Bigfoot Wanted Dead Or Alive
Wanted Dead Or Alive
Sasquatch Summer
Big Shot
A Drive Down Highway 16 Interview with a Bigfoot Hunter
Bigfoot-What The News Media Won't Tell You New Sasquatch Found-It's Called Bigfoot
Sasquatch Hunt Moves From Harrison To Fraser Canyon
Believers spellbound by Bigfoot
Foot skin patterns "prove existence of Sasquatch"
On A Myth And A Footprint
Mrs. Sasquatch filmed in color?
Sasquatches Really Exist, It Says Here
Who's hoaxing whom over "The Making of Bigfoot"?
Kathy Moskowitz's discussion of the Yokut tribe's Bigfoot legend, the "Hairy Man"
Kal Korff's one-sided article on the P/G film in Fortean Times Magazine, along with Daniel Perez's response
Dmitri Bayanov's review of The Making of Bigfoot
Article on Sasquatch Sighting in Canada
East Vs. West?
Article on Bob Titmus written by John Green
Article on Bigfoot Sighting near Columbus, Mississippi
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