Interstate Doubleheader

"Let's play two!" - Ernie Banks, Hall of Fame Outfielder for the Chicago Cubs

Recently I had a chance to enjoy the wonderful experience of dressing not merely on successive nights but in different states with two marvelous sets of girlfriends. I just have to share some of the experience with you.

It started on a Friday night when I made plans to go out to the Queen Mary with two great girls in the LA area, Laurie Kastler and Melissa Angelique. I got to know Laurie when I ran across her site and pics courtesy of KC's Top 10! Laurie is a very talented stage performer (opera no less!) and she has the greatest pair of legs, long and stylish. I had met Melissa a couple of weeks before at the QM and was impressed by her fun loving style. So Melissa and I rendezvoused with Laurie at the QM. When she first stood up to say hello on those gorgeous legs it was as if she was levitating off the bar stool in her short skirt. (She wore a leather jacket to boot and she and Melissa eventually swapped jackets as they put on their own little fashion show at the QM.) Danced and partied away until 2 am and when I wasn't doing the modern stuff on the dance floor, Laurie was trying to teach me a rather complicated European classic dance step that was just too much.

After the QM closed, we agreed that it would be fun to go back to my room and take some pics together. You can see some of the photo handiwork here and on Laurie's site too. I stayed with my two piece black velvet outfit together with a sheer black top and black suede pumps. We had a great time trying out our different moods and posing for the camera and the wee, wee hours came all too soon. Great girls and great fun!

The next day I had to travel to Phoenix for business and decided to throw in a little pleasure. I had corresponded with a Vanity Club member, Lacey Leigh, who seemed to have a sense of humor and might be the sort of person to act as a good guide to "a stranger in a strange land." We made plans to grab a bite to eat followed by a visit to 307, the leading TV club in Phoenix. Lacey brought along her fellow VC member, Joellyn, and so off we went as a threesome. (You can read Lacey's independent description of the evening on her site as well.) This time I wore my new Victoria's Secret black silk sleeved sheath dress with black leather pumps, all topped off with Mexican silver jewelry and Tuscany perfume (my absolute favorite). We spent the night watching the show by the performers (karaoke style) and socializing with a number of other of the TGs who were there that night. (That's me on the left with one of the beautiful girls who joined in the fun.) Except that we didn't get to dance (and I guess by now you have figured out that I like to dance) we had a marvelous time until, sadly, closing time arrived yet again. As we left we just had to snap a quick pic in front of the 307 to freeze our memories in time.

All in all a weekend to remember and I hope I get to repeat it again sometime soon with other new friends. (If this sounds like fun to you, and you are TG, drop me an e mail with your comments and observations.)


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