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This page is dedicated to my "Daddy"
who never had a son, and who lovingly raised a tomboy

who turned into a wife, a mother, and a woman.


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Other men who had a daughter
got a little princess...soft and sweet and cuddly,
surrounded by dolls and teddy bears.
You got a tomboy...
Your scrappy little girl took pride
in the fact that she could do anything
the boys in the neighborhood could do.
Long before it was fashionable for girls to play ball,
your tomboy played in the sandlots,
and nobody could hit the ball harder,
or farther, or more often.
Every tree was a challenge to her climbing skills,
and she went higher and stayed up longer
than she probably should have.
Not many kids could beat her in a foot race,
and it was a rare day when someone
made a dare she didn't take.
But you didn't care...you were proud of her.
You took her to baseball games and taught her
how to fish and swim and drive.
You encouraged her curiosity and sense of
competition, and you applauded her for trying,
even when she didn't succeed.
Your tomboy is a woman now, and she
doesn't play ball or climb trees or run races.
But she still remembers when her father smiled
and said he was so happy to have her for a daughter
and told her never to put any limitations on herself.
Thanks, Dad.

~ Poem by Patricia A. Teckelt ~

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"My Hero"

As I ponder the love
that I saw in his eyes,
A Godly love,
given without compromise ...
I recall many times
that he stood by my side,
And prodded me on
with great vigor and pride.

His voice ever confident,
firm and yet fair,
Always speaking with patience,
tenderness and care;
The power and might
of his hands was so sure,
I knew there was nothing
we couldn't endure.

It's true,
a few others provided insight,
Yet, he laid the foundation
that kept me upright;
He's the grandest of men
to have lived on this earth,
Although he's not royal
by stature or birth.

He's a man of great dignity,
honor and strength.
His merits are noble,
and of admirable length.
He's far greater
than all other men that I know,
He's my Dad, he's my mentor,
my friend and hero.

~ Debbie Hinton Young ~

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... still a tomboy after all of these years.

Tomboys Have More Fun!

Thanks, Daddy!

Do NotTake


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Meet My Mom


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