The Homepage of P. K. Hari Ram Narayanan






His world is a sacred garden

Where nothing can go wrong;

Once when the heart of the poet

Is filled with a new song!


Welcome to my Homepage! Here is a collection of my articles, speeches, poems, and other works. They are given in the original unedited form. Hope you enjoy them.


I work as a programmer in K7 Computing. This is a company that makes great Antivirus and Security Software. The site features trial versions of these that you can download for free!


Thought Shuttle My blog where simple answers stand the test of complex questions.



email: 'gigahari' and '' in that order, separated by '@' (no spam!)



The collection of works


1.Mouse Click for a Toothpick


(Xpress vibes, The New Indian Express- Wed, 1Aug 2001) A comical story showing the futility of the internet when it comes to practical life.

2.Questions People Ask!


(Xpress vibes, The New Indian Express- Wed, 27 Mar 2002) People around you destroy your peace by asking so many stupid questions.

3.Level Playing fields


(Letters to the Editor, India Today Magazine- 11 June 2002) About Indian sportsmen, students and artists who excel without any facilities.

4.The Enigma of the Poor Joke!


(Xpress vibes, The New Indian Express- Wed, 10 Jul 2002) PJs are so disgusting and yet so popular- why?

5. The busy Line


(Flair 2000, School Magazine- Toc H Public School) A poem on the Telephone.

6. Oru word Tamil, One Varthai English


A speech delivered by me on the freshers� day of S.R.M.E.C. spoken one word in the language Tamil and the next in English and so on.



Read strange quotes composed by myself and collected from various sources

8.Funny cricket


A rhyme written by me on the game of cricket.


9. To the Mosquito


(YES!, The New Indian Express- Fri, 21 Feb 2003) Small insect that causes Big problems!

10. Smiling from nose to ear


(YES!, The New Indian Express- Fri, 21 March 2003) This one is all about expressing yourself and staying cool!

11. Fly in the soup!


(YES!, The New Indian Express- Fri, 26 September 2003) The article is the expanded version of the fly in the soup joke.

12. The Greatest Engineer

(College Magazine 2002-2003, S.R.M. Engineering College) A poem on the greatest engineer and his branch of specialisation.

13. Olympic Torch


(The Hindu, 12 June 2004) Why film stars should not have been allowed to carry the Olympic Torch.

14. Take heed of Mother Eath's wrath; turn to an eco-friendly life  

(The Hindu, Tuesday, Dec 28, 2004) Measures to mitigate the effect of natural disasters.

15. Journey to the Edge of Distruction

(College Magazine 2004-2005, S.R.M. Engineering College)A day's work as a relief worker for the victims of the December 2004, Indian Ocean Tsunami.



This page will be updated as my articles get published. So if you enjoyed reading here, do come again for more. Thank you!





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