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"The Whale"

by Julia White

The whale shares many characteristics with the dolphin as they are both
members of the cetacean family which has over 90 different species. They
are the world's largest mammals, and can be found in almost all locations
around the planet.

Legend says that the whale once walked upon the earth. When the land
masses began to sink and re-shape, all the knowledge of the universe was
locked into the memory banks of the whale and it was sent into the sea. If
you carry whale medicine, you also carry the memories of much
knowledge that can be tapped into if you honor the teachings of whale.

Whale tells you to be sensitive to tone, and the vibrational qualities in
tones. If you're alert, you can activate your built-in sonar to be conscious
of things and people moving in and around your personal space. Do you
just "know" when someone is near, or something is amiss? Whale
medicine is working.

As each family of whales has its own "song", you too can find your soul
song to recall those memories stored deep in your super conscious mind. Hum, whistle, sing, chant, use tones until you find that one level of tone that is yours alone. You will know. It will resonate deep in your soul seat. Remember the sound, and use it as often as you can -- especially in meditation. You will find knowledge you didn't know you had floating to the surface. You are tapping into the memory banks of your soul.

Whale also speaks to us of creativity, and of the need to rely on our own talents and abilities. As with the buffalo, no part of the whale goes to waste. Do not be guilty of wasting your own value, your own in-born strengths. Use your own instincts and creative abilities to make the ordinary things in your life magical. Let your imagination soar.....but be careful to stay grounded and in touch with reality.

Controlled breathing, and the ability to calm and quiet our bodies is also whale medicine. When you're under
tension and stress, visualize the blow hole of the whale spouting streams of water. Take deep breaths and forcefully blow it out. As the breath is forced out, see your inner body relaxing. Calm your heart rate; slow your blood flow; quiet your mind. Let your anxiety wash away as whale carries them into the deep water.

Whale also symbolizes the power of the family unit; the careful nurturing of the young; the balance between great strength and gentleness. In times of difficulty, do you pull together as a family, or do you allow those hard times to separate and divide? Remember whale. Search for a better way.....together.

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As much as I adore the dolphin, I do not truly fit 100% of the profile.   However, the Orca (Killer Whale) is actually the largest member of the dolphin family.  The following is the dolphin totem profile...


"Dolphin Medicine"

by Julia White

The beautiful, graceful, sleek dolphin carries many messages for the two leggeds. Even though it is a mammal, its home is the sea so it has
mastered the art of breath control. Since water is the symbol of all life - of
creation , passion and even sexuality - dolphin brings us teachings from
the waters of life.

It is playful, and is a reminder that time to play is a crucial element in
walking in balance. It moves through the water quickly and with great
grace, ever moving with the flow. Dolphin tells us to move with the ebb and
flow of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into. To spend our
energy fighting the current gets us nowhere. We remain stuck in that negative and bad place filled with frustration and despair.
To slip through the bad times with our energy intact leaves our awareness open to spot the way out when it shows itself, or to create our own way when none appears. Being constantly at war with others, with our surroundings and with circumstances we cannot change destroys the spirit, eats away at hope, and consumes the joy of life.

By being aware of our breath, and using rhythmic breathing, we can lessen stress and fatigue; we can use deep cleansing breaths to "flush" our lungs and respiratory system; we can even tap into the power of breath to journey into altered states of awareness. Take a deep breath and hold it. Try to touch your elbows behind your back. Hold that position as long as you can. Then slowly blow out all your breath until your lungs are empty. Then relax your arms. Do this exercise a few times whenever you think of it, and you will feel the muscle tension in your body relax.  Breath control is truly dolphin power.

The awareness of tone is also dolphin power. If you are sensitive to the tone of someone's voice (as much as the words spoken); to bass drums; bells; chimes; Tibetan bowls - all forms of beautiful tones, you carry dolphin medicine. It is not so much the melody or music, but rather the tonal scale that touches your senses. Use this awareness to be always alert to the sounds around you. We learn much when we close our mouths, open our minds, and really hear the sounds of our world. You will learn to sense when something is just "not right" as an alert to take care. You will hear the joy in a bird's song, and the symphony of rustling leaves. Listen to the roar of silence
— dolphin is calling.

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"Cass Feeding A Dolphin"

Like the dolphin who guides you, you bring us beside you
To light up the darkness and show us the way
For though we are strangers in your silent world
To live on the land we must learn from the sea
To be true as the tide and free as a wind swell
Joyful and loving in letting it be

-John Denver (Calypso)



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Whale and Dolphin Links:

David's Whale and Dolphin Watch ( a lot of info, pics and sounds)

Dolphin Net (pics, sounds AND stories)

Ocean Photos (dolphins and MORE)



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Many people ask me where I came up with my dollfun@*** e-mail addy.  Well, it is kind of a pun I imagine or a play on words.  My jetski is owned by me...a female (a doll?) and it is a lot of fun!  More so though, it reminds me of a dolphin.   Get it???  *grin*
Thank you to my loving Sis for creating this graphic for me!



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Background and Graphics Courtesy of Angela's Graphics,
Waterglobe courtesy of Crew's Nest.

� 1999-2001 Babycass's Beach House ~ All Rights Reserved
Photos and content may not be used without permission from website owner.












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