Review of Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes In America
Author: Loren Coleman

This book was released in March 2003, and has been a consistent best-seller in the realm of books on this subject. Coleman gives an excellent overview of major Bigfoot events over the past half-century. He writes of footprint finds, the Patterson/Gimlin film, the Ray Wallace controversy, the Skookum Cast, the Myakka Ape controversy, and several other notable cases in Bigfoot lore. He even includes a list of the twenty best places to see Bigfoot. His writing style is inimitable and smooth, and he makes the reader seem like a comfortable friend. Some people say that Coleman rubs them the wrong way, and that he tends to overgeneralize things, but he is  a solid writer and his accomplishments in the realm of publicity for the mystery are not to be denied. In the book, Coleman credits the film
Half-Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman as his starting point for his interest in cryptozoology in general, and Bigfoot in particular. His book can be purchased for $14.00 at, or sometimes for cheaper at It is highly recommended.
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