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The first thing we want to say is Thank You for visiting the site.

We are a team of paranormal investigators in Peoria, Illinois.  I have been researching, studying, and involving myself in ghost investigations for some time now in Illinois and Ohio and I love every minute of it.
All in all, I am a skeptic in that I am always open to new ideas and explanation. Our intentions are never to go into an investigation with a preset goal in mind. We would all love to get the photographs of apparitions and explain why certain things happen but it always isn't that easy. We treat each individual case different and base conclusions on scientific fact and results from the equipment we use. We never involve opinion during investigations nor do we jump to conclusions. There are no Ouija Boards, Mediums, or Seances to achieve or find results. If the evidence is there then we attempt to find it using common sense and equipment. .  Even though several of us believe in these tools we do not have any members that use them on investigations.

There are many times that we investigate strange occurances only to find no explanation. This site was created for those who express an interest in the Paranormal and for a place to share our findings with all Paranormal Investigators and Groups.

Newest Investigations
Pictures and Video's
EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Meet our Team Investigators
About Us
News and Updates
August 11, 2008
As you can all see, we have not updated this page in a very long time. Needless to say we are still investigating and our evidence is in heavy excess,  but I guess no one has had the patience to update this site as needed. Rest assured, the site will be taking new direction Spring 2009 and everyone will see a new look at that time.. Thanks! Ghoster

March 24, 2005
Finally got a few files uploaded under EVP's and still working on the results of a few investigations. Some of thesefindings you can view above.

March 14, 2005
Weather is still terribly cold here and not going out on many investigations. As soon as the weather clears up a bit we should be filling up the pages again with new pictures and EVP's.

February 22, 2005
We are expanding....  If you are interested in the Paranormal and live local to Peoria, Illinois and would like to join up with an exciting team please send me email at
[email protected]

February 2, 2005
I am expanding the page with scientific articles concerning solar activity and Ectoplasm. I have also closed down the picture gallery for some time to reevaluate pictures and get new ones added..

Click here for older updates
Interesting Links
Ghosts-Why are they Here?
Equipment to Use
The Science The Trouble with Orbs
Electromagnetic Fields
Solar Reports and Weather
Ectoplasm-Is it real?
Sites to Hunt
What to Expect
Since we are moving into warmer weather, newer pictures and EVP's have been added.
Check back often and Happy Hunting!

If you think you may be haunted but not sure what to do, click here..
Investigation Protocol
Sleep Paralysis and what it Means
Common Misconceptions
Links to Other Ghost Sites
[email protected]
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