Gianina Brunella Belly Dance Costume Designs
As a belly dancer myself, I understand the beauty of the dance and the music, and in essence, the costume itself. I started out by making costumes for my performances. At first, just doodles, then more intricate, and then the final project. With several such projects in the past, I have gained experience with this process. I can help YOU have the prettiest costume at your next performance!
Why should you order a costume design from me?
If you were to order a whole costume from another good source, you would pay roughly $1000 for the design and costume. If you purchase from me, you only pay the design and then either attempt it yourself, or take it to a seamstress, and end up MUCH cheaper.
The costumes will be persoalized to you! This means your style, your colors, your body shape, YOUR choices. This is all about YOU YOU YOU!
Convince yourself by looking at some of my work!!! Also, if you have questions, just ask in the given link. Thank you!
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