Our walk started at beautiful Duke Chapel

Trying to take the easy way out??

Or maybe the NOT so easy way??

Durham is celebrating 30 years of the CROP WALK this year!

Our crew stands ready to take on the 4.8 mile trek for hunger

Some maybe more than others!

After two and a half hours, all of us finished the walk. Then we all headed back to church to do what Methodists do best......


Do these two know what they are getting into feeding all of us??

Doris and Mildred have been hosting the post crop walk supper for us for the last 14 years... experience speaks for itself!!

A great time was had by all, we had 18 walkers from our church, we raised $1248 for hunger!! That's more than double what we have done in previous years!! A special thanks to our CROP WALK coordinator Shawna Kauffman for her record breaking service!

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