Why Color Guard is a Sport

For those that aren't aware COLORGUARD IS A SPORT! this is why:

JULY -You try it: pick up your flag because its time for basics with the band...of course its hot. DEAL! ok come on. where's that posture we've been working on. shoulders back eyes to the sky... no we won't have a break. we've only been at it for an hour..DO NOT SLOUCH!..everybody ATTENTION now!...ok guard you guys are looking bored why don't you drop spin while marching...TOGETHER drop spin TOGETHER!...Five minute break....its up get out here..what did you say? you can't?? we don't say that word here that'll be 10 pushups and a dollar in the "I Can't" jar..thank you now go!...LUNCH....sectionals..ok everyone stretch. lets go...yes of course it hurts. stop whinning and stretch so it doesn't hurt next time...ok lets work saber..umm 100 each hand then we'll do some simple tosses before we warm up on flags k?......a drop, everyone start over...start over...next person who drops does pushups. start over....OK flag warm ups. umm 100 hundred drops into 100 overunders each hand....... be together..you're too fast..watch the front...ok good warm ups five minute break then you can learn the part of the show i wrote....times up....come on you can do it..no not like that someone show her how....thats better. you'll get it, after all this is only july.

AUGUST(BAND CAMP) -alright guys lets start..i know its early. don't whine..only basics for an hour today then we learn drill...POSTURE!....left left left come on get it right!.....ok go get in your spots.... ok go to 1.1.....you move a little...trade with her....ok good..1.2...ok go back...move... again...again...again...again..ok good 1.3..nooo you move..ok go back..move there...ahhh...ok don't crash...what? what do you mean you had trouble getting there, its easy....you have to go from the right 20 four behing the sidline to the left 25 16 behind? well you've got 18 counts, jazz run.... yes i'll put work there later....ok everyone again...again...agian...from the top...again....again ...one more time...again... again...ok 1.4....ok back....again...again...wait i don't like that you two switch...ok from the top...again...one with music. if its good we'll go to lunch....ok again...alright go....sectionals...stretch...warms ups...no dropping. this is band camp..pushups. ..come on i wrote this huge part of the show i want u to know by tommorrow mornig...ok good.. no not like that.....no its not a two and a half, its a three...ok lets go run it on the field... tomorrow i'll make my final desicion about saber line for the third and fouth songs....good pratice..TAKE EQUIPMENT HOME

SEPTEMBER -start with stretching.....first football games tomorrow....competition a week after that.....work hard today....no! don't do that...unless you want to ruin it for everyone... LISTEN!.....saber line over here....flags work that last set....sabers those are just not high enough..... see you tomorrow....yes i know its hot to wear that but its your game uniform....ok come on...... good show for a first time...but we have to work on that... i won't name anyone but you know who you are...come on almost competitions....see you at 7am tomorow...BE READY!

OCTOBER -ok learn this before the competition...yes i know its tomorrow and that its alot of work... learn it!...your cold? well thats the uniform....yes i'm aware its raining and the wind is blowing really hard...the judges won't care. SPIN!...i'm sorry that skirt and short sleeved blouse is your uniform...act like you're warm...go..good luck. heads up. SMILE!!!......you could have done better girls..."(insert name) high school's gaurd looked more together..the band did good... i think they will win..i don't know if you guys will..OK in 5th place....in 4th place... in 3rd...in 2nd with awards for best auxilary(gaurd for those that don't know).....and in 1st place( insert name of your school)...we have to work harder...yes i'm happy the band one...now you guys have to win....you guys are GOOD show them...lets practice

NOVEMBER -ok i can't even begin to describe this month the work the scarifice....and what sometimes makes it all worth it...standing there when my group was being called ..the pride is unbelivable....even if you don't take home the gold, the journey you took to get there is what makes it all worth while.

yeah come on..one practice, try it and don't whine at me when you have black and blue marks and every muscle in your body aches I LOVE that!
WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID ABOUT ME NOT BEING AN ATHLETE?! yeah thats what i thought....


I got this piece from "My Ode to Guard" and made a few alterations to fit my school. Hope you enjoy it.
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