On a bridge in Okutama, shortly after our arrival in Japan: we simply took the trains (below) straight to the end of the line. 
Mama and Rachel go native on a trip to Tokyo to visit Ogawa-san, aka Julie, our first friend in the Land of the Rising Sun, met in Illinois before we left.

Top: Mount Fuji, viewed from around the base flight line.  Gorgeous, neh?

Middle: My name in katakana, Japanese characters.  Isn't it prettyful?
Home Sweet Home

Don't you love base housing?  It's all so color coordinated...

Yeah.  Right.  I used to live in the room behind that top right window with Rachel, but then I moved to the other side of the building.  The sun doesn't wake me up in the morning anymore!  Yay!
The view from my new window; the back yard.  That's a wonderful climbing tree, by the way, very comfortable for reading in, though I stil prefer my bed. 
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