Book Review of The Making of Bigfoot
Author: Greg Long, foreword by Kal Korff

This book sucks. I don't know how else to put it. And not just because it's a book purporting to expose the Patterson/Gimlin film, but because Greg Long cannot write a good book. He's a hack writer and also a bad investigator. Certainly, he did go around Yakima and interview dozens of witnesses for the book in regards to Roger Patterson (who, by the way, he doesn't think much of, and wrote a 475-page character assassination to prove it), and certainly a good majority of those witnesses did say that Roger Patterson was a con artist, but Long failed to really paint Patterson as someone who could've faked the film. Besides, there's no proof that Patterson was a con artist or a thief or cheat; certainly he didn't always pay his bills on time, and certainly he didn't return his rented movie camera on time, but it doesn't make him a con artist or thief or cheat. Long also interviewed several different Bigfoot researchers to get their take on Roger Patterson and the film, and of course they support the film, if not necessarily Patterson. Long should have made the actual film his focus, rather than Patterson himself, because anybody can spread lies about a person that cannot be substantiated, and Long seems to delight in the constant character assassination he is engaging in in this book. He seems most excited by two finds-the man who allegedly wore the suit in the film, Bob Heironimus and the man who allegedly made the suit, costume maker Philip Morris. But, there is a problem-Heironimus says in the book that Roger Patterson skinned a red horse, sewed it together and glued an old fur coat to it, making a 3-piece suit; Morris alleges that he made a 6-piece dynel suit for someone who allegedly called him claiming to be Roger Patterson asking for a $435 gorilla suit. So that makes two different stories of an alleged suit, and more importantly, two contradictions. While the book was being released, Bob Heironimus appeared on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" backing up Morris' story, when he himself said in the book it was a red horsehide suit. Since the release of the book (which has been a terrible flop) Heironimus has contradicted himself twice more, once on KATU-2 out of Portland, Oregon, stating that the man who designed the suits for the movie "Planet of the Apes" designed the suit for the P/G film. That would have been John Chambers, however, not Philip Morris. Also, according to Bigfoot researcher John Green, there is a fourth story in which Heironimus' sister is said to have called Mrs. Patricia Patterson, Roger's widow, and asked her to go along with a GREY horsehide suit having been worn in the film so they could all make money off it. To quote John Green, "This book is garbage", and it is. It took me a week and a half to finish it; the book is tedious, poorly written and agenda-driven. The agenda is Greg Long hates Roger Patterson for some unknown reason. Do not buy this book unless you are desperate or curious. But if you must buy it, it can be bought at for $17.00, $8.00 off the original price. I do not recommend this book at all.
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