After my fourth grade class studied birds, they decided to create one of their own. They wrote stories describing their birds and then designed the actual bird. We numbered all the birds, hung them in the room. I read the descriptions of their birds and the class tried to figure out which bird. went with the description. They really enjoyed seeing how many of of their classmates guessed correctly. The following pictures and stories are their creations. Please email us your comments.

The Snowy owl parrot

Thesnowy owl parrot is half parrot and half snowy owl. The beak is hooked and it's black. The beak helps rip the food into tiny pieces. The legs are used to catch their pray. Its wings help it to fly down silently to get its food. Its wing span is four feet long .The male is white red, yellow, and green .The female is white, red, yellow, and blue. They have talons so they can grab the rodents they eat.

Its nest is three feet long. The eggs are 5 inches wide and 5 inches across. The young stay in the nest for a year. The parents take excellent care of the young. The young have down on them. The eggs are white with black spots on them. They stay in the egg for a month.

The bird is territorial. The snowy owl parrot doesn't migrate. It's not endangered. Its habitat is in cold snowy forests. It has talons so it can grab the rodents it eats. They eat rodents and the babies eat insects. This is all about the snowy owl parrot.

The Gangrel Falcon

The Gangrel Falcon is a meat eater, it is red with blue stripes, and it has black and green spots. It can live anywhere parents; it makes nests 7 feet across. When the eggs hatch the babies have to be fed every 10 minutes. When it catches its prey it a toxic venom that kills its prey. After a week the babies jump out of the nest and try to fly. Its wings are 7 feet across.

It copies sounds of other animals and other things. It is a predator. It eats anything except metal, granite, and plastic. It is territorial, it also migrates. Its feet have one and a half-inch talons .The female is the same color. Its beak is very sharp. The babies hatch in 1 month. The male is different colors to attract the female.

The Canabilled Redeye

The Canabilled Redeye lived over 3 million years ago. It ate its own kind. The bird is 4ft. 2in. long and its beak is like a spear. Its legs and feet are strong so strong that it could pick up a horse. The wings are black with a white stripe on the top side. It also flies with a speed of mach 2.

The male eats the female after the eggs hatch. The babies eat each other until there is one left. That one flies off looking for a larger home.

This bird always makes a pecking noise before it flies. It is so strong that it could pick up a horse with its claws.

The Crocodile Bird

The Crocodile Bird lives in a tree near a swamp. It has a large beak with six-inch teeth and big feet with a powerful claw on each toe. This bird has a powerful kick that can kill a crocodile in 10 kicks. The Crocodile Bird has a twenty-foot wingspan, and lives in a forty-foot nest. And can hatch 3 eggs at a time.

The eggs hatch in 2 weeks. When the eggs hatch, the biggest kicks the 2 smallest out of the nest. But the mother flies down and gets them and when she comes back up she kicks the biggest out. The male Crocodile Bird roams around And finds fish and baby crocodiles to feed the young. The Crocodile Bird

It�s white. The male has three black stripes on his wings and the female has only two.

The Bumminghird Bird

My bird�s name is the Bumminghird bird. It is a spotted unusual bird that lives in high trees. It beak is hooked and helps it rip apart meat. It eats all kinds of rodents such as mice and rats. Its feathers are purple, green, blue, red, black, and white. Its legs are 2 or 3 feet long. Its call is loud and long. It is not endangered or social. It can migrate 200 miles and stops for 3 to 4 hours. Its nest is made out of anything the male can find. The young only comes out with down. They are nice to each other and respect each other. It has up to 5 babies at a time. The female cuddles the babies until they are old enough to cuddle alone.


My bird is called the golden goldy. It's a beautiful bird with goldish yellow feathers. It has a short cone shaped beak used to crack open nuts. My bird has feet that are similar to a robin�s. They help him to get to his nest. The golden goldy�s legs are really skinny. Its wings are short and very colorful they help him to fly with his flock. The golden goldy is a social bird. It flies with a flock of many birds. My bird's wing span is about one and a half feet. My bird is endangered because many people cut down trees in the rain forest. It is also endangered because many people shoot them. The golden goldy migrates to South America. Its habitat is in the rain forest where there are many other birds.

Its nest is made of hay and straw (they weave it). It usually takes 4 hours to weave its nest. The golden goldy�s diet is seeds and nuts. His beak is used to crack open the nuts. It has a very soft song and also a very soft call. Its young are a very light yellow. They all get along with each other. The golden goldy has 3 to 4 young at a time. My bird is very caring toward its young and always makes sure they�re okay. They are very beautiful birds and wonderful to see.

The Bo Bo Bird

My bird's name is the Bo Bo bird. What ever it hears it makes the same sound. Its habitat is where ever it can find pollen. Its beak is long and very light. Its feet wrap around the branch. The feet are very small. The legs are about five centimeters long. Their wings are heavier than their bones. The only time it migrates is when it does not have any more pollen. It eats pollen out of flowers. Its feathers are light blue and green. Its young have no feather for 24 hours. The parents leave it when it learns to fly. If the Bo Bo bird tries to crack something hard its beak will break. Its nest is made out of straw. It is territorial because it likes everything quiet. My bird is not endangered.

The Tydy Bird

The Tydy Bird is called Tydy because this bird is all the colors in the world it is a very a very rare bird. If one comes by you, you are to be called lucky,or special. This bird is related to a Humming Bird. It lives in large fields of flowers. It uses its long skinny beak to suck nectar from flowers. Its favorite flower is a daisy. It flies very fast. It can flap it's wings 80 times in one second. That's why it makes a loud buzzing sound. It has little feet and short legs,that don't really do much. This bird doesn't migrate. Most of them stay here in Louisiana because it is warm. There are about 98 of these rare birds. It is not endangered,there are just not very many and that's why they are rare. They make little nests in trees,and they lay 1 egg. They bathe in little ponds. This bird is social,it likes to be around birds of its type.

The Pideot

My bird is the Pidgeot. It is a common site in forests and woods. Its beak is two inches long. The Pidgeot`s feet are like a robins, but it is two times bigger, and four times stronger. Its feet are just like an eagle with three toes in the front and one in the back. The one in the front is reversible. It has a wingspan of seven & a half feet, which help it migrate three times a year. It nests in a nest of branches. Their young look just like the adult, but a lot smaller. It eats rodents & other birds. Its color depends on what it eats. It is so territorial it will claw, bite, & flap its wings so hard it could create a sandstorm.

The bird is called Reckwood. It has spikes on back of its head and black spots on its face. Its wings are half-purple and green. It has a down looking beak. Its tail is red and blue and it has spots on the back and front of its tail. It has tree feet to help it climb. It lives in the same tree for 2 1/2 years and then moves to another tree. It has legs three inches long. The parents look different . This bird is social and is not endangered, but it does migrate. Its nest is bigger than a small cage. They live in a nest like that. When it is a baby, it eats bugs, but when it is big it eats fish.

When the Crowbill sings it sounds like an owl. He lives in the Bahamas. His beak is shaped for cracking nuts. Their feet are for grabbing on trees and they are 2 to 5 inches long. Their legs are for bending when they pick up something or when they fly.

They fly up to 35 miles per hour. That's why their wing span needs to be large. It is 72 inches. The nest can be up to 2 feet across so there is room for their 24 eggs. When the babies are born, they are 3 inches long. The parents eat nuts. The babies eat regurgitated food when they are 2 days old.

The parents take care of their babies. When the babies are born they are a dull color, but when they are adult they are blue. The parents are 15 inches. All Crowbills are social.


The female Lillion is white and dark tan and the male Lillion is white and light tan. Lillions eat nuts and berries. Lillions are excellent flyers. They have medium sized wings that are filled with feathers. Their wing span is 9 inches long. The Lillions'legs are short and thin. Their feet have little claws on their toes.

It takes about one week for the young to hatch. When they hatch, they are covered with soft down. Then the fathers fly off to get food. When the young are about two and a half months old, they get to eat nuts.

The Lillion lives in the rainforests and suburbs. The Lillions' nest is one foot wide. The mothers take feathers from themselves, lay them on the bottom of the nest, then she lays her eggs. Lillions nest are very close together. The males fly around to look out for danger, while the females sit on the nest. A Lillions' call is very soft and low like Ahh Ahh,but its' call can be heard from miles away.

Lillions are endangered because the rain forest trees are being cut down. This has forced some Lillions to live in the suburbs.


The name of my bird is the LUNA. The males' color is brown, black, white and the females' is red, blue, white. Its beak is used for eating seeds. It lives in the swamp. It has webbed feet. Its legs are 5 inches long and its wing span is 10 inches long. Its nest is made out of sticks and feathers. When the female lays an egg, the baby stays in the egg for ten days. When it hatches, the parents feed it for three months. It learns how to fly when it is four months old. It learns how to eat when it's one month old. The song is for attracting mates and its call means to get out.

The Star Bill Hawk

The reason I call this bird a Star Bill Hawk is, because the beak is attached to a strong piece shaped like a star.

It has a spear shaped beak and it is one of the strongest parts of its body. It has a sharp tip at the end to peck at wood to have a fancy feast. Its habitat is in Mississippi in a forest called Wooden Stream. Wooden Stream has lots of tall trees and lots of streams.

The feet of this animal have very sharp talons so it can hold on to tree branches while pecking into tree trunks to eat bugs. This bird also has three toes.

This bird has no feathers on its legs. Its legs are a very strong part of the body, but the star is still stronger.

.Its wings can fly up to six hundred miles. After six hundred miles,it has to take a two-minute break before it can fly another six hundred miles. Its wings are eighteen feet long and it can curve its wings to go at any speed from one mile an hour to seven hundred miles an hour. Its nest is made in a tall tree where no predators can find it. The nest is made of whatever the male can find. The nest is the biggest nest in the world that a bird can make.

These birds' young are naked when they are born so the mother needs to cuddle with them for one week while the male goes to find food and guard the nest. The young stay in the nest until they have babies, then they get kicked out. This bird can lay up to thirty eggs at a time.

They eat bugs and drink water only from streams in its habitat. Its feathers are white, blue, green and purple. The funny thing about it is the wings are the only things that are white. The chicks don't have any color until they are two weeks old.

This bird is territorial because it marks off an area to care for their babies and will not let others in. Scientists think this is a very unusual about a bird. An important fact about this bird is that it can fluff all its feathers when it gets too hot.


My bird's name is the Blow Bird. Its habitat is in backyards. Its beak is short and sharp. Its feet are long and have claws. It also has very powerful legs. Its wings are like a hummingbirds. The bird in my picture is the female. They make their nests with sticks in trees. The parents take care of their young. They have feathers when they are born.The Blow Bird eats and cracks nuts. It is babyish blue on the top and tannish white on the bottom.


My bird's name is the Hydro. It lives anywhere in the jungle. Its beak is long and narrow. Its feet have two long toes on each foot. Its legs are 10 inches long. Its wings are 60 inches long , and 5 inches wide. Its nest is made out of mud, sticks, and straw. They eat insects. The sound it makes is like this, too too ooo. The parents are blue with black dots all over. Its young are born in blue eggs with black dots. It takes 15 minutes for the eggs to hatch.

The Shrimp Bird

The name of the bird is the Shrimp Bird. It lives in New Orleans in the marsh and it is light green. It has a probe beak. The legs are long and skinny, so it can wade. Its feet have talons so it can catch fish. It is a social bird. It sounds like a croaker.

It practices juggling fish with grass. Its wing span is ten feet. They eat shrimp. The parents find food for the babies and leave. The babies are brown. The nest is 14 feet long. The young live in the nest for 12 days.

Bandit Bird

Dear Professor Ronaldo,

I have discovered a whole new bird. I am calling it the Bandit Bird because it puts its own eggs in the host's nest and takes her eggs. She takes the hosts eggs because they are easier to take care of. The weird thing is the host bird knows what to feed the baby bandit bird.It has the same kind of beak as a cardinal, but the bandit bird eats a hard kind of nut that is hard to find. The nut is found in a deep hole in the tree.

Here are some facts about my bird. The feet have 3 toes front and 1 in the back. It also has strong wings, so it can find lots of food. The nest is on the ground. The female puts the chicks in the burrow and covers it up. When she gets back, she makes a hole, and gives them the food. She only has to feed it every hour.

When the baby is born it looks like a feathered hat. Oh, I forgot to say why The bandit bird is not extinct, the nut it likes to eat is found in small holes in trees. The bandit bird is to big to get to the food, so he gives the baby to a smaller bird. You must be thinking, can't it use its beak? But the seed is deep in the hole and its beak is also too wide.

Well, back to what they look like. The adult females have pale yellow tail feathers, light pink body and a white head. The adult males has bright yellow tail feathers, a dark pink body and green head feathers. The brightest feathers and fluffiest feathers are picked first to be a husband.

When the bandit bird migrates it has been known to migrate all the way to Australia. It sings when it migrates to tell any other Bandit birds to follow. So I guess that answers the question is it territorial or social? Well that is my bird.


The name of my bird is Aquabooby. It has a pointed blue beak. Its feet are webbed for paddling in the water. My bird has very strong legs that are good for kicking. Its wingspan is 36 inches. Their bodies are aqua and purple. My bird migrates in the winter. It makes its nest by a huge lake called Lake Fishatrain. They eat fish. The birds call is one that only animals can hear.

Its young stay in the egg for 2 weeks and live with its parents until they lay their own eggs. They are territorial and live with family only. Their parents protect their young. That is what my bird is like.

The Rainbow Bird

My bird is the Rainbow bird. It is social. My bird's feet help it perch on branches. It flies a little faster than a humming bird. My bird is social.

Its nest is made of horsehair and feathers and can hold over 1,000 eggs. Its babies are black and white and they hatch out of rainbow colored eggs. It takes care of them by sitting on the nest a half-hour.

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