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Southern California...beaches, palm trees, 365 day a year sunshine, tanning oil, pool parties, surfboards and the Beach Boys.  Right? 


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(Click on the thumbnail on the right to see
the larger, clearer image.)

How about inches and inches of rain, and just drive a half an hour out of San Diego downtown and hit slippery icey roads and Highway Patrolman checking for chains on your tires.  Drive an hour and a half north of some areas of San Diego and don't forget your snow board or skis.
Californians have long been rubbing it in to the rest of the United States and Canada that they have the supreme never rains in southern California.  Yes, Florida is good, but the mosquitos will eat you alive if your skin does not slime off from the humidity.  Californians love it when the rest of the country drools at their weather.
Well, I am here to set facts straight.  California is NOT all that it is cracked up to be.  Or actually, it is about to crack.  If it does not crack off the continent it will crack up with all the nuts living here. 
On top of that, it snows here.  It literally snows just outside of San Diego.   Look at these photos.  I have proof.  This is snow.  White stuff.   That stuff that the rest of the country east of the Rockies is always crying about.   Well, we have it too.  Lots of it on certain "days". 

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Plus, when the days come that bring the white stuff, every hooligan in the county drives higher in altitude and things really get to be a mess.  There are trash can lids, cardboard sheets, crazed dogs that have rarely seen snow, children in tennis shoes and wet, exciteable adults everywhere on the mountainsides and roads.  It is amazing to see what a California will do and where they will park just to walk in the crunch of the snow.

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(Click on the thumbnails to see
the larger, clearer images.)

Now why, I ask you, would you want to come to this God awful state?  There is snow here, and the state is going to fall into the ocean anyday.  Move to Arizona, vacation in Arizona.   Soon that will be the state enjoying sandy beaches and surfing.  I hear that they have NO snow.  Do you think that it is true? Disneyland is now looking at property in Phoeniz, Az.

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(Click on the thumbnail to see
the larger, clearer image.)
Don't bother coming...California is bad news.  The highways can vouch for that.  Stay home and do not move to California.  You will be disappointed. 
LOOK!  It is even snowing on my web page.  (Below.)  This California weather has gotten into the cable and phone lines obviously.  *sigh*  Bring your shovels if you do visit. 


Look at the snow!
     Look at the snow!
Let's all take our sleds,
     And go!
Up the hill we walk slow, slow,
And drag our red sleds in the snow;
But once at the top of the hill, we know
That like the wind they'll go, go , go,
Whizzing down to the flat, below.
Oh, the fun as we swiftly fly
Over the snow like a bird on high!
It takes our breath as our sleds speed by;
No one's as happy as you and I!
-Summers may come, and summers may go,
But we like the snow, the snow, the snow!

~Mary Carolyn Davies~




Every Californian needs a good snowcraft like the one pictured above.


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Pictured above, another crazy native Californian and dog add to the masses of Californians arriving in truck loads to sled down the snowy hillsides on their trash can lids or cardboard pieces. 



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