Where's Akiko?!

- I sent her home.

- You're lying! This is Akiko's blood, isn't it? Did you kill Akiko? You did, din't you, Mother? I don't want it! Take it away!


- They've come...

- She's not yet... she's...

- What... what is this?

- The time has come...

- They are Shinma... just as we are...

- Shin... ma?

- We who were called gods and demons chose to leave the earth to humans... and dwelled at the bottom of the depths of the Dark. Only one bloodline was left on Earth.. to ensure that the sleep of our kin, hidden in the Dark, wasn't disturbed.

- Mother...!

- The guardians left on the surface... We are those guardians, Miyu.

- Guardians...

- You must follow your blood's calling and take over as guardian. Tonight is when the Shinma and the Dark come together.

- What are you talking about, Mother? What do you mean?

- That's right. Tonight, you will be recognized as Shinma.

- I'm not Shinma...

- Didn't it taste good... the blood of that virgin...? Your body and fangs won't have forgotten that ecstacy! Your clan is not immortaal and unaging. You will grow old... grow old and die.

- Because we're human.

- That is why a change of guardian is necessary. But as compensation, you have been released... from all of the vampire's restrictions... amd possess the power to grant eternal life to humans. It is not to steal human life but to give it to them. That is what Shinma are!

- No!

- Come, and receive your baptism.

- Mother... Mother?!

- Miyu! Run!

- Larva!

- Do you intend to extinguish the blood of the guardians?

- Miyu! Run!

- Larva!

- You! You are of the clan that defied us and went astray...

- Mother! What about Father and Larva?!

- We won't let you escape!

- Run, Miyu! Run!

- Why did you save me?

- I'm your mother.

- But...

- Miyu, you are human. I won't let anyone say that you're tainted.

- It's no good... water doesn't help. I'm still thirsty... please, help me...

- Miyu, I'll protect you, so promise me you'll never suck blood again...

- I don't want to do it either... but people will want me to... Yes! All humans want to live forever! Don't they?!

- Miyu, you said before that the ocean, always different from moment to moment, is beautiful, right? People are the same. It's because there is death the life is wonderful. Because I loved that man... I gave him eternal life...

- Father?

- Miyu, we... we ourselves can't live forever... That man has no spirit because he will not know death. Miyu, surely you know that. Your father's lack of vitality, how he doesn't know what he's living for... a man always out of touch with reality... The more I love him... the more I suffer from my mistake. We knew to give happiness, and instead came misery.

- Mother...

- I will help you avoid this fate, even if it costs me my life. Don't worry, I'll always be with you. You must choose your own way... They're coming!

- Mother... What do I do...? My throat... my throat... I can't...

- Miyu! Miyu!

- Mother...

- Miyu... I love you... hang on... please...

- I... may not be able... to choose...

- Miyu... Miyu... you... Miyu...

- This blood... Mother... Mother...


- My mother and father weren't dead, but their lives were sealed away... They gave me a condition for releasing the seal... If I returned the stray Shinma which made use of our escape... to break out of the Dark, they said they would release the seal. For the purpose of this task, time was stopped for me as well... so that I could accomplish the task, even though it might take centuries...

- Even though when the seal is released... you'll formally become that... guardian?

- There's just one thing I want to say... to my mother...

- What? Miyu... Miyu! ... Oh, no... what was I doing? That's right... I came here to confirm my dream. If my memory is correct... that mansion would be up here... As I suspected.

- "There are people who are unaffected at the time their blood is drunk. The grow up like that, and then, at some point... the blood in them suddenly awakens...

- Who's there? ... No, I didn't run away that time. I didn't run away, but turned back... Miyu... It was Miyu. It was her that time, too... and looking the same as she does now...?!

[ end ]

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