The Hit Point Game

Here's a fun game for all guardies to try. You can play it at practice, you can play it at halftime shows, and you can most certainly play it at competitions. Have fun!!!

  1. Other Guard Members = 0 pts

  2. (don't take out fellow members you twit!)

  3. Flute = 10

  4. (you can't hear em anyways!)

  5. Clarinet = 10

  6. (this should be an easy target)

  7. Saxophone = 15

  8. (they think they're so cool)

  9. Trumpet = 20

  10. (need I explain why to hit these?)

  11. Trombone = 25

  12. (those slide thingies are always getting in the way!)

  13. Baritone = 35

  14. (wouldn't be fair to hit everyone else and not them)

  15. Sousaphone = 50

  16. (if they can move with that thing by now they deserve it)

  17. Drumline = 55

  18. (any chance to injure drummers should be exploited!!!)

  19. Drum Major = 65

  20. (go ahead and climb up on the podium, you can say you got lost)

  21. Band Director = 75

  22. (nice one....)

  23. Guard Instructor = 100

  24. (Take that miss 500 drop spins a day!)

  25. Field Judge = 1000

  26. (it's your fault I messed up! add 5 points to the guard score to compensate!)

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