
                                                              TP casting

      Supplies: stamp
                        toilet paper (any kind, ply, color)
                        slightly damp sponge

       Directions: Place stamp image side up.  Lay one sheet tp on top of stamp.                 Lightly sponge tp, continue sheet by sheet until you have 5 sheets of tp on              the stamp.   Carefully remove all the tp from the stamp and lay aside to dry.

       The image may be placed in a frame or window in a card or book.    Either
       side of the  mage may be used � whichever you prefer.  It  may be colored
       with chalk, but I leave it elegantly white using a colorful frame. 

       This is a no muss, no fuss techique. The image may be placed in a frame or               window in a card or book.  Either side of the image may be used � whichever          you prefer.  It may be colored with chalk, but I leave it elegantly white using a          colorful frame. 

       This is a no muss, no fuss techique.
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