The Goddess
Hey, all! This is my very own and very first webpage, so please excuse the fact that it sucks! :)

I'm supposed to tell about myself so, here goes:

One of those dying breeds of geek, I like Dungeons & Dragons (and still play). I like reading, knitting, and other crafty-type stuff. I'm also a big Sims fan and have made a few skins.
Click here to check 'em out. 

I'm teaching myself Belly Dancing, as well,  with the help of some DVDs -
Jillina's (you rock), the twins' (you guys are awesome), and Atea's (you rock, too).  Click here to find me and my friends bustin it up!

I've also received my PADI Open Water Certification for Scuba diving through a local dive shop called
Planet Ocean.

World of Warcraft is my newest addiction. It's friggin' awesome! If you don't have it, get it. If you do have it, come visit me on ShadowMoon (horde side). I have several characters there,  but Lokea & Wakaya are my main characters.

I have a thing for faeries and butterflies. Aww, how girlie,  you must be thinking. Well, don't let it fool you _too_ much! ;)

We also have a pack of dogs running about the house. They're cute... You know you just
have to see them. ;)
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Spiffy Webpages:
Warhammer Fantasy
Dungeons & Dragons
Anne Rice's Official Page
RA Salvatore's Home Page
The Pyramid Collection
Jeremy's (bro) Webpage
Katie's Webpage
Susie's Webpage
Guild XIII Webpage
You can check out some of my other pics on the Yahoo photo thing by clicking here!
            Rowan Alexandra has arrived!
She was born 1-18 at 1:04PM, weighing in at 9lbs 2oz and 20 1/4 inches long! 
here to go to my Yahoo photos page of her!
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