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"What Is A Daughter?"

A daughter is a rainbow bubble,
a star glimmering in the sky,
a rosebud after a storm,
a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
A daughter is hair flying in the wind,
red cheeks that glisten in the sunshine,
big daydream eyes.
A daughter is a wonder,
a sweetness,
a secret,
an artist,
a perception,
a delight.
A daughter is everything beautiful
A daughter is love.

-Poem by Susan Polis Schutz


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"To My Daughter"

My day always becomes wonderful
when I see your
pretty face smiling so sweetly
There is such warmth and intelligence
radiating from you
It seems that every day
you grow smarter and more beautiful
and every day
I am more proud to be your parent
As you go through different stages of life
you should be aware that there will be many times
when you will feel scared and confused
but with your strength and values
you will always end up wiser
and you will have grown from your experiences
understanding more about people and life
I have already gone through
these stages
So if you need advice or someone to talk to
to make sense out of it all
I hope that you will talk to me
as I am continually cheering for your happiness
my sweet daughter
and I love you.

~Susan Polis Schutz~


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"My Daughter, My Friend, My Light"

When you were a baby, I kept you close to me and
watched you with worry and concern, unsure of
the world around us. I celebrated all the
milestones that you reached: the first day you
walked, your first tooth, your first day of

The years have dropped like petals on a rose,
memorable but too soon. And now the milestones
are greater, and you are on your own. The
roots I've given you have turned to wings, and
the letting go is more painful than I can

Your role has changed, and so have you – a young
woman, with dreams and hopes and fears; with
goals to strive for over the years. A daughter
always, now my friend. My role has changed,
too, always your mother, forever your friend
to counsel you throughout your grown-up years.

You are unfolding like a flower in the sun, each
petal soft and new, unique in your own right,
determined to be you, reaching for the stars.

To be true to the vision inside you. To go through
life with heart and genuine care, that's all
I ask of you as you take wing away from the

For you are more than daughter, more than friend.
You are my promise, my gift of light to all
the world.

I love you.

Forever your mother, always your friend.

-Poem by Josie Willis

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"Dancing With My Daughter"

The music was on and playing loudly
when my daughter was only three,
and she held her arms up high,
saying "Mommy dance with me."

I picked her up and held her tight,
as we would glide across the floor,
and when the song was over,
she would always say "just one more."

So off we would go twirling and dipping,
to the music playing so loud,
my steps while holding her up,
made me feel I was dancing on a cloud.

She would always want just one more,
we danced until I thought I would bust,
who really cared if the furniture,
was covered with a fine layer of dust.

I was dancing with my daughter,
and doing it with pleasure,
now that she is growing up,
it is the memories I will treasure.

She's given up dancing with me,
boys are much more fun,
my days of dancing with my daughter,
unfortunately now are done.

-Poem by Jacquelyn Stair Sankey


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"Mother and Daughter"

You can see it in their eyes,
in tender hugs and long goodbyes,
a love that only moms and daughters know.

You can see it in their smiles,
through passing years and changing styles,
a friendship that continually seems to grow.

You can see it in their lives,
the joy each one of the derives,
in just knowing that the other one is there...

To care and to understand,
lend an ear or hold a hand,
and to celebrate the memories they share.

~Author Unkown~

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A must read for every mother of a daughter is the poem by Terri Wright:
"Little Shoes" 

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...And my thoughts on sons???

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Baby and Lamb Background Set Courtesy of Sandy's Graphics.

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