
translations of Sanskrit Classics
desirajuhrao @  
dehara @  
30th July, 2008   

Word-for-word transliterations of Sanskrit classics being the motto, we strive to present some legendary works on this webpage with the enthusiasm given by our readers to proceed further in this long-forgotten lane of Sanskrit Classics. Among them Ritusamhāram, gīta-govindam and vAlmIki rAmAyaNa are completed, while others like, raghuvamsham, harivamsham are yet to be completed.

Earlier, bhārata sāvitri, an extinct text forming part of mahābhārata, is retrieved and presented here.


Non-english fonts being the bane of web, we had to recast all works to UTF fonts, discarding all files prepared with fonts existing prior to UTF fonts. These works, recast to UTF fonts, are basically done with the fonts of Omkārananda āshramam, and the readers are requested to install the UTF fonts, and enable system for Internation Language supprt.

The font used for Devanagari is Sanskrit 2003; for Roman Diacritics it is either Georgia Ref Plus or URW Palladio ITU; for the rest of the text it is Georgia.

As a ready reference, these fonts are provided herewith in a zip file: [600kb]

friends / thanks

ashIrvAdam like thanksgiving to damarAju phaNi kumAr who made this exclusive webpage for gIrvANi happen. [aside: of course, he is my nephew, sister's son.]

bApu, bapubomma -- all the drawings / paintings / objects used in the pictures of this webpage are drawn from various works of this eminent illustrator - bApu...

Stu Nicholls of CSSPlay, Bristol, BANES, United Kingdom  for beautiful designs of webpage in css like a picture gallery, expanding menu and a tabbed page eyc, that are adopted to these pages of gIrvANi.

Vexed with the problem of proper display by vrowsers, we stopped giving font-wise files these days. But the love for our labour demands the supply of these old fonts used in these works, and they are avaible in this zip file: [600kb]

These fonts and Sanskrit Editor - Itranslator 98, 99 and 2003 are made available by
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas
. Though not compulsory, we request our reades to make donations to this Ashramam

Our associates' sites

The purpose of this site is to provide resources on the Great Itihasa Mahabharata and this is maintained by A. Harindranath:

For Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya By Madhwacharya maintained by Harshala Rajesh:

Sanskrit Documents Respository and Gaudiya Grantha Mandira : these two sites need no introduction

For Sanskrit fonts with technical mannuals for fonts, and texts with a few other Sanskrit documents etc maintained by Ulrich Stiehl.

For free screensavers depicting Ramayana in painting by Bapu, Sanskrit and TeluguAlphabets in play etc: evibhavari

For various Sanskrit texts and scriptures:  Vedic Recitations - audio files

Classical Indian Music, Discourses, Literature (audio)  site of Sai Susarla.
For Sanskrit oriented discussions, India classical and light music, and for some gramaphon records of oldest possible Telugu verse dramas; maintained by Susarla Sai

and many, many more webpages and sites dedicated to Sanskrit works...

if the above does not work properly please contact :

 dehara @ or desirajuhrao @

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    Mike Cross
    Stuck on the meaning of viShehire in Canto 1.21 of Ashvaghsosha's Saundarananda, I googled the term and was led to this site where, in the 4th chapter in kAlidAsa's raghuvamsham, I was very grateful to have the term clearly explained: viShehire= 3rd plu. of the perfect of sah with vi= [not] endured. Sincere thanks for your efforts.
    Dear Hanumanth Rao Garu, The articles are good and the site is coming up well. I have gone thru Srisuktam & Krishna Karnamritam. They are inline with the sampradaya. Shri Paturi Sitaramanjaneyulu Garu is my guruji and i have both the works with me. Guruji was a great scholar as well as a great srividyopasaka. From your writings, i believe you have the blessings of guruji. regs, sriram
    Joyce Arpan
    Thank you so much for setting up the site. I was teaching an Ashtapadi to my students and was looking for the sandhi vicched of a specific phrase. Found it on your website. Thank you so much!! the descriptions, the word by word meanings, the geeky comments, everything rocks! thanks you again. Joyce Arpan
    Email: [email protected]
    Comments: Great work indeed! The website is designed beautifully. Hope to see more and more contents in the future.
    First Name :   Balakrishnan
    Comment :   My most sincere congratulations to you, Sir, on your exceedingly good work of publishing text transliterations and their translations , as well as fine introductions and grammatical notes. I am a loving reader of Sanskrit works, and based on sample glance
    Name :   Rajika
    URL :
    Comment :   I am an Odissi and Bharatanatyam dancer and absolutely DEPEND on your wonderful translations and transliterations, not to mention the actual Sanskrit Text as something I can download onto my computer. I was a friend of Barbara Millers and she gave me a s
    Name :   Austin
    Comment :   Great site! Id be interested in reading more of Kumarasambhava. Alos Id be interested in the Nataraja Symbolism page but the link is broken :( Thank you!
    Name :   Raji Comment :   Marvellous job. What a magnificient gift for Samsktritam lovers. God bless you
    Name :   rajani
    : Comment :   Can anyone tell me if/where I can find Gita Govindam translated into telugu or hindi. Thank You.
    Name :   Sudhakar Yamajala
    : Comment :   Sir, Thanks much for your Wonderful collection of excellent material. AIR used to broadcast one Barthruhari subhashitam padyam at the begining of Samskruta patham. I am looking out for that audio. It will be wonderful if you post it on your site.
    Name :   debnarayan
    Comment :   your brilliant and epoch making attempt induced students of varied vernaculars appreciate the indepth wisdom of the classics of Kalidas the greatest of the 5th.century Sanskrit poets of the sub-continental India. As author of the life and times of sri kr
    Name :   kumar
    URL :
    Comment :   Found oasis in a desert. dont get me wrong been in the usa too long 14+ yrs.
    Name :   Amruta R Eswara, Ph.D
    URL :   [email protected]
    Comment :   Sri Hanumantarao Garu,It is such a pleasure to read your scholarly translations of Ramayana, Kalidasas works and now Jayadevas works. Also I am personally grateful as a teacher of a Volunteer Indian culture school here in Massachusetts. They help me with
    Name :   Madhu
    Comment :   Thank you very much.I have been longing to read Geeta Govindam for so long. Madhu
    Name :   bakti
    Comment :   Namaste! Om Swastyastu! I have been wanting to read Jaya Devas Gita Govindam for a long time now. In fact last year I searched quite feverishly trying to find an internet text. Lo and behold! Today I found it quite accidently at your site ... and I found
    Name :   krishna srikanth
    URL :
    Comment :   nice site. good work keep it up. :)
    Name :   ashok
    URL :   [email protected]
    Comment :   Great effort!I could not find complete versions of ritusamhara anywhere else. iam thankful to you. this is invaluable!
    Name :   pandit a indrani
    Comment :   excellent site. i congratulate you on your wonderful dharmic work.
    Name :   V Govindan
    [email protected]
    Comment :   Sir, I have undertaken the task of rendering word-by-word meanings for kirtanas of Saint Tyagaraja. Towards the end, Your site has provided me invaluable help. Your service will be suitably rewarded by Lord. Regards
    Name :   KATHIRVELU
    URL :   [email protected]
    Comment :   I like Jeyadevas Gita Govindam since I listened to the song Chandana charchitha neela kalevara by Balamurlikrishna. Those wordings in the poem are really candy sweet.I celebrate the Great Poet Jayadeva.
    Name :   Jayadeva
    Comment :   Hare Krishna ,, thankyou for the most usefull site !
    Name :   Rajeevan
    Comment :   May the Almighty give you a long and healthy life to do more of this kind of work. The site is extremely useful to people like me who have a minimal knowledge of sanskrit and the scriptures.
    Name :   shalini
    Comment :   nice collection , very useful site
    Name :   Krishna Anantharajan
    URL :   [email protected]
    Comment :   Vwery well done !. This site is very useful and appreciate all your good work. By the way, I am able to see only upto 3 cantos in Raghuvamsa. I am looking for 12 and 13th. Can you please help me. Regards Krishna Anantharajan
    Name :   prasanth
    Comment :   nice collections sir...thankz for all ur effort...
    Name :   Dhawal Patel
    Comment :   Hi, an excellent material and explanation of geet govindam. Thank to you that due to your explanation, i am able to understand the meaning Thank you very much Jay shree Krishna
    Name :   Abhijit
    URL :   [email protected]
    Comment :   Lovely work!! I was looking for this since quite sometime now,please forward me names of some reference books on Gita Govindam or if possible post write-ups of Scholars of Gita Govindam.
    Name :   nilesh kamalkishor heda
    Comment :   good site
    Name :   parantu shah
    URL :
    Comment :   If you want i can use my site for mirroring the contents of this site. This is a work i was searching internet for years. Keep it up
    Name :   Srinivas
    Email: [email protected]
    Comment :   Hello, Thanks for taking lot of pains in making our great sranskrit kavyas available on line. can you please tell me the URL where Abhijana Saakuntalam is available on line? regards
    srinivas Nanduri
    Name :   Dr. Jaya
    URL :
    Comment :   Namaste. Congratulations and warm thanks for providing this beautiful site with translations. For those who are interested in listening to the Spring song of Gita Govindam just go to this Web location:
    Name :   Ravi Salem
    Comment :   Thanks for taking pains to give such a detailed explanation. It has really helped me to understand the scriptures. Looking forward to the next 35 shlokams in 3rd conto of Raguvamsa and rest of kumarasambhava and Ramayana.
    Name :   Amruta
    URL :   [email protected]
    Comment :   Thank you very much for making it possible for me to enjoy these wonderful books in English Translations without which people like me would have been deprived this pleasure for ever. Amruta R Eswara Boston, MA
    Name :   Vijaya P Subramony
    :   [email protected]
    Comment :   I thoroughly enjoyed your splendid and remarkable translation of Jayadeva Goswamis Gita Govindam which is a stupendously divine literary work. Please keep up your great work for knowledge seekers like myself
    Name :   Nischal Reddy Comment :   Thank you so much for this wonderful website! I finally found what I have been searching for years now -- transliteration of Kalidasas Raghuvamsa
    Name :   Shyam
    Comment :   Thanks for making this beautiful translation of Gita Govindam, which I was searching for many years and got at last on your site. May Thakurjee (Lord Krishna) shower HIS CHOICEST BLESSINGS on you for this SERVICE TO HIM.
    Name :   Smt. Renu S. Malhotra
      [email protected]
    Comment :   Very nice! A few links do not work
    Name :   Daniel
    URL :
    Comment :   Nice website: Ramayana, Raghuvamsha, Ritusamharam and gita govindam. All translated into english. You are doing a great job. Keep it up!
    Name :   Ghanesh
      [email protected]
    Comment :   RadheKrishna!! :-) Madhuram Madhuram. Radhe Krishna Madhuram.
    Name :   Ambarish Srivastava
      [email protected]
    Comment :   AdaraNiYa Desiraju mahodaya, bhavAn tu ekaH mahAn svayamsevakaH . Samskritasya pracAra kAryArthe Idrisham janAnAm eva Avashyakataa.etat sevArtham Aham bhavataH AbhArI asmi. aham prArthanA karomi yat bhavAn dIrghAyuH prApnuyuH. bhavataH sevAbhilAshI
    Name :   mccomas
    URL :
    Comment :   Thanks for some very useful material
    Name :   Rajeev G.Mavinkurve
    URL :
    Comment :   Excellent work. If you have pdf file created of Valmiki Ramayan, it will be great!
    Name :   Deepa
    Comment :   It simply superbbbbbbbb....Please write..Please write..and thank you soo much. I wish I too can do this service you are doing.
    Name :   Kumaresan
     Comment :   It is a wonderful service to translate the work Kumarasambhava by Sri Kalidasa. It would be of great service in particular to Lord Murugas devotees if the whole work has been translated. So please finish the whole translation work.
    Name :   shobha
       Comment :   Dear Sir, I salute your efforts. I have been learning sanskrit for a while now. I am still a beginner to some intermidiate level student. While searching for Kalidasas KumarSambhav I stumbled upon this website. What can I say I am impressed with th