Mouse click for a Toothpick

The other day, I got a toothache. I was at my friend's place and just finished a snack, when a sharp and persistent irritation began at the back of my mouth. Something had possibly, or rather probably gotten stuck somewhere between the teeth in the bottom row. I asked my friend for a toothpick.

"Are you crazy?", He exclaimed "You are not even sure what it is and you need a toothpick! Don't you know toothpicks can lead to oral cancer?"

"Who told you this rubbish?" I asked

"I read it on the internet."

I thanked my friend for being up-to-date with the latest medical findings and enquired so as to know how to proceed.

"You live in this digital era and how dare you ask such a stupid question? It is an insult to our accomplishments. Don't you know that the easiest way out for you is through the net?"

I have seen pictures of boxing gloves come out of monitors and knock off a user's tooth but never a patient arm with a toothpick volunteering to aid an ailing one. However unable to convince the stubborn host I half-heartedly agreed to try it out his way.

We went to the computer room and dialed. Only a series of error messages appeared. ‘The Line is busy’,  ‘The connection could not be established- Error-AS786040D0070’. After tinkering for around 20 minutes we got the connection. Then the name of a popular search engine was typed in. Only more error messages appeared - 'Cannot find server', 'The page cannot be displayed'.

“Gimme a sec. We’ll get it”, my friend said. 

All the good things in life take a little time. That should be applied here also. When you can have the world at your fingertips a few minutes should not be a problem. Fair enough. But at the moment I would have preferred a toothpick to the world to be at my fingertips!

Meanwhile the site appeared. The word tooth was searched for-

"46 categories and 1664 sites for tooth"

"See how vast the World Wide Web is", my friend remarked. We scanned through the page of matches

"TOOTH - Taliban Organisation Of Terrorist Health - An extensive network dedicating to releafing of our brave comrades fighting with bad weather. Sometimes their temperature is -15°c and some time it go up to 45. Using online Internet connection our soldier ask doctors when they sick or get hurt. Our doctors treat them when they are healthy. "

"Not bad", remarked the friend, "I didn't know such a thing ever existed."

It was good to know even people in remote and uncivilised places could harness the use of modern technology, whatever be their use with it. Nevertheless, I did not favour the idea that the Taliban doctors help me clear my tooth.

We moved on to the next match.

"The California museum of TOOTH art - Extensive collection of paint and tattoo work that the Chinese royalty got done on their TOOTH in the 8th century A.D. Also featuring carvings and sculpture that the Romans did on broken TOOTH"

I informed my friend I was not presently interested in patronising this fashion.

"Join the 34TOOTHed club - Modern plastic surgery enables the implantation of two extra teeth through a minor procedure. Now you have 34 teeth instead of the usual 32. This enables greater chewing efficiency, oral digestion and helps you eat faster. Get more news about this procedure - costs, clinics in your locality, after effects etc. Chat with the 34 TOOTHed and know how they feel. For all this and more click on the link"

Reading all this did increase my toothache. But I did join my friend in marveling the advancements of medical science and how it helps us solve our problems and prolong our lives. Further down there were still more sites, though not all that helpful to the present crisis, they provided vital information. "Read about the TOOTHed whales at Discovery online","Buy the TOOTHpick, Clarke Gable used in 'Gone with the wind' on auction online",”Listen to Indian folk mp3s- ‘Aye jawaano TOOTHak TOOTHak TOOTHian’” ,"What happened to the saber TOOTHed tiger?", "News on Britney Spears' missing TOOTH", "Activities of the TOOTH foundation"," Monkeys that brush their teeth", "Developments of the Taliban Organisation Of Terrorist Health"- On seeing that I decided to read on no more.

By the greatest act of mercy ever by the almighty there came a power cut at this moment. My friend solemnly informed me with sincere apologies that he could help me no further. I told him it was all right. Then I thanked him for everything and requested my leave. Seeing me off he said, "See didn't I tell you the Internet was the right place. Now we have gained so much more information in such a short time. Is this possible elsewhere?"

True enough. Where else could you get such valuable information? Which other form of media could pour down so many facts, from science, history, current affairs and politics on any subject you choose. Truly, no other development in the history of human race was so beneficial. I wanted to tell my friend all this and more but could not due to overpowering toothache and the yearning for a single toothpick.

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