Gina & Vicki Visit the Getty

Getty sign All you culturephiles out there surely have heard and read about, if not visited, the Getty Museum in LA. In April a visit from my friend Vickie afforded a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the museum and grounds en femme and let me say is this the way to view art!

Getty Garden Vickie arrived at mid-Friday after flying en femme from her home and off we went ASAP. (Artist lingo for pronto.) It was a glorious sunny day and we were thrilled as we took the tram up to the museum and rose to the heights from which we could see LA to our left and the ocean to our right. Once there it was hard to select from the cornucopia of things to see in the time available in but a few hours. We settled on the Greek and Roman sculpture first (after all how can one quarrel with all those beautiful bod ies), then into the Impressionist collection (a Monet "haystack," Van Gogh's "Irises" and more) and so on. Eventually we made our way into the garden where we couldn't resist firing off a few self-centered pics. (Smile.)

Getty Garden Getty Fountain Getty Wall Getty Fountain (Vicki) Getty Garden (Vicki) Getty building

Some of you may not know that the Getty is both a museum and a center for teaching and the restoration/preservation of art around the world. For me the building itself also is a true work of art by itself. Constructed of Travertine marble on a tall point high above West LA/Westwood it gleams in the sunlight and offers the most magnificent of views. If you are lucky enough to be in one of the after hours VIP receptions when the sunsets to the west the romantic quality rivals that of Hawaii. (OK a bit of hyperbole but you get the point.)

Vicki Close up Gina on Mulholland

After we left the Getty, Vickie and I drove along Mulholland Dr. which runs along the top of the crest between Beverly Hills and the San Fernando Valley and offers great views both directions. Off course these two girls couldn't resist stopping above the Stone Canyon overlook and snapping off a couple of poses for your enjoyment. What do you think? How about that little British racing green machine? Love it?

The Miata Gina and her baby

Then off for a wonderful dinner at Orsini's in West LA where the aficionado and maitre' de, Igor (great name don't you think?), catered to our every wish and desire (well almost every one). Aperitif, then appetizers (I had the carpaccio), then pasta carbonara followed by the most wonderful fish (I had sea bass and Vickie had the snapper filleted ever so expertly by Igor). All of a sudden we realized that it was near 11 and the party night was slipping away so into my chariot and off to the Queen Mary in LA. There we ran into a number of friends/acquaintances, including friends Laurie and Melissa, who have been victimized at one time or another by having to accompany me on one of my party binge nights. Also happened to catch the GirlTalk Magazine monthly party at the QM so an especially interesting mix of people. Danced the night away yet again and Vickie was especially lovely don't you think? Finally in the wee hours we decided enough was enough and off we went.

(L to R) Melissa and Vicki (L to R) Gina, Laurie, and Melissa Laurie Kastler Laurie Kastler Laurie Kastler
But a splendid day and night it was. So just remember - when you're in LA grab some culture at the Getty and enjoy life en femme to the max.

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