How to make your own web site for free
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Please study this chart of usfull HTML Tags

Tag NameDescriptionAttributes Example
<html>This Tag is used to start off an HTML page, RequieredNone
<body>This is where you put most of your HTML codebgcolor="some color"
<center>This tag will center anything, includint text and images.None
<a href = "a-web-site-or-email-addrerss">This will make a ling to another web site. Any text or image that is after this tag will become a link. The ending tag is </a>href, what is after this is the URL, or web location of the Link.Google's search engine
<img src = "Image source">This will display a picture. There is no closing tag for this(ie)"</img>.src, this stands for source. It is used to specify the location of the picure, either on the internet or on your computer.
<bgsound src="MyMidi.mid" loop="infinite">
<embed src = "MyMidi.mid" hidden="true" border="0" width="10" height="10" autostart="true" loop="true">
Use this Tag to play backround music on your Site. Dont Be confused if this tag looks complicated. Just place it anywhere in the <body> Tag, and replace "MyMidi.mid" with the location of your Midi file.src stands for source. It is used to specify the location of the Midi file. autostart is used if you want it to autostart. loop is used if you want the song to loop. Set these values to True or False acordingly.
<i>this Tag is used to make text appear in italics. Close this tag with </i>.NoneThis text is in italics.
<b>This Tag is used to make text appear bold. Close this Tag with </b>.NoneThis text is bold
<font color = "color">This tag is used to change the color of the text that follows it. Just replace "color" with something like "red" or "lightgreen". End this tag with </font>.NoneThis text is red
<font size = "some size>This Tag is used to change the size of text. Just replace "some size" with the font size, such as "6".NoneThis font size is 5
<hr>br stands for horizontal line. This will make a line on the page.You could use the size="5" to change the size of the line. Replace 5 with any number. Use width="100%" to change how long you want the line to be. Use color="red" to change the color of the line. Feel free to change any of these values.
<br>br stands for break. This tag will start a new line.None
<marquee>This tag is used to make things on the screen FlyBy. To end this tag use </marquee>.None Flying text

this site is about: how to make a free web site. free web hosting. free web site. html tutorial. how to code in html. This free html tutorial was made in less than a day in notepad. I hope you have enjoyed this free html tutorial which teaches you the basics of html, and the advance stuff too. html is a great way of formating text. this tutorial shows you how to get a free web host with starage space, get free web hosting, and make a cool looking web site using html tags. tags are what make up html. I hope this has been a learning expereince for html. This site is in no way affiliated with
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