Daily Journal Questions World #32 - N/A
Journal Entry #32 Reflect and desribe an experience you have had...when something is taken away from you.  Describe your feelings after this event.

Journal Entry #33 Does the end (effect) justify the means (cause), even if the means are evil or immoral?  Please explain your answer.

Journal Entry #34
Is it good to trade with people from foreign countries? List the positives and negatives of trade in a T-Chart.  

Journal Entry #35
Would you be willing to give up your culture, family traditions, etc..so you could survive? Why or why not?

Journal Entry #36
Reflect on your experience during the map of Africa project.  What went well? What would you change?

Jounral Entry #37
Does America have an empire today? Please explain your answer.

Journal Entry #38 In your opinion, what are the postive and negative effects of Imperialism.  Use a T-Chatt to explain your answer.

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