Welcome to my investigation site.

Hauntings have been a fascination of mine for a long time, especially when it seems that I constantly walk into one without realizing it.  This is a collection of wonders I have found in my hometown of Buffalo, it's surrounding areas, and just places I've travelled to.  I try to add pictures where possible to "back up" such claims, but some of these stories are either old or didn't have a camera at the time.

I do not condone trespassing on sites that are reported haunted, nor do I condone the disturbing of such spirits and their property.  These stories are collected from my personal observations at the time of either normal operation or invited.  This site was developed for informational purposes, to give a history of Western New York, and promote restoration for a once-great city.

I would like to thank in advance all those that supplied me with photos for this site.  Also a special thanks to Mason Winfield, who has written some wonderful books on the spiritual lore of this area and for helping me verify some of my findings.


This site created by Sandra Cosimano
All images and information here are her property unless stated otherwise.
Please contact the author for the use of reference material.
No spirits, property, or resting place was harmed in the creating of this site.
It is highly recommended that you do the same.

Created: November 7, 2004





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