The Greatest Engineer


God is a great Engineer,

In every branch of the field;

Nothing made by man comes near,

Not even the best mind’s yield!


He is great in the Civil way;

We’ve built the hundredth storey,

But higher stand His peaks, form they,

Monuments of His Glory!


What Mechanical marvels seen!

Engine sun drives rain’s cycle!

Which is grander than the best machine

Or any land vehicle!


To show that there is none to par,

In Electronics, the Lord,

Made most complex wires that are

Nerves of brain and spinal cord!


The thunder and the lightning prove,

That more Electrical force,

Than flows from any man made groove,

Comes from the Almighty’s source!


Though we make wonder drugs today,

And Chemicals that give bliss;

The tiny particles that lay,

Foundation to these are His!


God’s the greatest Engineer,

But not for His scorching sun!

Hills? Nerves? Pills? No, no my dear!

These don’t make Him the best one.


To establish, there’s none as great;

This I can say, and stay safe,

As His masterpiece ultimate,

He wrote the Software of Life!


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