Welcome to GhostFireFly version 2.0, new and revamped. This is indeed, my second Div Layer layout...The one i'm most proud of, at the moment. However, most of my websites have never lasted more then perhaps a month. >_< This isn't of course, something i'm proud of. The main reason would be that i can't seem to answer the million dollar question: What is the purpose of my website? Of course it hosts my graphics and whatever else, but what attracts visitors? I simply don't have much or anything to offer.

So now, i'm increasing my efforts to offer more services to thee. I'm not exactly qualified to write tutorials on anything. I'll start out with icons, maybe wallpapers if i can get my graphic designs up there. >_< Until then, enjoy!
P.S. Do leave a message in my guestbook!

Featuring anything.Anime,song lyrics,bands,phrases,people,whatever.

Clickie for info. Ohemgee.It's Gaara!

I've added some of my 'recent' drawings to the gallery, both pencil and paper and just freehand in photoshop. I really haven't done much drawing lately, seems as if i just don't have inspiration anymore. >_< I'm really clueless as to what else to put on my site. There isn't much i can do, since i have limited knowledge, and small designing skills. Suggestions in the Guestbook please. ^^
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