--------------------------------- Super Mario All-Stars Changes FAQ --------------------------------- By Dan Giglio Version: 1.4 Last Updated: July 2, 2001 This document was written by Dan Giglio, Copyright 2001. E-mail: dgiglio84@hotmail.com --------------- Version History --------------- 1.4 - I added several changes to all three games (all submitted by Nick14578@aol.com) 1.3 - Added several changes to Super Mario Bros. 3 (submitted by DragonKnight Zero) I also fixed some formatting problems. 1.2 - Added 1 very obvious change to SMB submitted by Fred XFighting17X (I can't believe I missed it). 1.1 - Added 2 changes for SMB, submitted by Cynquh@aol.com Added 1 change for SMB3 1.0 - First release of this FAQ. -------- Contents -------- 1. What is in this FAQ? 2. Changes A. Super Mario Brothers B. Super Mario Brothers 2 C. Super Mario Brothers 3 3. Final Notes ----------------------- 1. What is in this FAQ? ----------------------- Super Mario All-Stars is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It's purpose was to take four 8-bit Mario games and combine them into one big game. It turned out to be a hit. While making these types of games, there are bound to be changes from the originals. Are some of these changes noticeable? Not really. Do they detract from the gameplay? Of course not. This FAQ is just for picky people like myself who have nothing to do on a rainy weekend. I will put down changes that have to do with graphics, but since all the games have enhanced 16-bit graphics, it's pretty hard to tell if I should put it down. If I do put down a graphical change, it's only because it could be done on the 8-bit NES (like changes in color, spites, etc.). If you find a change that isn't on the list, please e-mail it to me and I'll add it as soon as I can (don't worry, you'll get credit). Enjoy! *NOTE: I didn't do changes for the Lost Levels because I never played the original version. ---------- 2. Changes ---------- A. Super Mario Brothers ----------------------- -Mario/Luigi start with 5 lives instead of 3. -There is theme music on the title screeen (it's a remix of the water world music.) -In two player mode, when one person finnishes a level, the other person gets to play; in the original version the other person got to play only when the first person lost a life. This change is makes the game a lot more fair! -In the "More Difficult Quest" there is a star next to the world number indicating that you are playing the second quest. -Mario and Luigi seem to jump a bit diffferently. This shows when you are performing the 100+ life trick in level 3-1 (see other FAQ's for that). -Toad comes out of a bag when you beat tthe castle instead of just standing there. He also appears with some mushroom friends (the higher the world you are in, the more friends appear with him.) -There is new bonus music for the undergground bonus areas (and the sky bonus areas, too). There is also a picture of Mario or Luigi giving a "peace" sign. -Mario/Luigi gives a "peace" sign while going down pipes. -The underground music is changed to SMBB3 underground music (it actually has a rhythm). -The "Minus One" World can not be found in this game. If you try to perform the trick, as soon as you get to the other side of the wall, it will say "Welcome to the Warp Zone." There is no way you can make it in the pipe fast enough. -In castles that are mazes, the game givves off a little "ding" sound if you are going the right way. If you are going the wrong way, the game gives of a "dud" sound. -In the original version, Mario/Luigi maade a different jumping sound when they were big compared to when they were small. In this game, the sound is the same whether they are big or small. -Mario/Luigi give a "peace" sign as theyy enter castles. -Mario/Luigi enter the second door in thhe castle unlike in the original where they enter in the first door. -Bowser is bigger (he looks like the onee from SMB3). -There is a "Boss Theme" for when you fiight Bowser. (There is also a "Final Boss Theme" for world 8-4). -Bowser falls into the lava (you actuallly SEE him falling in). -Princess Toadstool looks normal (in sizze). -The ending is slightly different (I wonn't spoil it, but it's not much). -You can't press "B" to select a world ((as princess says in the end of the original version). -Luigi is in green overalls instead of wwhite. -Luigi is a bit taller in this game. -Mario is a bit fatter in this game (thiis is not a bad thing....). -In the original game, world 6-3 was alll white (snow?). In this game it is normal colors. -After you beat the game, it restarts thhe game in the "More Difficult Quest". In the NES version, it returns to the title screen. -In World 8-4, there is a part when you go underwater. In the NES version, it plays the Underwater Music, but in this version, it continues to play the castle music. The following changes were submitted by Cynquh@aol.com -You can no longer pause the game from ccontroller 1 when Luigi is playing. -When you start a level the screen now sshows a little box with all the different types of enemies in the level The following change was submitted by Fred XFighting17X: -Mario looks completely different - he ddoesn't look so "blocky". The following changes were submitted by Nick14578@aol.com: -When a shell is kicked in the NES versiion, the sound it makes when it hits all the enemies is the same. But in SMAS, it gets higher and higher pitched as it gets closer to 1-up. Taken from SMW. -Hammer Brothers now make noises when thhey throw hammers. -Podoboos make noises when they leap froom lava, just like in SMW. B. Super Mario Brothers 2 ------------------------- -You start with 5 lives instead of 3. -When you lose a life in All-Stars, you can select a character again. In the original version, it won't let you do that. -On the bottom of the character select sscreen, it says "EXTRA LIFE. . .", while in the original version, the ". . ." does not appear there. -The energy containers look like hearts rather than ovals. -The doorways are now actual doors. -The Birdo doesn't hold the egg as he diid in the NES version. Instead, when you beat Birdo, he spits the egg out of his mouth. -The "7" in the bonus game is not in thee original version. -On the bonus game screen, it says "PUSHH BUTTON", in the original version, it says "PUSH (A) BUTTON". -In the original version, Toad's outfit is mostly blue and white, while in All-Stars, it is many different colors. -Princess's hair is yellow instead of brrown. -The guys on the magic carpets ride yelllow carpets; in the original version, they ride white and red carpets. The following changes were submitted by Nick14578@aol.com: -In the NES game, the walls in World 4 aare green, and the walls of the caves in World 5 are blue. But in SMAS, all cave walls are the same color. -Shy Guys that were pink in the NES gamee are blue in the SMAS version. -The walls of bosses' rooms are now madee of red, blue, and green blocks. This wasn't in the NES version. -In the room after the locked door in Woorld 2-3, boss music played in the NES version. In the SMAS game it just plays regular cave music. -At the beginning of 4-2, it played reguular music in the NES game, but played cave music in the SMAS game. -When you warp in the NES game, all it ddoes is turn the screen black and tell you where you're warping to. But in SMAS, the screen sort of wavers after you go down the jar in Sub-space, and the Warp... World X screen looks different: it has Birdo on it. -Outdoors in Worlds 5-1 and 5-3, it was night time in the NES game, but it's daytime on SMAS. -In the part of 5-2 where you avoid the spikes as you fall way down, it plays cave music in the NES version but it continues the outdoor music in the SNES game. -In 6-3, when you enter the cave, in thee SNES version there's a little Bob-omb picture above the giant door, and a big "cage" raises over your character when you go through the door. C. Super Mario Brothers 3 ------------------------- -On the title screen, the TM sign is nexxt to "Bros.", while in the original version it is next to the "3" sign. -This change was copied from Super Marioo World - when you enter an area, it says either "Mario Start!" or "Luigi Start!" (depending on who you are using, of course.) -When entering an area, the screen closees in as a circle, as opposed to the original version which closed in as a box. -There is theme music on the title screeen (it's a jazz version of the SMB water theme). -The All-Stars version has a "BATTLE GAMME" feature (which is loads of fun....). -The Spade Card rotates in the All-Starss version (you'll see what I mean). -The coins on the map sparkle. -The level signs sparkle. -You start with an extra life (I think tthis is true, unless 0 isn't counted as a life). -As in SMB2, the doorways in this game aare now doors. -The mushroom houses in World 1 have whiite dots instead of black. -Luigi is a bit taller. Mario.....remaiins the same (he was fat to begin with). -Both Mario and Luigi have a dark compleexion. -On the item select screen, the backgrouund is blue instead of peach. -On the item select screen, the place whhere it says the world and the amount of lives you have is boxed off. -On the bottom of the screen, there is aan "M" or a "L" next to the number of lives you have. In the All-Stars version, this is colored (red if you Mario, green if you are Luigi). -When you hit the card at the end of a llevel, the card icon flies to the top of the screen. In this version, the card is colored while on the NES version, it was a black and white outline. -The cards on the bottom of the screen aare colored in. -The $ sign indicating how many coins yoou have is now replaced with a little coin icon. -On the black screen at the end of the llevel, the hills (or whatever they are) are green. -In the All-Stars version, Toad in the mmushroom house looks more like he did in SMB2. -In the original version, you have to waait for Toad to finish talking to open a chest. In the All-Stars version, you can pick a chest before he is done talking. -Many of the items inside the chests of the mushroom houses are different. -Completed area tiles are different - Exxample: if Mario completes a level, the tile will have a red "M" (green if you are Luigi) but in the NES version, the tile will have a blue "M" or "L" whether you are playing as Mario or Luigi. The bonus areas (mushroom houses, matching games, etc.) are different colors too. -The walls of fortresses are blue insteaad of gray. -The "?" boxes look a little different -- see for yourself, it's hard to explain. -There is now music when you get a "lettter from the Princess". The Following Changes were submitted by DragonKnight Zero: -The transformed states for the kings off each world are all characters from SMB2 and Super Mario World that don't appear in the game. World 7 is funny; it's Yoshi. -In the NES game, your fireballs turned green in Toad's Houses. They don't change like that in All-Stars. -When the different worlds are being shoowcased in the ending, the scenes are different from the ones in the NES game (and it's not just the upgraded graphics) -The timer is disabled when going betweeen pipes on world maps. -The first Toad's House in World 6 givess Hammer Suits in All-Stars. On the NES, it was either a Mushroom, Fire Flower, or Leaf. -There are three coins at the start of wworld 2-2 that weren't in the NES version. This makes it much easier to gain the 30 coins needed for the White Mushroom House. -In world 4-4, the water level is lowereed. This makes it a lot harder to reach the bonus room pipe without a Frog Suit. It's still possible but it's trickier. -There was a white block in the lower seection of world 5-7 in the NES game. If you ducked on it until you fell through, you could return to the main part of the level and not be hit for quite a long time. The white block is a different color in All-Stars so you can no longer do this. The following changes were submitted by Nick14578@aol.com: -The Hammer Brother and Podoboo changes in SMB also apply to SMB3. -There's now thunder and lighting on thee air ships. -When you're hit while wearing a Frog, TTanooki, or Hammer Suit and lose the suit, an outline of the suit leaves Mario's body. -------------- 3. Final Notes -------------- If you have any suggestions, comments, or complaints E-mail me. Remember, if you find a change, report it to me...and don't worry, you'll get credit for it. Once again, my e-mail is: dgiglio84@hotmail.com