Daily Journal Questions - World
Journal Entry #1 Write about an important event in your life.  Why is it important? Why should you remember it? Explain your answer. 
Journal Entry # 2 Which is the most powerful country in the world? Which is the weakest? What makes these countries weak / powerful? Explain your answer.
Jounral Entry # 3 Does the location of a country determine if it is powerful? Explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 4 What are the positives and negatives of being ruled by a monarch? Please explain you answer.  (Use a T-Chart to help you)
Journal Entry # 5 "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."  - Voltaire
Is this statement true? Explain your answer.
Journal Entry #6 "The love of democracy is that of equality." - Montesquieu
Is everything equal in a democracy?
Journal Entry #7 "There is no greater pain for mankind...than that of a new idea."
Do you think this is true? Explain your answer.
Journal Entry #8 "Is the federal government doing enough for the victims of Hurricane Katrina?" Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 9 "Man is born free...but is everywhere in chains." - Rousseau
What do you think "chains" is supposed to represent?
Journal Entry # 10 Can a government truly represent all of its citizens? Explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 11 (Please see Mr. Gibson)
Journla Entry # 12 What are some of the positives and negatives of "tradition"?  Explain your answer.
Journal Entry #13 Do the rich / powerful have any obligation to the poor? Should the rich pay higher taxes because they make more money than others? Explain your answer.
Journal Entry #14 Why do most people want strong leadership in government? Can that be dangerous? Why?  Explain your answer.
Journal Entry #15 "When there is no legitimate government....power always rules" - Unknown source
Do you think this is true? If there is no strong or "official" government...will those with power rule the day? Explain your answer.
Journal Entry #16 "The most dangerous moment comes with victory" - Napoleon Bonaparte
What is Napoleon trying to say?
Journal Entry # 17 Write down 3 pluses and a wish about our history class so far.  Please be as honest as possible.
Journal Entry # 18 "The Revolution is over...I am the Revolution! - Napoleon Bonaparte  Please comment.
Journal Entry # 19 Do the actions or inaction of a government determine its right to rule? Please explain.
Journal Entry # 20 "It is like trying to plough the sea."  - Simon Bolivar  Please comment.
Journal Entry # 21 Quality or Quantity? What is more important in life to you? Use examples to support your answer.
Journal Entry # 22 How has technology affected your life? Has it complicated it or simplified it? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 23 (Please see Mr. Gibson)
Journal Entry # 24 What is your definition of child labor? What type of situation do you picture when you think of child labor? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 25 Do you think that poverty will ever be eliminated in our world? Why or why not? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 26 In your opinion...what is an "American"?  What does it mean to be an "American"? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 27 Is it ever acceptable to force your culture on another culture group? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 28 Who should benefit from the natural resources of a country or area? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 29 Is it possible for a country to have too much power? Define what too much power is to you. 
Journal Entry # 30 From your experience, who do year hear more about in the news / media...the USA or the countries of Africa? Please explain your answer.
Journal Entry # 31 Reflect on your experience on the past unit...give 3 things you liked about it and 1 thing you are "wishing" for.   Please be specific.
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