
A Pronomial-Prefix is the verb-prefix which denotes the pronoun (i.e. who the verb is talking about).
It is used instead of a stand-alone pronoun such as "I" or "They" in English.

Number Pronoun Explanation Grammatical Name Short Notation
Singular I I, singular (regardless of gender) First person, Singular 1s
(1st, Singular)
"Thou" You, singular (regardless of gender) Second person, Singular 2s
(2nd, Singular)
He He, singular (masculine) Third person Male, Singular 3ms
(3rd, Masculine, Singular)
She She, singular (femail) Third person Female, Singular 3fs
(3rd, Feminine, Singular)
It It (animal or inanimate object), singular Third person Neutral, Singular 3ns
(3rd, Neutral, Singular)
Dual We Two,
You and I (regardless of gender)
First person, Inclusive, Dual id
(Inclusive first person, Dual)
We Two,
(I + someone else)
Someone else and I (regardless of gender)
First person, Exclusive, Dual ed
(Exclusive first person, Dual)
You Two You-Two
You and Someone else (regardless of gender)
Second person, Dual 2d
(2nd, Dual)
They Two
They-Two, Male
those two male-people (men, boys, chaps, male-senior-citizens, whatever.)
Third person, Exclusive, Dual 3md
(3rd, Masculine, Dual)
They Two
(fem. or neut.)
They-Two, Female
those two female-people (women, ladies, girls, female-senior-citizens, whatever.)
Third person, Feminine, Dual 3fd
(3rd, Feminine, Dual)
Plural We All,
We-all, including you Inclusive first person, Plural ip
(Inclusive first person, Plural)
We All,
(without You
[one or many])
We-all, not including you Exclusive first person, Plural ep
(Exclusive first person, Plural)
You All You-all, plural (regardless of gender) Second person, Plural 2p
(Second person, Plural)
They (masc.) Those (more than two) Male people Third person, Masculine, Plural 3mp
(3rd person, Masculine, Plural)
1. They (fem.)
2. Those (inanimate)
Those (more than 2) Female people, or
Those (more than 2) Inanimate objects
(the Neutral gets a Feminine conjugation)
Third person, Feminine and Neutral, Plural 3nmp
(Third person, Non-Masculine, Plural)


Indicating Active or Passive (Agent or Patient)
The pronomial-prefix gets different forms when it denotes an active role (the person is doing something, e.g. "We hunt") and when it denotes a passive role (something is done to the person, e.g. "We are hunted"). For example, the Exclusive-first-person, Plural ("We-all, not including you") has the form "akwa-" when denoting an Active role, and the form "ökwa-" when denoting a Passive role. In the notation, we add the letter "A" to indicate the Active form of the pronomial-prefix, and the letter "P" to indicate its passive form. So, for example, the prefix "akwa-" is denoted as "EpA" (Exclusive, Plural, Active) and "ökwa-" is denoted as "EpP" (Exclusive, Plural, Passive)

Relevance of "Stem-Class" (first letter of the word)
The first letter of the word affects the form of the pronomial prefix (e.g. lengthen the vowel, nasalize it, etc.). So it is sometimes necessary to indicate which form of the prefix we are referring to.
To indicate this, the "stem-class" is added to the notation, after a slash. For example when we want to say that we are talking about the Exclusive-First-Person Plural ("We-all, not including you"), when it denotes an Active role, in the form it has when it comes before a nasal-e ("ë"), we add "/Ë" after the notation for the pronoun ("EpA") to get "EpA/Ë".


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Uhkwa'   « Ökwe'ôwékhá' » Háyatôôk   ne   Gil Freundlich
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