Fit to be Towed!!!

(Follow the links in the article to see the marvelous photos)

I don’t want to get in the habit of describing every night out for dinner and clubbing but this one is too good to pass up. 
In October a VC sister Vickie Pacheco, visiting LA from Nevada, and I joined about 20 other girls for dinner at Luca’s in West Hollywood. Food was very good (veal saltimbocca and a nice pinot grigio) as was the company. Our table of 4 included a friend I met several months ago at the QM and her GG fiance who really gets a kick out of girls like us - so much so that the two of them had gone shopping for $200 of makeup earlier that week! After dinner Vickie and I walked out to my car which we parked in a residential area just around the corner - TO FIND MY CAR TOWED AWAY! 
(This is a regular tactic of the jerks who run city government in supposedly friendly West Hollywood. A local told  us they post signs in obscure places about needing a local permit to park on city streets - a cheap ploy to pick  visitors’ pockets for the enrichment of the city’s coffers.) So what do you do when you’re en femme and  stranded at 11 p.m. with places to go? Whip out the cell phone and go on the offensive! Called the impound lot, told them to keep that little sports car handy because we were on our way and they better have it ready. Then grabbed a cab (no minor miracle in LA believe me), where we made the driver’s night  with our laughter and clowning around - not to say our legs and looks as well. At the seedy impound lot office Vickie and I were irrepressible and irreverent. We had a ball taking pics and it was a riot handing over to the counter cretins Gina’s drab driver’s license and car registration. After forking over $125 of hostage money (wished it could have been in Confederate money!) we bopped on over Laurel Canyon to the Queen Mary in time to have a nitecap and get in 2 full hours of dancing.  Total elapsed impound time: 1 hour! Girls, where there is a will there’s a way.
Any lessons learned? You bet girls! (1) Always carry your cell phone for safety and a host of other reasons. (2) Never go anywhere without your American Express card (or adequate amounts of ransom cash, preferably in unmarked bills). (3) Before you get towed eat a nice meal and make sure your makeup is OK before you walk in that tow lot office - you never know who you’ll run into there. (4) Never, ever, ever lose your sense of humor and self-confidence - if I could get myself out of a situation like this so can you! (By the way remind me some day to tell you the story about the police helicopters and the night I played guardian angel!) Ciao baby! 


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