Monster Classification

Animals - (There have been several Giant Animals Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
Invertebrates Animals without a Backbone
   I.   Protozoa
Dogora - Mass: Indeterminable Powers/Weapons: Flight; tentacles; body has a corrosive effect; able to work like a vacuum and suck up needed minerals; if body is divided each piece will take on a life of its own and can grow into a mature Dogora Weakness: Bee and wasp venom is lethal to the Dogora and will cause their bodies to solidify
II.    Echinoderms such as starfish
III.  Annelids such as earthworms
Deep Sea Gornaxis - (There have been several Deep Sea Gornaxis Reported. Below we list only some general features) Length 3 - 10 Meters segmented worn like creatures with large pinchers at mouth. They live in the deep sea but sometimes can be found in shallow water.
Giant Leaches (There have been several Giant Leaches Reported. Below we list only some general features)
Graboid (Tremors) - (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations range from a few to 100. Below are some general features of all.)
IV. Mollusks such as snails, clams, octopus
Cthulhu - Height 35 Meters Mass 10.000 tons; vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. This creature is believed to be sunken below the depths of the Pacific Ocean.
Dogolas - N/A
Gezora (Yog) - Height: 30 meters Mass: 20,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Extremely low body temperature; constricting tentacles   Weakness: Easily burned; supersonic waves
Giant Octopus (There have been several Giant Octopus Reported. Below we list only some general features) - Height: 25 - 30 meters Mass: 22,000 tons. It has a flexible body with eight tentacles. Powers/Weapons: Constricting tentacles.
Giant Squid (There have been several Giant Squid Reported. Below we list only some general features)
Kraken - Height 60 Meters .Powers Great Strength and Swimming. The Giant Kraken is a very rare, rarely seen sea-creature with 8 gigantic tentacles

V.    Arthropods such as crabs, spiders and insects    
a. Crustaceans such as crabs
Destoroyah (Destroyer)
Form 1 Micro (There were countless Destoroyah Micro Forms. Below we list only some general features) - Length: 3 millimeters-30 centimeters Mass: .5-15 kilograms   Powers/Weapons: Able to kill its victims by injecting them with Micro-Oxygen   Weakness: Susceptible to being frozen
Form 2 Crabs / Juvenile (There were several individual Destoroyah Crabs. Below we list only some general features) Height: 2-18 meters Mass: 350 kilograms-260 tons Powers/Weapons: Able to kill its victims by injecting them with Micro-Oxygen; can fire an explosive Micro-Oxygen spray; burrowing ability; pincer tipped tail; numerous Juvenile can combine to form its Aggregate stage
Weakness: Susceptible to being frozen
Form 3 Aggregate - Height: 60 meters  Length: 40 meters  Mass: 15,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Able to kill its victims by injecting them with Micro-Oxygen; can fire an explosive Micro-Oxygen spray; extraordinary jumper; able to change into its flying form; pincer tipped tail Weakness: Susceptible to being frozen
Form 4 Flying - Length: 65 meters Wingspan: 80 meters Mass: 15,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight; can fire an explosive Micro-Oxygen spray; able to change into its Aggregate form
Weakness: Susceptible to being frozen
Final Form - Height: 120 meters  Length: 230 meters  Wingspan: 210 meters
Mass: 80,000 tons  Powers/Weapons: Flight; can fire an explosive Micro-Oxygen spray; Laser Horn; able to discharge energy through its tail; can divide into its Aggregate form; pincer tipped tail   Weakness: Susceptible to being frozen

Ebirah the Sea Monster 1 - Height: 50 meters Mass: 23,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Claws; adept swimmer. Defeated and dismembered by Godzilla 2 in 1966
Ebirah 2 - Height: 30 meters Length: 100 meters Mass: 50,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Claws
Ganime - Height: 25 meters Mass: 12,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Pincer claws, able to spit a coalesced sea-water
Weakness: Unprotected eyes, supersonic waves
  b. Arachnids such as spiders
Giant Spiders
(There have been several Giant spiders Reported. Below we list only a few)
Spiega or Kumonga (There have been several Spiega Reported. Below we list some of the best documented) - Height:  45 Meters Mass; 8000 Tons Special Weapons: Poisons victims before encasing them in webbing
Giant Tarantula (There have been several Tarantulas Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
Height: 15 feet Mass: 2 tons Powers: Poison- the Giant Tarantula, like all normal tarantulas, can inject a deadly poison into its pray in which they would eventually be dissolved from the inside out. Speed- the Giant Tarantula, like all normal tarantulas, can run at high speeds.
Giant Scorpion (There have been several Giant Scorpions Reported. Below we list only some general features)
Selket - Height 30 meters. It is giant scorpion like Creature. It has three tails with stingers that can be shot long distances like a missile. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
c. Insects
Battra Larva - Length: 90 meters Mass: 20,000 tons
Powers/Weapons: Can burrow; adept swimmer; able to shoot Prism beams from horn and eyes; body can generate energy pulses to attack others with its touch
Battra (Dark Mothra) - Length: 73 meters Wingspan: 180 meters   Mass: 30,000 tons   Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; hurricane winds from wings; able to shoot Prism beams from eyes; can conduct energy through its touch
Giant Ants (There have been several Giant Ants Reported. Below we list only some general features) Giant ants have six legs. Each leg has three joints. The legs of the ant are very strong so they can run very quickly. Giant ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. Giant ants use their antennae not only for touch, but also for their sense of smell. The head of the ant has a pair of large, strong jaws. The jaws open and shut sideways like a pair of scissors. The ant has two eyes; each eye is made of many smaller eyes. Giant ants live in a well-organized underground nest with many other giant ants.
Giant Locust (There have been several swarms of Giant Locust Reported. Below we list only some general features of Giant Locust.) Swarming grasshoppers can jump long distances with their powerful hind legs and most are also capable of flight. The hind femora are usually enlarged, tarsi have three segments or less, antennae are relatively short, tympana are usually present on the sides fo the first abdomenal segment, and the is ovipositor short. They grow to be: 10 Meters in height and Weigh as much as: Tons their Air Speed: can reach Mach 0.5
Giant Demon Locust They look much like regular giant locust, but grow to be 65 meters and 50000 tons. They can fly at Mach 1.5. They also have a long scorpion like tail with a very venomous stinger.
Giant Mantis / Kamakiras (There have been several Giant Mantis Reported. Below we list some general features) A long, narrow, green or tan body with a triangle-shaped head. The two front legs are larger than the others; underneath each is a black-edged white spot. They grow to be: from 10 to 60 Meters in height and Weigh as much as: 2 to 4000 Tons their Air Speed: can reach Mach 0.5
Megaguirus Queen of the Meganuron- Length: 50 meters Wingspan: 80 meters Mass: 12,000 tons
Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 4; hurricane winds and sonic waves from wings; claws; stinger with the ability to drain power; claw tipped wings; able to use stinger to discharge a blast of energy comprised of its opponent's beam weapon which it absorbed; flight causes electronic disturbances
Meganulon Colony (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations are in the thousands. Below we list only some general features) - Length: 8 meters Mass: 1 ton Powers/Weapons: Height: 1.6-20 meters Mass: 200 kilograms-5,000 tons
Powers/Weapons: Able to blow Radioactive smoke rings; can fire an Atomic Ray after growing to 20 meters Pincers; hard carapace. These Meganulon later transform into Meganuron.
Meganula Swarm (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations are in the thousands. Below we list only some general features) - Length: 2 meters  Wingspan: 5 meters Mass: N/A   Powers/Weapons: Flight, claws, stinger that can absorb energy from other organisms, able to transfer the energy it has stored by injecting its stinger into other organisms   Weakness: Will die after transferring its stored energy
Megalon - Height: 55 meters Mass: 40,000 tons  Powers/Weapons: Flight at 10 kilometers per hour; able to fire Napalm Bombs from mouth; can combine hands to form a drill; able to shoot lightning bolts from the top of its horn; can burrow underground at mach 3; extraordinary jumper.
Mothra - There have been several Mothra individuals. Their life cycle is well documented. The Larva hatch from an enormous egg. Later in life they spin a cocoon and undergo a metamorphosis and turn into a moth. Below we list some of the more notable individuals.
Mothra Larva 1 - (1961) - Length: 180 meters Mass: 15,000 tons  Powers/Weapons: Web attack This Larva Became Mothra 1
Mothra 1 - (1961) - Length: 80 meters Wingspan: 250 meters Mass: 15,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3, hurricane winds from wings
Mothra 2 - (1964) - Length: 65 meters Wingspan: 135 meters Mass: 15,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; hurricane winds from wings; can release a poisonous powder; reproduces asexually. This Mothra died defending her egg from Godzilla 2 in 1964.
Mothra Larva 3a / Twin A and Mothra Larva 3b / Twin B (1964) -Length: 53 meters Mass: 10,000 tons. Powers/Weapons: Web attack these larva hatched from an egg that washed up on the shore of Japan. Twin B was injured in a battle where the twins defeated Godzilla 2.
Mothra Larva 4 - (1968) Length: 40 meters Mass: 8,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Web attack
Mothra Larva 5 - (1992) - Length: 120 meters Mass: 16,500 tons Powers/Weapons: Web attack. This Larva became Mothra 4.
Mothra 5 (1992) - Length: 65 meters Wingspan: 175 meters Mass: 22,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; can travel through space; hurricane winds from wings; antenna ray-shooting beams; can release scales from her wings that will reflect energy attacks back on their source; can create telepathic projections of itself called Fairy Mothra; able to conduct energy through its touch
Mothra 6 (1996) - Length: 25 meters Wingspan: 50 meters Mass: 6,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 5; hurricane winds from wings; antenna ray-shooting beams; lightning from wings; able to shoot off strands of energy from antenna; can charge itself with energy and fly at mach 80; energy pulse; reproduces asexually by summoning forth an egg. It was killed in 1996 by Death Ghidorah. Mothra 6 is the mother of Mothra 7.
Mothra Larva 7 Mothra Leo (1996) - Length: 25 meters Mass: 3,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Web attack with stinging after shock; fires Mega Breast Cannon from chest; able to become invisible; can move at 40 kilometers per hour. This Larva became Mothra 7.
Mothra 7 / Mothra Leo (1996) - Length: 24 meters Wingspan: 53 meters Mass: 5,900 tons   Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 15.5; fires three multicolored Cross Heat Laser beams from his forehead; Jade Bolts fire from wings; fires Mega Breast Cannon from chest; able to break apart into thousands of smaller 30.5cm Mothra's that can attack an enemy; can perform a Excel Pileload by flying straight up and spinning releasing several jade rings from his body which shoot downwards toward the target; able to release Reflective Green Powder from his wings which weaken and cause pain; able to do Sparkling PryeRoad a series of cascading vertical shafts of sapphire blue energy split the earth as electromagnetic bolts flickering across his wings; able to perform a The Sun Strike Buster by raining down powder in a circle and then from the center of the circle a giant manna beam of blistering emerald energy will burst forth from the sky; able to speed the growing process of plants. This Mothra was able to transform into Rainbow Mothra Light speed Mothra. Aqua Mothra Armor Mothra and Eternal Mothra.
Mothra 7b / Rainbow Mothra (1997)Length: 24 meters Wingspan: 53 meters Mass: 5,900 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 15.5, fires three multicolored Cross Heat Rainbow Laser beams from his forehead, Jade Bolts fire from wings, fires Mineral Chest Beam from chest, able to break apart into thousands of smaller 30.5cm Mothra's that can attack an enemy, can perform a Excel Pileload by flying straight up and spinning releasing several jade rings from his body which shoot downwards toward the target, able to release Reflective Rainbow Powder from his wings which paralyzes and cause pain, able to do Sparkling PryeRoad a series of cascading vertical shafts of sapphire blue energy split the earth as electromagnetic bolts flickering across his wings, able to perform a The Sun Strike Buster by raining down powder in a circle and then from the center of the circle a giant manna beam of blistering emerald energy will burst forth from the sky, able to speed the growing process of plants, has the ability to emit two Sparkling Rainbow Buster blasts of energy from his wings, can create a Pressure Field which is a invisible force field that is able to stop and deflect enemy energy beams from both sides, able to create a Levitation Field by surrounding a enemy with multicolored energy rings that lift it from the ground or sea, can change into Aqua Mothra
Mothra 7c/ Aqua (1997) - Length: 24 meters  Wingspan: 30 meters  Mass: 3,500 tons  Powers/Weapons: Flight, can swim at high speeds, able to release a arrow "V" shaped Crescent Dash Beam of golden energy from his antennas, can create a Pressure Field which is a invisible barrier around its head that is able to stop and deflect enemy energy beams from one side but is broken when struck, able to release three separate thin Cross-heat Pulsar Beams from his forehead in rapid fire succession, able to break apart into thousands of smaller 30.5cm Aqua Mothra that can attack an enemy, able to levitate objects by shooting out of the water leaving a blue aura like light in its trail which will act like a tractor beam levitating the object, able to change to Light Speed Mothra with the help of a Elias or back to Rainbow Mothra
Mothra 7d / Light Speed Mothra (1998) - Length: 25 meters
Wingspan: 30 meters Mass: 5,900 tons   Powers/Weapons: Flight, able to travel through time, can change back to Rainbow Mothra   First Appearance: Rebirth of Mothra 3 (1998) After Mothra Leo is defeated by King Ghidorah he convinces Mona to help send him back 130 million years so that he will have a chance at beating King Ghidorah while he is in a much weaker form. Leo flies off while Mona starts chanting to Mothra. Leo changes to Aqua Mothra, and then with the help of Mona changes to Light Speed Mothra and sends himself 130 million years back in time.
Though the plan worked, and Leo managed to reach his goal, he was stranded in the past, for with Lora still under the control of King Ghidorah and Mona crystallized by spending the last of her vital energy to send him back, Leo had to make sure that her sacrifice was not in vain.
Mothra 7e / Armored Mothra (1998) - Length: 25 meters
Wingspan: 50 meters   Mass: 5,900 tons   Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 15.5, able to fire one large Armor Heat Laser from forehead which can penetrate King Ghidorahs barrier, has thick armor encasing his body, razor sharp wings, able to do Transcending Fate by building up enough energy so that Mothra will surpass through an enemy's body in a blinding flash of speed causing the enemies body to slowly crystallize and then explode, can change into Eternal Mothra
Mothra 7f / Eternal Mothra (1998) - Length: 25 meters Wingspan: 50 meters   Mass: 5,900 tons   Powers/Weapons: Flight, can change into Armor Mothra
Mothra Larva 8 (2001) - Length: 30 meters Mass: 10,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Web attack. Turned into Mothra 8
Mothra 8 (2001) - Length: 24 meters   Wingspan: 75 meters   Mass: 15,000 tons   Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 1, hurricane winds from wings, spikes on chest, can unleash a large number of poison stingers from its abdomen, It was able to  instill energy into King Ghidorah 2  after its death at the hands of Rouge Godzilla in 2001.
Mothra 9 (2003) - Length: 36 meters Wingspan: 108 meters Mass: 12,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; hurricane winds from wings; can release scales from her wings that will reflect energy attacks and explosions back on their source; reproduces asexually Weakness: Scale attack accelerates the decay of her wings She could communicate telepathically with her offspring. This Mothra died fighting Godzilla in 2003
Mothra Larva 10a / Twin A and Mothra Larva 10b / Twin B -(2003) Length: 43 meters Mass: 9,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Web attack; extraordinary jumper They can communicate telepathically with each other and their mother Mothra 9.
Mothra 11 (2004) Length: 72 meters Wingspan: 216 meters Mass: 25,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; hurricane winds from wings; can release scales from her wings that will short circuitry. This Mothra was killed in Battle with Gigan 3
VI. Fish
VII. Amphibians such as frogs
Gragantua (Giant Salamander) - (There have been several Gargantua reported. Below we list some of the best documented) Height up to 20 meters.  Bipedal, walks upright. Males have several bony horns on their head, females do not., and it has a long powerful tail. The fate and whereabouts of these creature is not known
Hedorah The Smog Monster 1
Water Form 1 - Length: 0.1 millimeters-20 meters Mass: unknown  Powers/Weapons: Can fire acidic mud; adept swimmer; body has a corrosive effect on objects which come in contact with it; extraordinary jumper; increases in toxicity as it consumes more pollution; able to join with other Hedorah to change its form and size; immune to radiation and the effects of Godzilla's Atomic Ray   Weakness: Can die from dehydration
Land Form 2 - Height: 30 meters Mass: unknown    Powers/Weapons: Flight; can fire acidic mud; adept swimmer; body has a corrosive effect on objects which come in contact with it; extraordinary jumper; increases in toxicity as it consumes more pollution; able to join with other Hedorah to change its form and size; immune to radiation and the effects of Godzilla's Atomic Ray Weakness: Can die from dehydration
Flying Form 3 - Length: 40 meters  Mass:  unknown Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 1; can fire Crimson energy beams from the top of its eyes that will create toxic smoke after hitting their target; releases sulfuric acid mist when it flies; body has a corrosive effect on objects which come in contact with it; increases in toxicity as it consumes more pollution; able to join with other Hedorah to change its form and size; immune to radiation and the effects of Godzilla's Atomic Ray; can change back and forth from final form   Weakness: Can die from dehydration
Final Form 4 - Height: 60 meters  Mass: 48,000 tons  Powers/Weapons: Can fire Crimson energy beams from the top of its eyes that will create toxic smoke after hitting their target; body has a corrosive effect on objects which come in contact with it; extraordinary jumper; able to discharge vast quantities of sludge; increases in toxicity as it consumes more pollution; able to join with other Hedorah to change its form and size; immune to radiation and the effects of Godzilla's Atomic Ray; can change back and forth from flying form Weakness: Can die from dehydration
Hedorah The Smog Monster 2 (2004) - Height: 120 meters   Mass: 70,000 tons  Powers/Weapons: Can fire Crimson energy beams from the top of its eyes that will create toxic smoke after hitting their target; body has a corrosive effect on objects which come in contact with it; extraordinary jumper; able to discharge vast quantities of sludge; increases in toxicity as it consumes more pollution; able to join with other Hedorah to change its form and size; immune to radiation and the effects of Godzilla's Atomic Ray; can change back and forth from flying form Weakness: Can die from dehydration
   VIII. Reptiles such as crocodiles
A. Crocodilia (Crocodilians)

Giant Crocodile (There have been several      Giant Crocodile Reported. Below we list only some general features)
Dinocroc - Height 5 Meters bipedal walks upright. Thick plated reptilian hide, powerful Tail. Good swimmer.
Sobek / Crocmonster - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
B. Squamata - Sauria (Lizards)

Giant Gila Monster (1959) - Height: 15 feet Length: 50 feet   quadruped. Powers: Poison- The Giant Gila Monster can produce a deadly poison in its mouth
Kothoga - (1996) Height 5 Meters Bipedal, walks upright. It is reptilian looking. Long Tail. Kathoga can climb up the sides of walls and even ceilings at a decent speed.  Kathoga can run at high speeds. He can use this advantage of speed to confuse enemies and leave them open for attack.
Weakness: Will die if he doesn't get a type of protein found in a certain plant fungus and in the human brain.
C. Squamata - Serpents (Snakes)
Giant Snakes (There have been several Giant Snakes Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
  - Boa 1
  - Boa 2
  - King Cobra
  - Python

Sea Snake - Length: 85 meters Mass: 4,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Constricting body; adept swimmer
  - unknown
Garasharp 1 - Female Height 70 meters Length 230 meters Mass 200 tons. This creature had a long snake like body with a hooded head and a ball like appendage on its tail. This creature died in battle with Gamera 1 in 1972. Garasharp was the mother of Garasharp 2a & 2b.
Garasharp 2a & 2b - These creatures were the jovial offspring of Garasharp 1. They looked like smaller versions of their mother. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
     D Testudines (Turtles and their kin)
Giant Turtle

   - Kameba
- quadruped Length: 20 Meters Weight: 28 000 Tons. Turtle with shell covering its body

Gamera 1 / Gammera - Height: 60 meters
Weight: 80 tons   bipedal, walks upright. Turtle with shell covering its body. Origin: Escaped from iceberg in Arctic Ocean. Top Speed (Underwater): 150 knots/h (6 times that of a nuclear submarine) Top Speed (Flight): Mach 3 (3 times of the speed of sound) Top Speed (Stride): 20mph. The relationship between this Gamera and Gamera 2 is unknown, however in 1999 a graveyard of earlier Gamera was found. It is possible that Gamera 1 might be a surviving Gamera prototype.
Gamera 2 - Height: 80 meters   Mass: 120 tons bipedal, walks upright. Turtle with shell covering its body. Length of Shell: Approx. 60 meters Width of Shell: Approx. 40 meters bipedal, walks upright Powers/Weapons: Can shoot Plasma fireballs; arm and leg sockets contain rockets which can propel Gamera through the air at a speed of Mach 3.5; Top Speed (Underwater): 180 knots/hr.  Origin: Unknown, but believed to be over 150 million years old and created by an ancient civilization as a guardian of the Earth. Abilities/Weapons: Eyesight: Above average eyesight. Furthermore, Gamera's eyesight increased as well as his plasma blast accuracy. Mouth: "Plasma Blast" - Fired from Gamera's mouth is the super-energy discharge in which rapid ionization is generated and condensed, when pure oxygen unites with the plasma energy stored in the inside of the body a fireball erupts from Gamera's mouth.  Hand: Strength - Powerful enough to mangle steel and shatter rock. Gamera may also attack with sharp nails and claws. While Gamera's hands and feet may contain devastating power, they are often used to protect man. Internal Combustion: Inside Gamera's body, thermal energy can be fired much like a ball of flame, a nuclear fuel, and high-voltage current is charged and stored in his plasma energy - like a thermal energy conversion furnace in his living body. Not only used for attacking opponents, but also for flight. Leg: One kick can destroy a skyscraper. Gamera retracts his legs in order to ignite his plasma energy and fly. Arm: As are his legs, his arms are retractable and the plasma's ignition allows him flight. Elbow: A sharp bone has developed at Gamera's elbow; this can seriously injure enemies in the case of a dogfight. Shell: So tough that the shock of nuclear weapons is also borne. Tail: Gamera's strong tail can serve as a defensive weapon, being used as a whip against opponents. The tail also serves as a support for his massive frame. Ultimate Plasma Attack: In 1996, Gamera used a great power to defeat the menace from space Legion. He called out and absorbed energy from the Earth itself (believed to be Manna). His shell opened from the front and a torrential amount of energy (comparable to a nuclear blast) was unleashed upon Legion. In 1999, Gamera exhibited new fighting techniques in addition to his previously witnessed abilities.  Super-Blaze Fireball: During the battle in Shibuya, Gamera's Plasma blasts were executed with deadly speed and force. He was able to rapidly fire three fireballs in a row to annihilate the Gyaos. Banishing Sword/Fist: After destroying his own arm to free himself from Iris' hold, Gamera immediately finds himself under attack from energy beams that had been charging at the end of Iris' tentacles. Taking the brunt of the blow with his stump, Gamera takes the energy and forms a burning hand which he then used to destroy Iris. Shell Cutter Attack: During the dogfight over Kinki, Gamera used his jets to rapidly spin his shell, rushing Iris. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,

E. Dinosaurian
1. Carnivorous Dinosaurs;

- Dimetrodon are about 11.5 feet (3.5 m) long and weigh roughly 550 pounds (250 kg). It has a large sail-like flap of skin along its back, dense with blood vessels. The sail is supported by long, bony spines, each of which grows out of a separate spinal vertebra (a bone in the back). The sail may be a thermoregulatory structure, used to absorb and release heat. The sail may also be used for mating and dominance rituals, and/or for making it look much larger than it is to predators. Dimetrodon has sharp teeth and clawed feet.

Albertosaurus - Albertosaurus walk on two legs and has a large head with sharp, saw-toothed teeth. It has two-fingered hands on short arms. Its long tail provides balance and quick turning. It has powerful back legs with clawed, three-toed feet. Albertosaurus are about 30 feet (9 m) long, about 11 feet (3.4 m) tall at the hips, and up to 3 tons in weight (averaging roughly 2500 kg). The lower jaw of Albertosaurus has from 14 and 16 teeth; the upper jaw has 17-19 teeth. It has one row of teeth in each jaw but has at least one replacement tooth growing up from under each tooth.

Allosaurus - Allosaurus is a powerful predator that walks on two powerful legs, has a strong, S-shaped neck, and has vertebrae that are different from those of other dinosaurs (hence its name, the "different lizard"). It has a massive tail, a bulky body, and heavy bones. Its arms are short and have three-fingered hands with sharp claws that are up to 6 inches (15 cm) long. Allosaurus is up to 38 feet long (12 m) and 16.5 feet tall (5 m). It weighs about 1400 kg. It has a 3 feet long (90 cm) skull with two short brow-horns and bony knobs and ridges above its eyes and on the top of the head. It has large, powerful jaws with long, sharp, serrated teeth 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) long.

Ceratosaurus - Ceratosaurus is a powerful predator that walks on two strong legs, has a strong, s-shaped neck, and has a short horn on its snout. It has a massive tail, a bulky body, and heavy bones. Its arms are short and it has four-fingered hands (a primitive configuration) with sharp claws. It also has large eyes (and therefore has very good eyesight). Ceratosaurus is 15 to 20 feet long (4.5 to 6 m) long; weighing roughly 0.5 to 1 ton It has a skull a snout horn and two short brow ridges, and bony knobs and ridges above its eyes and on the top of the head. This common hunter has large, powerful jaws with long, sharp, teeth.

Giganotosaurus - a 44-46 ft (13.5-14.3 m) long behemoth, who weighs about 8 tons and stand 12 feet tall (at the hips). It walks on two legs, has a brain the size of a banana, and has enormous jaws with 8-inch long serrated teeth

Utahraptor - Utahraptor is 16-23 feet (5-7 m) long and weighs about 1 ton. They are predator with 9-15 inch long middle-toe claws. It is a lightly built, fast-moving, agile, bipedal (walking on two legs), bird-like dinosaur. It has a curved, flexible neck and a big head. Sharp, serrated teeth are set into very powerful jaws. Each of its three fingers on each arm have large, sharp, curved claw. It has four-toed feet; the second toe has a 9-15 inch (23-38 cm) sickle-like claw and the other toes have smaller claws. Its long tail has bony rods running along the spine giving it rigidity; the tail is used for balance and fast turning ability. It has a relatively large brain and large, keen, eyes.

- Spinosaurus is called "spiny lizard" because it has a series of large neural spines up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long coming out of its back vertebrae, probably forming a sail-like fin that helps in thermoregulation, mating rituals and  interspecies rivalry. Spinosaurus have a relatively flexible upper spine (these vertebrae have modified ball-and-socket-joints) so it can arch its back somewhat, being able to spread the sail (like opening the ribs of a fan). Spinosaurus is bipedal (it walks on two legs). It is about 40-50 feet long (12-15 m) and weighs 4 tons or more (it weighs up to perhaps 8 tons); it is the largest known spinosaurid (a type of large, meat-eating dinosaur). It has a large head with sharp, straight, non-serrated teeth in powerful, crocodile-like jaws. Its arms are smaller than its legs but are larger than the arms of most other theropods. It goes on all fours at times.

- Tyrannosaurus rex is a fierce predator that walks on two powerful legs. This meat-eater has a huge head with large, pointed, replaceable teeth and well-developed jaw muscles. It has tiny arms, each with two fingers. Each bird-like foot has three large toes, all equipped with claws (plus a little dewclaw on a tiny, vestigial fourth toe). T. Rex had a slim, stiff, pointed tail that provided balance and allows quick turns while running. T. rex's neck is short and muscular. Its body is solidly built but its bones are hollow. Tyrannosaurus rex is up to 40 feet (12.4 m) long, about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 m) tall. The arms are only about 3 feet (1 m) long. Tyrannosaurus rex is roughly 5 to 7 tons in weight.

Baryonyx is about 32 feet (9.5 m) long and weighs about 2 tons. This theropod dinosaur has a long, alligator-like head and 96 thin, sharp, serrated teeth.

Therizinosaurus - roughly four or five meters in length, with a stout, relatively short tail, a long, flexible neck, a short, beaked skull long arms bearing immense, sickle-like claws on each of their three fingers, two short, stout legs with broad feet bearing four functional toes each, and a big belly. Therizinosaurus is feathered

Carcharodontosaurus is a huge meat eater. It is from 26-44 feet long (8-14 m), weighing up to 8 tons. It has a skull that is as big as a person - 5'4" (1.6 m). It has large, powerful jaws with long, serrated, sharp teeth up to 8 inches long This carnosaur had a massive tail, a bulky body, and heavy bones. Its arms are short and has three-fingered hands with sharp claws

2. Non- Carnivorous Dinosaurs;

Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus is one of the largest land animals that ever existed. The dinosaur Brontosaurus is now called Apatosaurus. This enormous plant-eater measures about 70-90 feet (21-27 m) long and about 15 feet (4.6 m) tall at the hips. It weighs roughly 33-38 tons Its head was less than 2 feet long; it has a long skull and a very tiny brain. This plant-eater has a long neck (with 15 vertebrae), a long whip-like tail (about 50 ft = 15 m long), a hollow backbone, peg-like teeth in the front of the jaws, and four massive, column-like legs. Its hind legs are larger than the front legs.

Amargasaurus - This plant-eater is about 33 feet (10 m) long and weighs roughly 5000 kg. It has 2 rows of spines growing out along its backbone along its neck, body, and tail. These spines have a covering of skin forming a sail, this sail might is a thermoregulatory structure, used to absorb and release heat, for mating and dominance rituals, and  for making it look much larger than it is to predators. The spines are useful as protection. Amargasaurus is a quadruped (it walks on four legs), has a small head, a long neck and a very long tail. Its front legs are shorter than its back legs, and all the legs have elephant-like, five-toed feet. One toe on each foot had a thumb claw, probably for protection. It uses its whip-like tail for protection.

Ankylosaurus - Ankylosaurus is a huge armored dinosaur, measuring about 25-35 feet (7.5-10.7 m) long, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide and 4 feet (1.2 m) tall; it weighs roughly 3-4 tons. Its entire top side is heavily protected from carnivores with thick, oval plates embedded (fused) in its leathery skin, 2 rows of spikes along its body, large horns that project from the back of the head, and a club-like tail. It even had bony plates as protection for its eyes. Only its under-belly was unplated. Flipping it over is the only way to wound it. Ankylosaurus has four short legs (the rear legs are larger than the front legs), a short neck, and a wide skull

Brachiosaurus - Brachiosaurus is one of the tallest and largest dinosaurs ever. It has a long neck, small head, and relatively short, thick tail. Brachiosaurus walks on four legs and, like the other Brachiosaurids and unlike most dinosaurs, its front legs are longer than its hind legs. These unusual front legs together with its very long neck give Brachiosaurus a giraffe-like stance and great height, up to 40-50 feet (12-16 m) tall. Brachiosaurus is about 85 feet (26 m) long, and weighed about 33-88 tons .It has a claw on the first toe of each front foot and claws on the first three toes of each rear foot (each foot had five toes with fleshy pads).
Diplodocus - Diplodocus is a long-necked, whip-tailed giant, measuring about 90 feet (27 m) long with a 26 foot (8 m) long neck and a 45 foot (14 m) long tail, but its head is less than 2 feet long. It is among the longest land animals ever. Its nostrils are at the top of its head and it has peg-like teeth, but only in the front of the jaws. Its front legs are shorter than its back legs, and all have elephant-like, five-toed feet. One toe on each foot has a thumb claw, for protection. It has a row of spines running down its back.

Diplodocus is more lightly built than the other giant sauropods, and weighs only about 10-20 tons. Seismosaurus is an enormous, long-necked, whip-tailed, small-headed dinosaur. It measures about 130-170 feet (39-52 m) long and is roughly 18 feet (5.5 m) tall (measured from the ground to the top of the shoulder). It weighs about 30 tons (roughly 60,000 pounds). It is among the longest land animals that ever lived.
Pelorosaurus - Pelorosaurus is a plant-eating dinosaur. They are roughly 80 ft (24 m) long. It is a long-necked, long-tailed plant-eater with a small head with arms longer than legs

Protoceratops - Protoceratops walks on four legs, has a large head, a bulky body, a parrot-like beak, cheek teeth, and a small frill on its head. Males have larger frills than females, the frill are used in courtship and mating. Protoceratops is about 6 to 8.2 feet (1.5-2.5 m) and weighs roughly 900 pounds (400 kg). It is about 3 feet tall (to the top of the shoulders).

Triceratops - Triceratops is a rhinoceros-like dinosaur. It walks on four sturdy legs and had three horns on its face along with a large bony plate projecting from the back of its skull (a frill). It has one short horn above its parrot-like beak and two longer horns (over 3 feet or 1 m long) above its eyes providing protection from predators. The horns are used in mating rivalry and rituals. Triceratops is about 30 feet long (9 m), 10 feet tall (3 m), and weighs up to 6-12 tons. It has a short, pointed tail, a bulky body, column-like legs with hoof-like claws, and a bony neck frill rimmed with bony bumps. It has a parrot-like beak, many cheek teeth, and powerful jaws.

Stegosaurus - Stegosaurus is up to 26-30 feet long (8-9 m), about 9 feet tall (2.75 m), and weighs about 6,800 pounds (3100 kg). Its small brain is only the size of a walnut (weighing roughly 2.5 - 2.9 ounces (70 - 80 grams). Its skull is long. pointed, and narrow; it has a toothless beak and small cheek teeth. Its head is carried close to the ground, no more than 3 feet (1 m) high. Stegosaurus has 17 bony plates that are embedded in its back. The plates run along the Stegosaurus' back and tail in two rows, and the plates alternate in alignment.

Styracosaurus - Styracosaurus is a dinosaur that walks on four short legs. This large plant-eater has a six-spiked frill projecting from the back of its skull. It also has an upward-pointing horn on its nose (2 feet (60 cm) long and 6 inches (15 cm) wide), and two small horns above its eyes. These spikes and the horn provide protection from predators, and are used in mating rituals and rivalry. It has a short, thick, pointed tail, a large, bulky body, a large skull and a beak. Styracosaurus hatch from eggs. Styracosaurus is about 18 feet (5 m) long, 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, and weighs up to 3 tons.
Supersauras - is very long. It is a long-necked, whip-tailed giant, measuring about 138 feet (42 m) long and 54 feet (16.5 m) tall, with a 39 foot (12 m) long neck. It weighs up to 55 tons; it is not the heaviest dinosaur. Its front legs are shorter than its back legs, and all the legs had elephant-like, five-toed feet. One toe on each foot has a thumb claw, used for protection. It uses its whip-like tail for protection.

Talarurus LENGTH: 6 m Herbivore, Quadruped it has massive limbs with small, hoof-like nails. Bands of thick plates and hollow spines protect its back, hips and tail. It has a good sense of smell.

Hadrosaur It is a partly aquatic bipedal dinosaur having a horny duck-like bill and webbed feet. Length: 33 feet (10 m) Height: 14 feet (4 m) Weight: 2 tons (1,900 kilos)

Dromiceiomimus - Length: 11-19 Feet Height: 6-10 Feet the fastest of all dinosaurs It can reach speeds up to 45 mph. They are bipeds that travel on long, slender legs with three toes. They have large eyes for good sight, small heads with long, thin necks, and toothless beaks. There brains are large for their body size. They also have forelimbs with three claws.

Iguanodon - Iguanodon is a dinosaur that has a horny, toothless beak and tightly-packed cheek teeth. On each hand, Iguanodon has four fingers plus a conical thumb spike on each hand (that is perpendicular to the other fingers). The thumb spikes are used for defense and in obtaining food; it ranges from 2 to 6 inches long. Iguanodon has a flat, stiff tail and three-toed hind feet with hoof-like claws. Its legs are much larger than its arms. Iguanodon on average about 30 feet long (9.3 m), 16 feet tall (5 m), 9 ft (2.7 m) tall at the hips, and weigh 4 to 5 tons

Ouranosaurus - It is about 24 feet (7 m) long and weighs about 4 tons. Ouranosaurus' sail is formed by long-spined vertebrae in the backbone. The spines stick out from its back and tail; the spines are covered with skin. The sail is used for temperature regulation in the hot, African environment. It helps the animal cool down in the heat of day, by dispersing extra heat when the sail is turned away from the sun. It also helps Ouranosaurus collect heat early in the morning when the sail faces the sun. The sail is also used for mating displays, interspecies rivalry, and to make it look larger when confronting predators. Ouranosaurus had few defenses. Ouranosaurus' skull is longer than other iguanodontid skulls. It has a bit of a crest on its snout, two bony bumps. Ouranosaurus has a flat, wide, toothless beak, and many cheek teeth for grinding plant material. The neck is short and flexible. There are five short fingers on each hand. The second and third fingers have hoof-like nails that Ouranosaurus uses   when it goes on all four limbs to graze low-lying plants. Each thumb has a small conical spike

Parasaurolophus - Parasaurolophus is a long-crested, duck-billed dinosaur. Its extremely long, backwards-leaning, hollow, bony crest is bigger than the rest of its skull and is used to produce a low-frequency, foghorn-like sound, enhance its sense of smell, and is used in courtship displays. The Parasaurolophus' nostrils (at the end of its snout) go up through the crest and back down it, forming four tubes. The crest is up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long. Its snout is narrow and shorter than other hadrosaur snouts. males have longer crests. Parasaurolophus also have a notch in its back, right where the crest touches the back when its head leans backwards. Parasaurolophus grow to be about 40 ft (12 m) long and 8 feet (2.8 m) tall at the hips. It weighs about 2 tons. It has pebbly-textured skin, a spoon-shaped beak, and a pointy tail. It has webbed fingers, giving it a mitten-like hand. Its sight and hearing are keen, but it has no natural defenses. It has a toothless, horny beak and numerous cheek teeth.

(more to come)
G. Hyperdinosauria
Agillas / Anguirus 1(1955) - Height: 60 meters
Length: 100 meters Mass: 30,000 tons. Quadruped. Spikes on back and head, long powerful tail.
Powers/Weapons: Spikes on carapace; burrowing ability; extraordinary jumper. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known, but Anguirus 1 and 2 may be the same.
Agillas / Anguirus 2 (2004) - Height: 90 meters Length: 160 meters Mass: 60,000 tons. Quadruped. Spikes on back and head, long powerful tail. . Powers/Weapons: Spikes on carapace; burrowing ability; extraordinary jumper. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known, but Anguirus 1 and 2 may be the same.
Bagan - Height: 150 meters   Weight: 250,000 tons. Bipedal, walks upright Weapons: Claws, teeth, horns, strong skin, tail, energetic stars deployed from horns, barrier to block body and a plasma beam from mouth. The fate and whereabouts of this creature  is not known,
Baragon  1 - Height: 25 meters  Mass: 250 tons quadruped Powers/Weapons: Heat Ray from mouth; nasal horn that can glow; burrowing ability; extraordinary jumper
Baragon  2 - (2001) - Height: 30 meters   Mass: 10,000 tons quadruped Powers/Weapons: Burrowing ability, nasal horn, 100-meter jump. This creature was killed by rouge Godzilla in 2001 but was able to transfer power to Mothra 8
Barugon - Height 80 Meters Mass: 7,000 tons quadruped. Powers:  Barugon can fire an immensely powerful arc of multi-colored energy from his back spines that can vaporize steel. Barugon can expel a very gold gas from the tip of his tongue, which is able to freeze nearly anything in seconds! (It froze Gamera, a walking plasma furnace, whose flames couldn�t even be extinguished by the cold voids of space, in a matter of seconds) can use his tail, sharp claws, biting, and his extremely long tongue in combat. Barugon is very skilled jumper and can leap many hundreds of yards away. Barugon is weakened by the water and can not use his ice mist when in the water.
Gappa 1 - Male Height: 15 meters Weight: 10,000 tons bipedal, walks upright Powers/Abilities: Can fly and swim, .Offspring of Gappa 2 and 3. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
Gappa 2 - Female Height: 48 meters Weight: 28,000 tons bipedal, walks upright has wings Powers/Abilities: Can fly, swim, and expel a powerful blue beam from beak. Mother of Gappa 1, mate of Gappa 3.The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
Gappa 3 - Male Height: 50 meters Weight: 30,000 tons bipedal, walks upright has wings Powers/Abilities: Can fly, swim, and expel a powerful blue beam from beak. Father of Gappa 1 Mate of Gappa 2. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
Godzilla � We know that there have been several creature identified as Godzilla, Some individual Godzilla have undergone changes in appearance and some Godzilla are different individuals.
Godzilla 1 (1954) - Height: 50 meters Mass: 20,000 tons.  Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail.  Powers/Weapons: Atomic ray; super regenerative power; adept swimmer. Believed to have been killed by oxygen destroyer. Its relationship to other Godzilla's is uncertain.
Godzilla 2 / Gigantus (1955) - Height: 50 meters  Mass: 20,000 tons. Bipedal, walks upright. It has plates on its back, with a long powerful tail. Powers/Weapons: Atomic ray; super  regenerative power; is believed by some to fly by using his breath as a means of jet propulsion; can absorb electricity and release it to become a magnetic force. It is not known if this Godzilla is still alive or not. Its connection to Godzilla 1 or 4 is unknown.
Godzilla - Minya / Minilla 1 (1967) - Height: 13-18 meters Mass: 1,800 tons-3,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. Powers/Weapons: Able to blow Radioactive smoke rings; can fire an Atomic Ray when a large amount of pressure is applied to Minilla's tail. This creature seems to have been a baby Godzilla that was the son of or at least an adopted son of Godzilla 2. We do not know for sure if he ever grew into an adult Godzilla or not. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known.
Godzilla 3 � See Mechagodzilla 1 - This was not a Godzilla at all but an alien robot
Godzilla 4 - (1984) - Height: 80 meters Mass: 50,000 tons   Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail. Powers/Weapons: Atomic Ray; super regenerative power; adept swimmer; Nuclear Pulse; can absorb radiation its relationship to other Godzilla's is uncertain.
Godzilla 5 - (1991) - Height: 100 meters Mass: 60,000 tons.  Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail. Powers/Weapons: Atomic Ray; super regenerative power; adept swimmer; Nuclear Pulse; able to unleash a Spiral Fire ray from his mouth; can absorb radiation; can conduct energy through its touch. Time travelers from the future created this Godzilla when they traveled to the past in an attempt to prevent Godzilla 4 from being created. Their attempts not only failed, but also brought us this bigger Godzilla, but also King Ghidorah 2.
Godzilla 5 died when his power became to strong and cause an internal meltdown.
Godzilla 6 / Baby Godzilla / Godzilla Jr. - Height: 40 meters Mass: 15,000 tons.  Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail. Powers/Weapons: Can fire an Atomic Ray from its mouth; super regenerative power; adept swimmer; able to communicate with Godzilla telepathically. This Godzilla hatched from an egg that was first thought to be an egg of a Rodon. After the death of Godzilla 5 he seemed to have absorbed power from the larger Godzilla. The whereabouts of this Godzilla is unknown. His relationship with Godzilla 8, 9 and 10 are also unknown.
Godzilla 7 � See Zilla 1 /GINO (1998) This creature was first reported to be a Godzilla. This was later reputed.
Godzilla 8 - (2000) - Height: 55 meters Length: 122.5 meters Mass: 25,000 tons.  Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail.   Powers/Weapons: Atomic ray; super regenerative power; adept swimmer; spines unleash a tremendous amount of heat while atomic ray is being prepared; able to unleash a tremendous blast of Inner-Radiation from his body; extraordinary jumper. This Godzilla had extremely long and jagged spikes on its back. This Godzilla was thought to be killed by Diminution Tide, but somehow escaped the man made black hole. This Godzilla was later captured with the help of the Mothra twin Larva 10 a and 10 b in 2003, by Mechagodzilla 3. It was dropped into the sea. Its whereabouts are unknown. Some believe him to be Godzilla 10, but it is uncertain at this time.
Godzilla 9 / Rouge Godzilla (2001) - Height: 60 meters Mass: 30,000 tons.  Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail. Powers/Weapons: Atomic Ray; adept swimmer; near impenetrable hide; able to absorb certain types of energy and release them from his mouth This Godzilla was very different then all other Godzilla. The pupils of his eyes were not visible, and he had a distinctive stoop. This Godzilla may have been rouge Godzilla. It was killed by humans in Tokyo Bay in 2001. Its relationship to other Godzilla's is uncertain.
Godzilla 10 (2004) -Height: 100 meters Length: 100 meters Mass: 55,000 tons.  Bipedal, walks upright. Plates on Back, long powerful tail.  Powers/Weapons: Atomic Ray; super regenerative power; adept swimmer; was able to unleash a Hyper Spiral Ray after being surged with the energy by  a human mutant named Ozaki's.; can discharge a blast of energy through his body, to damage those in direct contact, after being surged with  energy. . Keizer Ghidorah had appeared to have killed Godzilla until Godzilla was revived. Godzilla then killed Keizer Ghidorah. This may be the most powerful Godzilla of them all. The fate and whereabouts of this creature  is not known,
Godzilla-Minya / Minilla 2 - (2004) Height: 1.6-20 meters Mass: 200 kilograms-5,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. Powers/Weapons: Able to blow Radioactive smoke rings; can fire an Atomic Ray after growing to 20 meters The fate and whereabouts of this creature  is not known

Gorgo 1 - Height 30 meters   Bipedal, walks upright. It has plates on back, and it has a long powerful tail. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Gorgo 2 / Ogra - Height: 80 meters Weight: 50,000 tons Upright bipedal Plates on Back, long powerful tail. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Gorosauras 1 (1967) - .Height: 35 meters Mass: 8,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. It has a large head, sharp teeth, and a powerful tail.  Powers/Weapons: Kangaroo kick; burrowing ability. This creature was thought to be killed by King Kong in 1967
Gorosauras 2 (1968) - Height: 45 meters Mass: 12,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. It has a large head, sharp teeth, and a powerful tail.  Powers/Weapons: Kangaroo kick; burrowing ability. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known.
Jiger - Height: 80 Meters Mass: 20,000 tons quadruped. Powers: Skeletonizing Ray- Jiger can fire a super hot skeletonizing ray from her fore head, capable of burning flesh from bone. This ray also makes a high pitched screech capable of blowing ear drums.
Jiger can fire sharp saliva spears from her side horns, capable of tearing strait through flesh. Jiger has suction cups all over her body capable of sucking anything towards her body. Jiger has jet like gills on her head, allowing her to speed through the water at extreme speeds and jump high in the air, almost flying.Jiger's tail ends in a needle that can inject an egg into a host that will hatch into a Baby Jiger. Jiger can be brought under control by radio waves and high pitched noises.
Jiger 2- This Jiger was just a baby. Little is known about this creature.
Paleosaurus / The Giant Behemoth - Height; 61 Meters Powers: - Radioactive Waves- Paleosaurus can fire flesh burning radioactive waves from his body, Paleosaurus can make an electric field around his body at any time, this can be seen when he is under water. Paleosaurus can swim through the water at high speeds.
Rhedosaurus (The Beast from 20000 fathoms) - Height 30 Meters Length 70 Meters quadruped. Powers: Great Strength. Sharp claws and Teeth Powerful tail. Poison Blood- Rhedosaurus' blood contains a deadly poison that will take effect a few hours after contact.
Rhinosaurs - Bipedal, walks upright. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known.
Titanosaurus - Bipedal, walks upright. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Varan 1-
Varan 2 - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Youngary 1 - Height: 48 Meters Mass: 20,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright... Has a horn on the nose.  Powers: Flame Thrower- Youngary can fire a deadly stream of fire from his mouth.
Sonic Cutter Beam- Youngary can fire a yellow sonic cutter beam from his horn that can cut jets and other vehicles in half.
Youngary 2 / Reptilian -  Height: 119 Meters Mass: 65,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. Powers: Fire Darts- Youngary can fire powerful fire darts from his mouth capable of doing massive damage to what ever they hit.
Speed- Youngary is extremely fast on his feet and can also jump side to side at great speeds.
Zilla 1 - (1998) Height: 55 meters Mass: 1,890 tons Bipedal, walks upright. It has plates on its back, and a long powerful tail. Powers: Igniting Hurricane Breath- Zilla can blow out hurricane winds from his mouth that will ignite into a deadly stream of fire when exposed to heat.   Zilla can run at very high speeds. He can use this advantage in speed to confuse foes and leave them open for attacks.   Zilla is a very adept swimmer and can swim at very high speeds. Zilla has spikes covering his back, making a back attack almost impossible. Zilla can lay up to 200 hundred eggs in his life time.   Zilla can burrow through the ground at high speeds.
Zilla 2 - (2004)   Height: 90 meters Mass: 3,090 tons. It is bipedal, and walks upright. It has plates on its back, and a long powerful tail. Powers:  Igniting Hurricane Breath- Zilla can blow out hurricane winds from his mouth that will ignite into a deadly stream of fire when exposed to heat.  Zilla can run at very high speeds. He can use this advantage in speed to confuse foes and leave them open for attacks.  Zilla is a very adept swimmer and can swim at very high speeds. Zilla has spikes covering his back, making a back attack almost impossible. Zilla can lay up to 200 hundred eggs in his life time.   Zilla can burrow through the ground at high speeds.



are flying reptiles (pterosaurs) that are about 6 feet (1.8 m) long, has a 25-33 foot (7.8-10 m) wingspread, and weighs about 35 pounds; its standing height is about 6 feet (1.8 m). This wing-span is longer than most birds. Pteranadon have hollow bones, are lightly built, have almost no tail, and small bodies; they have fur. They have large brains and good eyesight. Some pteranadon have long, light-weight, bony crests on their heads that act as a rudder or stabilizer when flying, and it is also a sexual characteristic. They have no teeth. Pteranadon wings are covered by a leathery membrane. This thin but tough membrane stretched between its body, the top of its legs and its elongated fourth fingers, forming the structure of the wing. Claws protrude from the other fingers.

Quetzalcoatlus -
Quetzalcoatlus is a very large flying reptile whose wing-span is just less than 36 feet wide (10.96 m). It has hollow bones, is lightly built, and has a small body. Even though it is very big, it weighs only about 300 pounds (135 kg). It has toothless jaws and a long, thin beak. The neck is 10 feet (3 m) long. The legs are over 7 feet (2.1 m) in length, as is the long head. Quetzalcoatlus has a large brain and big eyes (it has very good eyesight). Fur-like fuzz (modified scales) covers its body. A light-weight, bony crests on the head is a sexual characteristic. The crest acts as a rudder for flying. Quetzalcoatlus wings are covered by a leathery membrane and are over 9 inches (23 cm) thick at the elbow. This thin but tough membrane stretched between its body, the top of its legs and its elongated fourth fingers, forming the structure of the wing. Claws protrude from the other fingers. Quetzalcoatlus uses updrafts (rising warm air) and breezes to help it fly.

Rhamphorynchus -
Rhamphorhynchus is a pterosaur, a flying reptile. It has a wingspan up to 5.75 feet (1.75m) wide. It has a diamond-shaped flap of skin at the end of its long, thin, pointed tail. This meat-eater has long, narrow jaws with sharp teeth that point outwards. It has tiny legs.


Gyaos (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations range from 20 to 150 Their live cycle starts when they are hatched from an egg; They then grow into larger forms called Super Gyaos.) Origin: Unknown, but it is assumed that Gyaos was the product of genetic engineering by a super-ancient civilization (Atlantis / Mu Continent.) Gyaos may be related to the alien Gaos creatures.

Gyaos Flock 1 - (1995) - Wingspan- 15-46 meters Weight- 50 tons   Powers- Asexually reproduces, High speed flight, Sonic Beam from mouth. A small flock of Gyaos hatched in 1995. At first three survived. Gamera managed to kill each one at a time. One of these Gyaos lived long enough to grow into a Super Gyaos.
Gyaos Super Gyaos (1995) - Height: 85 meters Wingspan: 185 meters Weight: 75 tons. High speed flight, Sonic Beam from mouth. This Gyaos was killed by Gamera in 1995.
Gyaos Hyper Gyaos (1999) - Height- 88 meters   Wingspan- 190 meters
Weight- 80 tons   Powers- Asexually reproduces, High speed flight, Sonic Beam from mouth.  This Gyaos was killed by Gamera in 1999.

Gyaos Flock 2 (1999) Wingspan- 15-46 meters Weight- 50 tons Powers- Asexually reproduces, High speed flight, Sonic Beam from mouth.  A new flock of Gyaos was hatched in 1999. These Gyaos were seen all over the world. Nobody knows how many were hatched but estimates range from 50 to a thousand.
Iris - (although it looks very different, Iris is a specialized Gyaos) - Height- 100 meters, Bipedal, walks upright.Tenatcles length- 2000 meters Weight- 200 tons   Powers- Flight at mach 9, dagger like arms with the ability to drain other organism's power, four tendrils that are able to fire beams or other powers that Iris has drained, can draw more power by establishing a link with a human host, chest can open to reveal numerous, smaller, tentacles

Rodan 1 (1956) - Height: 50 meters Wingspan: 120-150 meters Mass: 15,000 tons Rodan is a giant birdlike pteranadon. It has spikes on its head and chest, a sharp beak and powerful talons. Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 1.5; hurricane winds from wings; spikes on chest; can breath a concentrated blast of wind from its mouth Rodon 1 and two were probably both siblings and mates. They were brought down and apparently killed during the eruption of a volcano.
Rodan 2 - (1956) - Height: 50 meters Wingspan: 120-150 meters Mass: 15,000 tons Rodan is a giant birdlike pteranadon. It has spikes on its head and chest, a sharp beak and powerful talons. Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 1.5; hurricane winds from wings; spikes on chest; can breath a concentrated blast of wind from its mouth Rodon 1 and two were probably both siblings and mates. They were brought down and apparently killed during the eruption of a volcano.
Rodan 3 - (1964) - Height: 50 meters Wingspan: 120-150 meters Mass: 15,000 tons Rodan is a giant birdlike pteranadon. It has spikes on its head and chest, a sharp beak and powerful talons. Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 1.5; hurricane winds from wings; spikes on chest; can breathe a concentrated blast of wind from its mouth. The relationship between this Rodan and Rodan 1 & 2 is unclear. It could be that one of the earlier Rodan survived and was buried beneath the volcanic rubble, it could have been a sibling from another egg, or it could have been an offspring of 1 and two. The fate and whereabouts of this creature  is not known
Rodan  4 (1993) - Height: 70 meters Wingspan: 120 meters Mass: 16,000 tons
Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; wings create windstorms; spikes on chest

Rodan  5 - (Fire Rodan 1993) - Height: 70 meters Wingspan: 120 meters Mass: 16,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; wings create windstorms; spikes on chest; able to fire a Uranium Heat Beam from its mouth. Fire Rodan was killed in a battle with Mechagodzilla 2 but was able to transfer its power into a fallen Godzilla.
Rodan 6(2004) - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known


Mosasaur - Mosasaur are 12.5-17.6 m (40-59. feet) long with sharp teeth. Mosasaur is powerful swimmers that have a long, streamlined body. The long head has very pointed powerful jaws with many sharp teeth. Mosasaur has four short, paddle-like limbs adapted to life in the water. A long finned tail completes its serpentine body. Mosasaur has scaly snake-like skin.

Kronosaurus - Kronosaurus is a short-necked plesiosaur, a meat-eating marine reptile 30 feet (9 m) long. It has four flippers, a huge head with strong jaws, and a short, pointed tail. The head is up to 9 feet (2.7 m) long, about 1/3 of the entire length of the body. It has rounded teeth at the back of the jaws which can crush shells and cephalopods (squid and octopi).
     Plesiosaurus - Plesiosaurs are large, marine reptiles that ranged in size from 8-46 feet long (2.5-14 m). They have four flippers, sharp teeth in strong jaws, and short, pointed tails.

Ichthyosaur - Ichthyosaurs are stream-lined marine reptiles that range in size from 7-30 feet long (4.5-9 m). They have sharp teeth in long jaws, and big eyes. They have four crescent-shaped fins, a stabilizing dorsal fin, and a fish-like tail with two lobes. They breathe air with lungs through nostrils which are close to the eyes near the top of the snout.

Thalassomedon are large, marine reptiles that have a long neck (with 63 vertebrae), a long snout, long, sharp teeth (up to 5 cm long), a short, pointed tail and four flippers. This reptile is about 40 feet (12 m) long;

H. Dragons (There have been several Dragons Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
Dragons of the World

(More coming soon)

I. Hyper-Dragons

Dagahra - Length: 73 meters Wingspan: 36 meters Mass: 7,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 10; can fire a Irabushan Beam from its mouth; able to fire Crimson energy beams from its dorsal fins; able to rotae and fire Energy Rings from its body; can create a tornado of Barems and lightning by rotating itself underwater at a fast rate; the two cannons on its shoulders can fire either energy beams or a concentrated mixture of Barem and crystallized toxins; adept swimmer.

Ghidorah � Ghidorah are especially hard to classify. Some theorists want to consider Ghidorah alien. It is known that they are capable of space travel and have left and returned to earth several times, it is believed, and however that Ghidorah is originally from earth.
The earliest known Ghidorah existed during the Cretaceous period. It is also theorized that Ghidorah has somehow been genetically altered. It is even theorized by some that Ghidorah has experienced time travel. If so this could also confuse our understandings of his origin. 
Ghidorah 1 / King Ghidorah 1 / Monster Zero (1964) - Height: 100 meters Wingspan: 150 meters Mass: 30,000 tons, bipedal, walks upright has no arms.  Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; can travel through space; Gravity beams from mouths; hurricane winds from wings; able to incase itself in a meteor that has magnetic properties. This Ghidorah came from space and threatened the earth until defeated by Godzilla 2, Rodan & Mothra Larva 5. He returned twice later under the control of Aliens but the monsters of Earth defeated him each time. The relationship between this Ghidorah and the others is uncertain.
Ghidorah 2 / King Ghidorah 2 (1991) - Height: 140 meters   Wingspan: 175 meters Mass: 70,000 tons. Bipedal, walks upright, has no arms   Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; able to fire Gravity beams from its mouths; hurricane winds from wings. This Ghidorah Was killed by Godzilla 5, but was later resurrected and used to create the cyborg Mechaghidorah. The relationship between this Ghidorah and 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, is uncertain.
Ghidorah 3 / Mechaghidorah (1991) - Height: 140 meters Wingspan: 175 meters Mass: 70,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; able to fire Gravity beams from its mouths; hurricane winds from wings This Ghidorah was destroyed while disposing of Godzilla 5. His Robotic head was used in the creation of Mechagodzilla 2.
Ghidorah 4 / Deshidorah / Death Ghidorah (1996) - Length: 100 meters Wingspan: 80 meters   Mass: 75,000 tons   Unlike previous Ghidorahs, this one is a quadruped, Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3, releases hurricane winds from wings, able to breath Hell's Flame from its middle head, can fire Lava Gout energy bolts from all three-heads, able to perform Shock Pulse a powerful shockwave that's emitted from all over the body, can send a electric surge through anything that it bites, able to do Fiery Prye Road by sending a red energy blast of manna over a piece of land causing the ground to crack and split open releasing fires and flames from within the earth, This creature killed Mothra 6 but was defeated my Mothra 7 and imprisoned in a rock prison. The relationship between this Ghidorah and 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, is uncertain.
Ghidorah 5 / Grand King Ghidorah (1998) - Height: 60 meters Wingspan: 80 meters Mass: 50,000 tons. Bipedal, walks upright. Has no arms.   Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; hurricane winds from wings; gravity beams from mouths; is able to charge the gravity beams for a more concentrated blast; using a zero gravity field is able to fly even with the loss of its wings; scales manipulate the light from projectiles to form a barrier to protect Ghidora; can shoot six bolts of electricity from each wing; able to create a dome that allows objects to pass through but has a corrosive affect on things trying to escape, also the dome's outside is laced with tentacles that can attack objects outside the dome; can teleport smaller beings inside the dome for later consumption; is able to travel in space by encasing himself within the extracted life essences that he consumes and give off the appearance of a meteor; can install a weak mind control on others. This Ghidorah was a lot like Ghidorah 1 but much smaller. The relationship between this Ghidorah and 1, 2, 3 4, 6, and 7, is uncertain.
Ghidorah 6 / King Ghidorah (2001) -Height: 49 meters
Wingspan: 93 meters Mass: 25,000 tons bipedal, walks upright, Has no arms Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; hurricane winds from wings; electric bite; can create an energy shield to absorb projectiles and release them back at their source once; able to fire gravity beams from mouths. This Ghidorah was killed by the Rouge Godzilla 9 in 2001. The relationship between this Ghidorah and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, is uncertain.
Ghidorah 7 / Monster X (2004) - Height: 120 meters   Mass: 60,000 tons bipedal, walks upright.
Powers/Weapons: Able to fire Gravity beams from its eyes; levitation. This creature was genetically altered by beings from another planet. Able to transform into Kaiser Ghidorah
Ghidorah 8 / Kaiser Ghidorah (2004) - Height: 140 meters Length: 150 meters   Mass: 100,000 tons Like Ghidorah 4 this one is a quadruped. Powers/Weapons: Able to fire Gravity beams from its mouths; can drain energy through its bite. It had been Monster X before it transformed. This creature was genetically altered by beings from another planet It had appeared to have killed Godzilla 10 until Godzilla was revived. Godzilla then killed Kaiser Ghidorah.
Kaishin Muba - Length: 38 meters. Mass: 2,000 tons Kaishin Muba, lives the ocean depths.  Kaishin Muba can fire a green energy beam from the ruby on his forehead; this beam isn't very strong and fails to cause any serious damage to the ground.   Kaishin Muba has dozens of tentacles capable of wrapping around an object.
Leviathan 1 / Rahab / Tannin - a seven headed sea monster that can devoure whole ships by swimming around the vessels so quickly as to create a whirlpool.
Manda 1 (1963) - Length: 150 meters Mass: 30,000 tons. It has an elongated serpent like body. Powers/Weapons: Constricting body; adept swimmer
Manda 2 (2004) - Length: 300 meters Mass: 60,000 tons. It has an elongated serpent like body. Powers/Weapons: Constricting body; adept swimmer
Midgard Serpent / Jormangund � Height 22 meters. Length 100 meters. Mass 10 tons, It has a long serpent like body.  . Not only can Jormangund kill its victim by crushing constriction, the Midgard Serpent's venom is lethal.
Orochi 1 (1959) - Length: 300 meters Mass: 10,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Eight constricting necks
Orochi 2 (1994) - Height: 22 meters Length: 66 meters Mass: 5,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Can fire red lightning from each of its eyes and mouths, able to breath fire from each of its heads, capable of traveling in space, detached body parts can take on a life of their own.
Reptilicus (1962) - Length 60 Meters Mass: 15,000 tons Mass: 15,000 tons   Powers: Reptilicus can spit deadly acidic slime from his mouth. Reptilicus can fly through the air at average speeds   Reptilicus can regenerate just about any type of wound in a matter of hours or days. If a piece of Reptilicus is somehow removed, that piece will grow into another Reptilicus. Reptilicus body is covered in armor like scales capable of protecting him from heavy tank fire.

Skybeast - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Terrordon - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
VIII.     Birds
Simurgh - a gigantic, winged creature similar to a giant peacock with a dog like head.
The Giant Claw / La Canyana (1957) - Height 60 Meters   Powers: Anti-Matter Shield- La Canyana is always surrounded by an anti-matter shield that will destroy anything made of matter that touches it. La Canyana can also open parts of this to use its talons, beak, and wings as weapons. Flight- La Canyana can fly through the air at high speeds. Talons- La Canyana can use its talons of its feet as deadly weapons to grip foes and slash them.
Giant Condor / Ookondru - Length: 15 meters Wingspan: 25 meters Mass: 2,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight; sharp beak
Phoenix - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
Garuda - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
X.    Rodents such as mice
Deutalios � N/A
Giant Rat (There have been several Giant Rats Reported. Below we list only some general features)
XI. Mammals
A. Cetaceans such as whales and dolphins
Leviathan 2 / Blue Behemoth - Features- Giant Blue Whale, Height 75 Meters. Length 90 Meters, Weight 300 tons, bipedal, walks upright. Its body is long, somewhat tapered, and streamlined, with the head making up less than one-fourth of its total body length. Its rostrum (upper part of the head) is very broad and flat and almost U-shaped, with a single ridge that extends just forward of the blowholes to the tip of the snout. Its blowholes are contained in a large, raised "splash guard", and the blow is tall and straight. There are 55-68 ventral grooves or pleats extending from the lower jaw to near the navel.   Speed Walking on land 20 mph swimming 80 mph. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
Leviathan 3 / Gray Behemoth -  - Height 75 Meters. Length 90 Meters, Weight 300 tons, Bipedal, walks upright. It is a giant toothed whale. The skin is light gray, It has a huge brain The head has a distinctive box-like shape. It has a single blowhole... The blowhole is located on the left side of the front of its huge head. It has flippers... There is no dorsal fin but there is a small hump two-thirds of the way down its back. There are also some ridges between the hump and the tail flukes. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known.
Leviathan 4 � N/A

B. Xenarthra includes the anteaters, sloths, and armadillos
C.  Lagomorpha rabbits & hares
Lepus (1972) � Giant Rabbits
D. Insectivora such as shrews
Giant shrews (1959) � Giant Shrews have short legs, and a long snouts they look somewhat like a rat.. Giant Shrews are voracious eaters. They have deadly poisonous saliva that can kill.
E. Chiroptera  such as bats
F. Perissodactyla such as horses, rinos,
G. Artiodactyla  Such as goats, pigs, cows,  hippos, camels and giraffes

Daigoro - Height: 35 meters Mass: 8,000 tons bipedal, walks upright. .large hippo like head large pot belly. Powers/Weapons: Able to fire a heat ray from its mouth; extraordinary jumper 
El Toro - Height 45 Meters bipedal walks upright two bull-like horns on its head. Short hair covering entire body.
Minatar - Bipedal, walks upright. It has the head, horns and fur like a bull.
H.  Tubulidentata such as Aardvark
I.  Proboscidea  such as elephant
Ganesha - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
J. Carnivora such as seals, cats & dogs
Cerbius - Height 40 Meters Mass 6,000 tons; grotesque quadruped dog who had three heads the fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known,
Lobodioblo - Height 33 Meters weight 15 tons. Bipedal, walks upright. It has a distinctive wolf like head snot, ears tail and fur. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Giant Wolfs (There have been several Giant wolfs Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
Fenrir � A giant Wolf
Skoll � A giant Wolf
Hati - A giant Wolf
Gabara - Height: 58 meters Mass: 23,000 tons bipedal, walks upright Catlike face, one horn on center of its head, long neck. Powers/Weapons: Able to surge electricity through its body from the horn, causing it to shock anything Gabara touches
Giant Walrus / Maguma (There have been several Giant Walrus Reported. Below we list only some general features)
Griffin / Gryphon - (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations range from a few to 100. Below are some general features of all.) - Length: 30 meters Wingspan: 50 meters Mass: 2,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 2. It is a quadruped having a tail and hindquarters like a lion or tiger wings and head like an eagle, to which a pair of ears is added, is of gigantic proportions, The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Black Moth - Length: 30 meters Wingspan: 50 meters Mass: 2,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 2 This creature is Griffon-like except its body and head are lion-like with the eagle like wings,
Hippogriff - Length: 30 meters Wingspan: 50 meters Mass: 2,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 4. It has a head like an eagle, claws armed with talons, and wings covered with feathers, the rest of his body being like a horse.
Simurg. -  It was a winged dog (a griffon-like creature),
Giant Bears (There have been several Giant Bears Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
Katahdin - Height 5 meters Mutant bear. Fur covered Powerful arms and jaw.
King Caesar / Seesar 1 - Height: 50 meters Mass: 30,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. It has long golden fur and two floppy ears on top of its head. Powers/Weapons: Able to reflect energy back at its target with its eyes it is an extraordinary jumper...The creature is believed to be sleeping off the coast of Okinawa.
King Caesar / Seesar 2 (2004)   Height: 100 meters Mass: 50,000 tons Bipedal, walks upright. It has long golden fur and two floppy ears on top of its head. Powers/Weapons: Able to reflect energy back at its target with its eyes it is an extraordinary jumper. This may be the same King Caesar listed above, but he was much large. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known
Snowbeast - The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known

K. Marsupials such as kangaroos

-Bunyip -
During the early settlement of Victoria (a state of Australia), tales of a terrible man-eating water monster were heard from natives far removed from one another The consistencies in the many different tales were startling, and soon the bunyip had aroused the interest of the European settlers.   Description: These swamp dwelling beasts are huge monsters, with bull-like horns, a flat, pushed-in face, large eyes and long ears. It has a body like a huge snake and tail like a whale.

L. Primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees

I. Sub-human 
A.P.E - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.

Gargantua - Height 4 meters Wight N/A  Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.
King Kong 1 (1933) -   Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.

King Kong 2 Son of Kong - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.

King Kong 3 Giant Kong - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.

King Kong 4 - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.
King Kong 5 (1976) - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.

King Kong 6 / Queen Kong (1986) - height; 12 meters Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.
King Kong 7 / Junior (1986) Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.

King Kong 8 (2005) Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.
Konga - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.
Mighty Joe Young 1 - Height 15 feet Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours.
Mighty Joe Young 2 - Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours
Other Sub Humans
Abominable Snowman / Yeti (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations range from a few to 1,000. Below we list only some general features) Features - Height; 5 Meters weight 600 lbs.  bipedal, walks upright, fur covers its body.
.   -
Cyclops - Features - Height 15 Meters,   bipedal, walks upright, one 4eye, one horn on head, fur on legs and torso
Grendel - Bipedal walks upright. The fate and whereabouts of this creature is not known.
Peking Man - Height 50 Meters Fur covered Apelike Bipedal, walks upright.  but sometimes walks on all fours
Sasquatch / Bigfoot (there have been an unknown number of individuals. Estimations range from a few to 1,000. Below we list only some general features) Features - Height; 5 Meters weight 600 lbs.  bipedal, it walks upright, with fur covering its body. The fate of this creature is not known, but it is assumed to be still living in the NW U.S. and Canada.
Scorpio - - Height; 5 Meters weight 600 lbs.  bipedal, walks upright Super Speed Long Claw like fingers,
II. Human - Giant Humanoids (There have been several Giant Humanoids Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
The 40 Foot Woman - Height 12 meters Bipedal walks upright, Female.
Colossal Beast - Bipedal, walks upright This is a giant man. His head is bald and one eye is missing.

Giant Frankenstein - Height: 20 meters Mass: 200 tons Bipedal, walks upright. This is a giant man. Powers/Weapons: Able to grow back body parts; severed body parts can take on a life of their own
Gaila  The  Green Gargantua - Height: 25 meters  Mass: 1,000 tons  Bipedal, walks upright Powers/Weapons: Able to grow back body parts; severed body parts can take on a life of their own; adept swimmer
Weakness: Eyes are sensitive to bright lights
Sandra  The  Brown Gargantua - Height: 30 meters Mass: 1,500 tons Bipedal, walks upright  Powers/Weapons: Able to grow back body parts; severed pieces of its body can take on a life of their own

Plants �
Audrey muscipula - A carnivorous plant the head is 1 meters diameter.. The stalk is about 3 meters' tall when in an upright position.
Biollante (Rose Form) - Height: 85 meters Mass: 100,000 tons red flower at the head. Biollante is a huge plant with roots, a tall stem and Powers/Weapons: Choking vines that are able to spit a radioactive sap spray; can change into glowing spoors, allowing Biollante to travel in the sky or space until the spoors land and Biollante takes shape again   Weakness: Godzilla's atomic ray has an abnormal affect on Biollante's cell division
Biollante (Final Form) - Height: 120 meters Mass: 200,000 tons Biollante is a huge plant with roots, a tall stem and head with a large mouth. Powers/Weapons: Able to shoot a radioactive sap spray from its mouth; choking vines that can spit a radioactive sap spray; mouth unlined with teeth; spear like tendrils; super regenerative power; able to change into glowing spores to travel in the sky or space; spores interfere with electronic transmissions
Killer Lycopersicon esculentum � This deadly vine grows in a verity of sizes. Its fruit, a large red berry is deadly. Weakness: This monster can be killed by certain audio frequencies.
Legion Flower � See Alien

Mechanicals - Giant Robots (There have been several Giant Robots Reported. Below we list some of the best documented)
Battlebots (this is a wide class of Robot, and there are several styles, each very different. We hope to be able add more information at a later date.)
Giant Robot - Bipedal, walks upright
Jet Jaguar - Bipedal, walks upright
Mechagodzilla 1 - Bipedal, walks upright
Mechagodzilla 2 - Bipedal, walks upright
Mechagodzilla 3 /Kiryu - Bipedal, walks upright
MechaKong - Bipedal, walks upright
Moguera 1 / Mogera 1 Bipedal, walks upright
Moguera 2 / M.O.G.E.R.A. stands for Mobile G-Force Expert Robot Arial-type Bipedal, walks upright
Transformers (this is a wide class of Robot, and there are several styles, each very different. We hope to be able add more information at a later date.)
Zoids (this is a wide class of Robot, and there are sever Height: 65 meters Mass: 25,000 tons Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; can travel through space; hammer-claws; buzz saw in abdomen; able to incase itself in diamond; can be equipped with explosives on claw tipsal styles, each very different. We hope to be able add more information at a later date.)
Alien life Forms

Cyker - Height: 98 Meters Length: 190 meters Mass: 80,000 tons. Bipedal, walks upright. Powers:  Fire Darts- Cyker can fire powerful fire darts from his mouth capable of doing massive damage to what ever they hit. Cyker can fire deadly electric bolts from his tail. These act as a type of paralysis bolt and allow Cyker to attack with something else as millions of bolts of electricity run through the enemy. If one of Cyker's limbs (head, arms, etc) are some how removed, tentacles will come out and ensnare a foe. These tentacles can also send an electric shock through them. Cyker�s hands are huge pincer claws capable of holding a foe in place as he attacks them. Cyker can jump long distances at a fast rate.
Gaos (Space Gaos) - Height: 65 meters   Wingspan: 172 meters   Weight: 25 tons Weapons: Gaos sports a sonic beam said to resonate at 3 million cycles and able to cut through anything in it's path. (Gaos may be related someway to the creatures known as Gyaos.
Gigan 1 Height: 65 meters Mass: 25,000 tons bipedal, walks upright Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; can travel through space; hammer-claws; buzz saw in abdomen; able to incase itself in diamond; can be equipped with explosives on claw tips
Gigan 2 (2004) Height: 120 meters Mass: 60,000 tons bipedal, walks upright Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; can fire a Cluster Light Ray from its eyes; claws; buzz saw in abdomen; able to fire two grappling cables from each hand
Gigan 3 / Cyborg Gigan (2004) Height: 120 meters  Mass: 60,000 tons  bipedal, walks upright  Powers/Weapons: Flight at mach 3; can fire a Cluster Light Ray from its eyes; chainsaw equipped hands; buzz saw in abdomen; able to fire guided razor disks from chest.
Guilala - Features height 50 Meters, Bipedal, walks upright.  Powers: Energy Balls- Guilala can fire deadly fire balls from his mouth, these can destroy tanks and jets in one blast. Energy Comet- Guilala can incase himself in a
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