Color Guard Rules

  1. At least one judge will be wearing something so eyecatching (good or bad) that you can't stop looking at them.

  2. 7 a.m. really is "earlier than you think"...they're not fibbing!

  3. People talk weird.

  4. Showers are a privilege, cherish them.

  5. It IS possible to pack for an entire weekend with nothing more than 3 sports bras, 2 pairs of underwear, 1 pair of pajama pants, and 2 tank tops.

  6. Never EVER walk down the drummer hall alone.

  7. NEVER cut your hair short 3 days before a show, becuase it's guaranteed not to slick back like it's suposed to.

  8. Things always fit in your bag better on your way down then on the way back home.

  9. Getting at the site at 5:30, sleeping for an hour and a half, and then waking up to rehearse isn't really all that bad.

  10. If you happen to be modest about your body, that comes to a crashing halt the first time you take a shower.

  11. Every time you have to go to the bathroom there WILL be a guard doing body warm-ups infront of the bathroom door and they WILL take a half hour to warm up too.

  12. Who needs real bras? All you need are sports bras!!!!

  13. Slipping into a spandex and putting on gobs of make-up in 15 min is considered normal.

  14. If you're looking to pick up boys (for the ladies) you're in the wrong sport.

  15. No one will look at you funny if your hair looks like it's plastered to your head and you have 3 inches of eyeliner on that wings out to your long as you stay on school property.

  16. Taco Suprise!

  17. Colds spread like wildfire...make sure you blow your nose before you perform or you will get a "clif-hanger" during your rifle work, where you have no time to reach up and wipe your nose. And to make matters worse, the photo guy will take a picture of you at that moment too.

  18. DO NOT stand infront of the exit door, you WILL get run over, and the people running you over WILL NOT care in the least.

  19. If you don't like bagels, pb&j, white bread, and sunny're screwed!

  20. Your instructors, like your parents, are often scared by you.


Thanks "My Ode to Guard".

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