Township of Hamilton
Gillespie, Alexander, living with family of five persons

Gillespie, Thomas, l
iving with five persons

Gillespie, William, l
iving with two persons

Township of Haldimand
Gillespie, Peter, age 20, teacher, living with William Betty family.

Gillespie, George, age 41, farmer, living with sisters Margaret, age 43 and Isabell, age 45.

Gillespie, William, age 30, farmer.

The Town of Cobourg
Gillespie, Eliza, living with three persons

The Town of Port Hope
Gillespie, Nathaniel, age 69, born Ireland, Presbyterian, painter
Gillespie, Cecelia, age 66, born Ireland, Presbyterian
Gillespie, Tobias, age 37, son, born Ontario, painter, Presbyterian
Gillespie, Lizzie, age 39, daughter, born Ontario Presbyterian

Gillespie, Mary
, age 62, widow, born Ireland, parents born Ireland, Church of England
Gillespie, John, age 26, son, born Ontario, parents born Ireland, C of E

Gillespie, Isaac, age 21, married, born Ontario, parents born Ireland, Church of England, florist
Gillespie, Charlotte, age 18, married, wife, born Ontario, parents born Ireland, C of E
Gillespie, Mary V., age 3/12, daughter, born Ontario, parents born Ontario. C of E

Cavan Twp - listed under Ontario County in previous census
Gillespy, John, male, age 63, married, born Ontario, parents born Ireland, C of E, farmer
Gillespie, Mary, female, age 59, married, born Ontario, Irish C of E
Gillespie, Margret, female, age 23, daughter, born Ontario, parents born Ontario, C of E
Gillespie, William, male, age 21, son, born Ontario, C of E
Gillespie, Luis E., male, age 19, son, born Ontario, C of E
Gillespie, Jemina, female, age 17, daughter, born Ontario, C of E
Gillespie, Ema, female, age 15, daughter, born Ontario, C of E

No Gillespies in Peterborough Town, Smith Towship

Ashburnham Village
Gillespie, Joseph, male, age 48, married, born Ontario, parents born Scotland, Presb, millright
Gillespie, Annie, female, age 38, married, wife, born Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, Presb.
Gillespie, William, male, age 16, son, born Ontario, parents born Scotland, Presb.
Gillespie, Elizabeth, female, age 13, daughter, born Ontario, Presb
Gillespie, John, male, age 9, son, born Ontario, Presb
Gillespie, Thomas, male, age 7, son, born Ontario, Pres
Gillespie, Melville, male, age 4, son, born Ontario, Presb
Gillespie, Sarah, female, age 2, daughter, born Ontario, Pres

Gillespie, Elizabeth, female, age 44, widow, born Scotland, parents born Scotland, Presb.
Gillespie, Margaret, female, age 5, daughter, born Ontario, Ontario, Scotland, Presb.
Gillespie, Frank, male, age 3, son, born Ontario, Ontario, Scotland, Pres

Gillespie, James, age 38, married, born Ontario, parents born Scotland, Pres, wood worker
Gillespie, Margaret, age 34, married, born Ontario, parents born Ontario, Pres
Gillespie, Alexander, age 6, son, born Ontario, parents born Ontario, Presb
Gillespie, Bruce, age 4, son, born Ontario, Pres
Gillespie, Jane, age 2, born Ontario, Pres
Gillespie, John, age 4/12, son, born Ontario, Presb

Continued Next Page
Brock Twp
Gillespie, Malcolm,
age 77, married, born Scotland, father born Scotland, mother born Scotland, Protestant, farmer
Gillespie, Alice, age 60, married, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, Protestant
Gillespie, Alice, age 27, daughter, born Ontario, father born Scotland, mother born Scotland, Protestant
Gillespie, Bella, age 25, daughter, born Ontario, Scotland, Scotland, Protestant
Gillespie, Christina, age 23, daughter, Ontario, Scotland, Scotland, Protestant
Gillespie, Paul, age 21, son, Ontario, Scotland, Scotland, Protestant

Thorah Twp
Gillespie, Duncan, age 38, married, born Ontario, father born Scotland, mother born Scotland, farm laborer, stray, living with Wescott family.

Gillespie, Archibald, age 38, married, born Ontario, father born Scotland, mother born Scotland, Presbyterian, farmer
Gillespie, Effie, age 35, married, Ontario, Scotland, Scotland, Presbyterian
Gillespie, Gilprin, age 8, son, Ontario, Ontario, Ontario, Presbyterian
Gillespie, Euphemia, age 4, daughter, Ontario
Gillespie, Benjamin, age 3, son, Ontario
Gillespie, Hayman, age 1, son, b. Ontario
Gillespie, Catherine, age 40, sister, born Scotland, father born Scotland, mother born Scotland,
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