------------------------ Contra: USA - JP Changes ------------------------ By Dan Giglio Version: 1.1 Last Updated: March 10, 2001 This document was written by Dan Giglio, Copyright 2001. E-mail: dgiglio84@hotmail.com --------------- Version History --------------- 1.1 - Fixed some spelling errors. Changed the name of the FAQ (Japanese = JP). Fixed some formatting errors. 1.0 - First release of this FAQ. -------- Contents -------- 1. What is in this FAQ? 2. Changes ----------------------- 1. What is in this FAQ? ----------------------- First off, this FAQ is not going to be huge...it's just a short FAQ I made because I was bored.... Contra was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1988. The Japanese Version of Contra was released after the USA version. There were a few changes made to the Japanese Cart. This FAQ will list the changes that I found while playing the two games. ---------- 2. Changes ---------- -The USA title screen scrolls in from thhe right. The Japanese version doesn't do this - the title screen just "fades in" instead. -The USA title screen and the Japanese ttitle screen look different (this is an obvious change). -Before the Demo in the Japanese Versionn, a message appears on the screen (I have no idea what it says, I can't read Japanese). -The Japanese version of Contra seems too be harder than the USA version. I am not the first person to notice this. -When you pause the game in the USA verssion, the moving background objects stop (waterfalls, targets, etc.), but in the Japanese version, they keep moving. -You will notice this one right away: thhe Japanese version of Contra has cutscenes in between the stages. -Instead of just telling you what level you are about to enter (before you start the level), the Japanese Contra shows a map of the game indicating where you are in the game. -The rock formation in The Jungle differrs in both versions. -In The Jungle, the trees in the backgroound wave back and forth (like there is wind). -In The Waterfall, the water is more collorful in the Japanese version. -In the Snow Field, the trees wave back and forth (like there is wind). -In The Snow Field, there is snow in thee foreground. -The big trucks in The Snow Field are soometimes much faster in the Japanese version. -In the Alien's Lair, the ground moves ((it's hard to explain). -As you get closer to the heart in The AAlien's Lair, the ground moves faster. -As you shoot the heart at the end of Thhe Alien's Lair, the ground gets even faster! -When you defeat the heart, the music iss different in the Japanese version. -The ending is different. It's not muchh, but it's noticeable. -In the USA version ending, it says "Youu've destroyed the Red Falcon," or something, but in the Japanese version, it goes straight to the credits. -The Konami sign at the end of the USA vversion is just the word "Konami", but in the Japanese version, it shows the Konami Logo. That's all the changes I've found. If you find anymore changes, be sure to e-mail me at dgiglio84@hotmail.com and I will updated this as soon as possible.