Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name: :   Preacher
Location: :   Norcross
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   UpSouth Entertainment, Inc.
Comment: :   Pleasure to meet you Giovanna. Let's stay in touch! Preacher
Name: :   Ras Akono
Location: :   Buffalo, NY
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   Greetings Empress; Mi jus happen pon yu page, an it ta hot yu know zeen! One Love. -Akono
Name: :   Dwayne Garner
Location: :   Ft. Bragg/Fayetteville,North Carolina
Email: :   [email protected]/[email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   "Wham tuh yuh gyal!" Thanxs fah de holla. ah hope dat we can get a chance tuh chat some time! Also, mi address is: Dwayne Garner/P.O. Box 9226/Fayetteville,NC.
Name: :   paul
Location: :   jamaica
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   yu look suh sweet yu really a gem fi true.Peace my sister.
Name: :   #1 Promoter Supporter
Location: :   Atlanta, GA
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   Just showing you some love as only I know how!
Name: :   Madd******
Location: :   All 'bout
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   Web page well bashy!
Name: :   simon ambrister
Location: :   nyc
Email: :   
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   your web page a say one
Name: :   Kelisha
Location: :   Cow Town, Canada
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   Juss a mek yuh know mi was here and yuh page aight....lata
Name: :   Lavonne
Location: :   Connecticut
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   I really enjoyed reading your guestbook, and you have done an wonderful job on your web should be very proud of youeself. Keep studying hard and you will excel beleive that....
Name: :   Karelle
Location: :   Yard (J.A)
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   NONE yet
Comment: :   My girl, your website sucks because I couldn't read sone stuff on it but I liked it none the less. It was great to see what's going down with you and remember back in dem days when we were tight. Stay cool my fren Karelle P.S. take off dem ugly
Name: :   DannyB
Location: :   Boston - Originally Ja
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   Hey there GEM .. nice to another jamaican/campionite out there .. pretty nice webpage filled with nuff nuff pics .. i am sure you knwo seh you fine already to .. well peace out .. -d.
Name: :   Sean Mavrick
Location: :   Miami, Florida
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   I appologise for using your comment boxs to do this, but I cannot help it. Damn girl you are fine. Let me go before I die with lust (lol) Nuff luv My Jamiacan Emperess likkle more ps. oh by the way I went to school up the road from you. yes
Name: :   Tonisha!!!!!!
Location: :   somewhere
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   dont have one
Comment: :   dun know jamaican gem, none other than ME hailing you up. cant see i never sign your guest book right? n e way inna de latas. toodles
Name: :   Delinquentz
Location: :   CA
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   check out ma site --
Name: :   Richard a.k.a Shadrock
Location: :   Atlanta but from Yard
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   Big up Yu self GEM cause mi know seh yu a one origianl Yardie fi life. Yu 'ave a smile of a Princess and dats how yu should be treated. Mi agree wid weh yu seh bout how di people dem ignorant, but nuh watch nuh face just mek we keep on portraying yard in
Name: :   krishna
Location: :   cayman
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   not hooked up yet
Comment: :   you got my honest opinion already
Name: :   Gyasi Simpson
Location: :   Somewhere
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   none
Comment: :   
Name: :   leroy
Location: :   toronto
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   Very nice job. You come across as being really down to earth plus funny. Good luck in your endeavors. Nuff respec' guidance and jah bless
Name: :   natasha tubman
Location: :   charlotte,nc
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   you did a really good job with your page !!
Name: :   Nicky Rain
Location: :   
Email: :   
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   This is a nice site..... found it on go GIRL
Name: :   punisha sound
Location: :   tampa
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :
Comment: :   just waah seh big up fi the 2002 hope u drop by sometime latas
Name: :   Nicole Gayle
Location: :   
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   ...and the award for best smile goes to........GEM!!! Hi, got ur link thru another website. very nice i might add, keep up the good work, all the best on your endeavours...ONE!
Name: :   Dehmac
Location: :   Atlanta, Ga.
Email: :   [email protected]
Yr Web Page: :   Currently down
Comment: :   Just wanna hit your spot to let you know I think your shizzel, my gizzel. Your "My favorite samich (sandwich) and a bag of my favorite chips, with a pickle to the side. One Luv,
Name: :   Troy
Location: :   ATLANTA
Email: :   
Yr Web Page: :   
Comment: :   LOVE yr page GEM!!! Its blazin...and so are you... You so tweet..stay dat way.. you are truly special indeed
Name: :   chris
Location: :   jamaica
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :   
Comment: :   hey Gem whats poppin? im just stoppin by to see the updates. Love Chris PS: Keep Smiling
Name: :   Kim Fowler
Location: :   Atlanta
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :
Comment: :   Gio- your pg is on point. You know your gyrl will be graduating soon- so you'll have to hold down the party scene for me! Cause mi got a man now and can't shake mi booty like mi use to. love you and keep in touch
Name: :   trienia
Location: :   Belize
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :   
Comment: :   I saw your site and loved it, pretty cool and tite, nuff love Trienie
Name: :   Devon Brown
Location: :   Jamaica
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :   
Comment: :   jah know katty mi luv how yu flex yu no stop crack mi up mi go tru all yu picture and no stop laugh on the comment dem wey yu mek bwoy girl yu funny no raas.....
Name: :   Tamara Henry
Location: :   Jamaica
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :   
Comment: :   God blessed the day when you were born.
Name: :   Norris
Location: :   Maryland, USA
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :
Comment: :   Just happen to find your site, i like your outlay and your sense of humor. Big up and keep sweet, caude you are
Name: :   jellybean
Location: :   england
Email: :   [email protected]
URL: :   
Comment: :   Hi Gem had a very enjoyable tour around your webpage and I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into it excellent.and you are absolutely correct you have a beautiful smile it can brighten up any day and I wouldn't mind playing in your hair!!!!Im
Name: :   Jamaicanchic
Location: :   Macon, Georgia
Email: :   
URL: :
Comment: :   This is a very nice website! Keep up the good work :). Nice pic layout as well.
Name: :   Jerry
Location: :   Atlanta
Email: :   
URL: :   
Comment: :   Wild Gio..yr page is are so interesting i read your profile and liked what i saw. . talk to ya soon...
Name: :   Gary
Location: :   Brazil
Email: :   
URL: :   
Comment: :   Jamaican Gem you have such a nice smile.You are truly beatiful..i love your page.. You must have put in alot of time into it..continue the good work..take care of yourself in Atlanta..
First Name :   Tanya
URL :   
Comment :   Big Up Gio, de bes wep page mi see in a LONG time. Nuff Respec. Love di CC pics, wish you had more... T
First Name :   Arod
URL :   
Comment :   Your site is sweet!!
First Name :   Chris - Again!
URL :   
Comment :   Hey Gemma i just stopped by to say hello again, i was reading all em comments from persons who viewed the page and i will agree in saying Well Done!! Stay sweet and remember u truly are a GEM
First Name :   ELHADJI A KANE
URL :   
First Name :   Kigoma
Comment :   what a gwaan, just a pass through and a link me brethren. from back in EXED days, you were always the loud GIO and thing, but over the years you have been a sweet and good friend, i appreciate your friendship and if you ever need a friend, you know, where
First Name :   Tamara
URL :   tammy
Comment :   You have done well in life so far. Keep up the fantastic job that you are doing and thanks for rembering Jordan and I in your friends column. Love always, TAMMY
First Name :   Courtenay
URL :   
Comment :   I am impressed. well done
First Name :   Simone
URL :   
Comment :   Gio I was looking up some baby names thought u might find this interesting: The name of Gem creates an overly-sensitive nature which causes you to sense and feel far more than you can understand or put into words. You have a deep, artistic, and creative
First Name :   John
URL :   [email protected]
Comment :   Hi Giovanna.All of a sudden you have reappeared from the past I want to wish you the very best . T.
First Name :   Jason
URL :   
Comment :   very nice i like the fade
First Name :   Nayadin
URL :   
Comment :   hey geo!!!! cool website!!beautiful pictures of Charlee, Tanya..and the women at ASC...I can see you spent a lot of time on your website..but where do you get this time..between studing, classes and partying? gyal ya soo talented!
First Name :   Danny
URL :   
Comment :   Love yr web site Gio u got a nice smile yuh picture gallery is fully loaded
First Name :   ChrisHardy
URL :   
Comment :   Hey tweetie, i just wanted to look on some of the pics AGAIN stay sweet! Love you always
First Name :   Tina
URL :   
Comment :   I really ejoy viewing ur page. I work with christopher, he told me about the page and i checked it out. You are a beautiful black girl!
First Name :   chris
URL :   
Comment :   hey boo u know everything u do i will support u. it looks kinda childish but hey, who can hate tweetie? luv chris ur boo 4eva
First Name :   Island gurl
URL :   surfer
Comment :   Big UP Giovanna Nice web page my island sister.. u got some neat pics in your photo gallery. Good luck with your college studies in Atlanta. Stay positive and remember your roots always. Peace and love...
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