Those of you who know me have heard of my grandmother. I call her Ma. I have created this page for her and as an inspiration to all who are battling cancer.
In September of 1999, nearly a week after my 22nd birthday and a few days after I lost my grandfather to cancer, my grandmother, Nina announced that after about sixty years of smoking, the doctors had found black spots on her lungs.  They were cancerous.  She decided to fight.
A few months later, the doctors discovered that she is allergic to iodine.  There would be no chemotherapy for Ma.  She was willing to try other methods.
If you do not know my grandmother, then let me say that to call her a survivor is an understatement.  She has survived no less than Stomach cancer, a Brain Tumor the size of a grapefruit, and Breast Cancer. (now she's "only got one").  She is considered clinically depressed
And yet, at 72, she still wants to live. I spoke with her the other day.  The cancer has spread. It is now affecting her remaining breast.("so they might have to whack that one off too")
8/10/00  I went to visit Ma Yesterday.  Her spirits were high, And we didn't talk about her cancer at all. I think she liked that.
Her cancer has spread to her remaining breast.
11/30/2000  Since the last entry there have been many new developments. The last time I visited Ma at her house in Point Loma, She told me that she had decided to try chemo again. She had never finished her treatments the last time.  Her final appointment in this go around really affected her badly. The appointment was on Friday. she didn't eat or drink all weekend.  By Monday she could not get out of her chair.Tuesday, her doctor decided to keep her at the hospital because she was dehydrated and couldn't walk.  they found a tumor in her throat and one in her leg. She had Pnumonia.  She has since been moved to a 24 hour care facility. A nursing home until she can take care of herself again.
Since being placed in the home, Ma's cancer has travelled to her spine. They have given her any where from three days (more than that have passed) to three weeks. We are taking it day by day and  are seeing her as much as possible.
Unfortunately all the drugs in the world will not stop the fact that she still smokes (or would if she could. I am not going to preach, but you see, my grandfather died of lung cancer too.  If you smoke now, get help and stop.  Your lungs will heal. 
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that in the evening of January 4, 2001, Ma passed away. My sister, mother, and I had the opportunity to be there with loving words and touch in her last moments as she took her final breaths of air laced with morphine to help her relax.  It was a quiet, peaceful passing.
I think of Ma every day, and I am inspired by her. I hope that she will inspire you too. I have added links to cancer sights and smokers support groups.  If you need it, I will be happy to be there for you, to support you if you decide to quit smoking or if you need encouragement in your own fight against cancer.
Shawna and I walked the breast cancer walk October 21, 2001 in Ma's honor. Pictures are forthcoming
Shawna, Momi, crissi, and I walked the breast cancer walk on October 20, 2002. Our team is growing, now for a name!
Coming soon, Survival Stories from other people I know.
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