Guard Excuses we have excuses that we are simply giving away to guardies. Better take the time to get aquainted with these excuses, you never know when you will need them.

  1. I'm really thirsty.
  2. The weights are uneven.
  3. I'm too tired.
  4. We've been practicing ALL DAY!
  5. It's too windy.
  6. I don't do that work in the show so why practice the technique?
  7. My wrist hurts.
  8. The pit doesn't move why should we???
  9. The other person got to close. I would have hit them.
  10. I pulled a muscle.
  11. I have to re-tape my flag.
  12. I'm hungry.
  13. I lost count.
  14. The person next to me was out of time and it messed me up.
  15. I thought we were doing a different set.
  16. The fabric is too heavy.
  17. My hand slipped.
  18. It's that time of the month...
  19. I was looking at the really cute tenor player...oops.
  20. We weren't stretched well enough.
  21. I'm looking into a light and can't see the pole.
  22. I can't see the drum major.
  23. I missed the pole with my hand.
  24. My hands are too cold.
  25. I just got hit in the head.
  26. My thumb is jammed up.
  27. I can't hear you counting.
  28. The pole is wet and slippery!
  29. It's too hot out.
  30. The fabric is coming loose.
  31. I tripped.
  32. I didn't learn the new work.
  33. I left my gloves at home and it feels too weird.
  34. The sabre hit my hand!
  35. I thought you changed the work.
  36. It's raining too hard!
  37. I forgot my equipment.
  38. I don't like the way strap rifles feel.
  39. What? I did it right, they're all doing it wrong.
  40. My parents need me at home so I can't come to practice.
  41. I'm feel sickly.
  42. I've got too much homework.
  43. Sweat got in my eyes.
  44. My shoe fell off.
  45. My hair came loose and i had to put it back up.
  46. Someone hit me with their pole.
  47. I was listening to the other instructor.
  48. Someone was trying to ask my something.
  49. Don't you remember you changed the work?
  50. That's as far as my toe points.
  51. I have an appointment and have to leave early.
  52. My hand is bleeding.
  53. I broke a nail.
  54. I have a blister on my foot.
  55. Wasn't I taken out of that section?
  56. These shoes hurt my feet.
  57. The grass was wet.
  58. The bottoms of my feet are bruised!!
  59. I think it's raining.
  60. My legs and arms are sore.
  61. The uniforms are too hot.
  62. I can't do leg lifts. My doctor said I sprained my uterus.
  63. The yard markers are wrong!
  64. My eye hurts.
  65. I tossed it, looked up and all I saw was purple!
  66. A bee was near me.
  67. My lyrical sandal broke!
  68. The cd player is going to fast.
  69. I saw a really cute guy in the crowd!
  70. I had a sail.
  71. I can't do that because I don't have any lyrical sandals!
  72. This isn't my rifle!!!
  73. The flag got caught on my earing and ripped it out so I had to stop!
  74. The flag got caught in my uniform.
  75. I am at the front so I HAVE to be right.
  76. My jazz shoe came untied!
  77. The crowd put me off.
  78. It was too cold, I couldn't even feel the pole in my hands!
  79. I need to use the bathroom again.
  80. Its too hot.
  81. The wind blew my dress in my face so I couldn't see to pick up my flag!
  82. The judge wasn't looking at me.
  83. But we've only had 2 breaks!
  84. Why can't we just go inside? We HAVE been out here for 8 hours.
  85. My hands were sweaty.
  86. Oh, why should I count? I can't count and twirl at the same time!
  87. But I was in my spot.
  88. That's part of the routine? Whoops!
  89. I think I broke something in my hand.
  90. I stepped on my flag.
  91. Flag? Do I do flag?
  92. I couldn't see the yard line.
  93. Oh, we were supposed to toss?
  94. I'm too short to spin at my waist.
  95. The sun's starting to get to my brain.
  96. My butt got in the way!
  97. But I'm in the very front so I can't look at someone else for timing?!
  98. My rifle is too heavy.
  99. That's what I did.
  100. My legs aren't long enough to jazz run that far!

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