Review of "Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt For Bigfoot"

This 70-minute documentary focuses on the "Four Horsemen of Sasquatchery"-John Green, the late Rene Dahinden, the late Dr. Grover Krantz and Peter Byrne. The four discuss the early days of Sasquatch research, and their own contributions to each aspect. Dahinden is the most entertaining of the four, in my opinion; his salty language is in evidence regarding interdimensional Sasquatch advocate Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis, saying that he wasn't interested in encounters Lapseritis had "in his goddamn mind". Green is the most reserved and knowledgeable of the four, describing his initial investigations into Sasquatch as if they had happened yesterday. Krantz is definitely the more academic of the four, giving his learned opinions on what should be done about the issue. Byrne has been the most prolific of the four, using over 3 million dollars of other people's money to do publicity and awareness of the subject. The documentary takes us through the four men's journeys, from northern California to southern British Columbia, on their lifelong quests to search for the elusive creatures. This documentary also puts into perspective the animosity between the four men, giving us an insight as to why the four hated each other (and still do today). This documentary is about to be released on DVD, and is highly recommended for a look at the grand old men of Sasquatchery.
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