halmoon.jpg (10552 bytes)... on  Halloween 2001

casshat.jpg (37086 bytes)

(I slipped these two photos in from Halloween 2003.  Pictured above is me (Babycass) and to the right is the kids and my youngest sister in her new house.)

halloween.jpg (33486 bytes)


hAllOWeeN 2001 (below)

hallo_us.jpg (46763 bytes)

Jasmine, Dad and Mom, and the grumpy Crocodile before we head out to ravage
the neighborhood of all of its candy and treats.


hal_grkid.jpg (40959 bytes)

Our chaperones for the evening:   Grandma and Grandpa.


halcar.jpg (35322 bytes)

"The Official Halloween-Mobile"


halcar2.jpg (23388 bytes)

The Only Way For Parents To Take Children Trick Or Treating!



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